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Open source 3D virtual collaboration toolkit

Open source 3D virtual collaboration toolkit
Related:  cheops7

Web Sticky Notes Second Earth This version of the story contains additional content that was not published in the print edition of the magazine. This bonus content appears in special boxes found throughout the story. The print version of the story can be found here. A thunderhead towers at knee level, throwing tiny lightning bolts at my shoes. The weather is nicer on the East Coast: I can see pillowy cumulus clouds floating over Boston and New York, a few virtual meters away. The red polka dots over Phoenix and Los Angeles indicate a hot day, as I would expect. Once you've downloaded the appropriate software from Second Life and Google Earth, many locations mentioned in this story can be accessed using special links in the copy. “Any clue why this dot is blue?” “Let me check something,” Manbi/Corbin responds. “I guess it’s feeling blue,” he jokes.

Production on Demand For You And Your Business Second Places | OpenSimulator-in-a-Box If you have seen Second Life and seen OpenSimulator and wish you could have a grid just for yourself, your company or even just your friends. Then OpenSimulator-in-a-Box is just for you. Second Places will host, manage and update a Virtual Private Server that hosts the most recent internally tested OpenSimulator Platform with voice communications and Second Places OpenSimulator Manager. The OpenSimulator Manager will allow you to create, modify and remove people who access your OpenSimulator meaning you have complete access control on who can gain access to your world and you know exactly who they are. As well as unlimited number of standard accounts, you will have a land owner account that can set land permissions, split up land, setup media and have complete control over the virtual world island. Each virtual world starts with just one island but more islands can be added at any time. Please use the options below to purchase your OpenSimulator-in-a-Box . OpenSimulator-in-a-Box Pricing *

API (beta) Do you want a quick sketch-creator on your homepage? Try the embeddable version of cosketch. The embeddable version of cosketch integrates seamlessly with your website and allows your users to instantly collaborate on drawings and chat in real time without leaving your site. There are three versions of the control. Embeddable whiteboard Syncronized whiteboard with chat for several users. Mini sketch creator Simple, single-user canvas for quick sketch creations that for example can be used to create attachments to forum-posts etc. Fully customized Very flexible and can be used for all kinds of applications. Features availible: * Cross browser vector drawing with image manipulation. * Canvas with any size and with zoom. * Syncronized data between clients and to server. * Export as image. * Infinite undo with instant preview. * Very lightweight. * Drawing and navigation on Google Maps * Anything you can think of, don't hesitate to ask. Register To apply send an email on the contact page.

Les 7 bifurcations de la Réalité virtuelle (3/3) : Hommes, machines et jeux Par Rémi Sussan le 19/01/10 | 5 commentaires | 2,745 lectures | Impression Fin 2007, Rémi Sussan nous offrait une passionnante plongée dans les Mondes virtuels qui a donné lieu à publication d’un livre aux éditions Fyp : Demain, les mondes virtuels. Avec les 7 bifurcations de la Réalité virtuelle, Rémi Sussan s’essaye à une mise à jour du sujet. L’occasion de regarder, ce qui a évolué, ce qui n’a pas bougé. Les humains contre les machines L’homme n’est pas seul dans les mondes virtuels. De son côté Ben Goertzel, de la société d’intelligence artificielle Novamente envisage, lui, de créer des “perroquets virtuels” capables dans Second Life et consorts de retenir les propos des internautes, puis de les partager avec leurs congénères afin d’augmenter la base de connaissances globale du système : “des millions de perroquets parlants proliférant sur les mondes en ligne, chacun pouvant communiquer en un anglais très simple (…). Le premier exemple est celui de la sociologie artificielle.

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research Volume 8, Number 2 (2015): Editor in Chief Corner Toward the Futures of Real AND Virtual Worlds Essays Three Real Futures for Virtual Worlds Is a Technological Singularity Near Also for Bots in MMOGs? Conceptualizing Factors of Adoption for Head Mounted Displays: Toward an Integrated Multi-Perspective Framework Being There: Implications of Neuroscience and Meditation for Self-Presence in Virtual Worlds The eSports Trojan Horse: Twitch and Streaming Futures The Metaverse as Mediator between Technology, Trends, and the Digital Transformation of Society and Business Our past issues: All Issues

OpenSimulator: School Quick Start Guide | Digital Learning World They said it couldn’t get done…they said it wouldn’t get done…it [darn] near didn’t get done! Yet here it is, the “OpenSimulator: School Quick Start Guide,” a “one stop shop” for teachers wanting to get their schools started with 3D virtual worlds. It includes an overview, step-by-step setup directions and even sample lesson plans for OpenSimulator (aka OpenSim). For a couple of years now, I’ve been talking with a wide range of people…the geeks at ReactionGrid…fellow instructors at international and other schools…colleagues met via conferences and meetings, in Real and Second Life…about what’s holding 3D virtual worlds back in education. Co-teacher Alex Makosz and I will make the big announcement re: the e-book at the upcoming AACE ED-MEDIA Conference in Lisbon. You can get your copy from Scribd. Be sure to get the free ReactionGrid .OAR, generously donated by Kyle/Robin Gomboy and Chris Hart. Live Text Document Collaboration! Les 7 bifurcations de la Réalité virtuelle (2/3) : Qu’est-ce qui détermine l’immersion Par Rémi Sussan le 12/01/10 | 2 commentaires | 2,913 lectures | Impression Fin 2007, Rémi Sussan nous offrait une passionnante plongée dans les Mondes virtuels qui a donné lieu à publication d’un livre aux éditions Fyp : Demain, les mondes virtuels. Avec les 7 bifurcations de la Réalité virtuelle, Rémi Sussan s’essaye à une mise à jour du sujet. L’occasion de regarder, ce qui a évolué, ce qui n’a pas bougé. Le corps ou l’esprit ? Le casque et le gant de données (dataglove) appartiennent tous deux au folklore des interfaces de la Réalité virtuelle des années 80 : le casque (head mounted display) donne à l’utilisateur l’impression de se trouver à l’intérieur du monde virtuel en immergeant son champ visuel dans les images 3D et en prenant en compte les mouvements de sa tête. Bien évidemment, il serait stupide d’opposer littéralement les gants au casque, ils appartiennent au même équipement ! Le casque est le symbole de la quête de la haute définition. L’art contre “la vie” Rémi Sussan

Accueil - Internet 3 Solutions - Management Cockpit Virtuel Opensim Education | Resources for educators using Opensimulator Creating your own virtual classroom was never so easy. Opensimulator is a free, opensource virtual world platform that can host your virtual classroom on something as simple as a flash drive or scale up to thousands of users on a dedicated server. You don’t have to be a techy-tech to get started, you just have to be passionate about using cutting edge technology to teach. See the resources on this site to help you get started. Affordability Compared to other platforms, Opensim is a cost effective choice. Flexibility Opensim offers the most flexibility for creating, archiving, and sharing virtual content. Complete Control You decide which features to turn on or off to suit your needs. The Ultimate Sandbox Create an endless free sandbox on your desktop.
