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New official seal designs Posted on March 15, 2009 by Ryland Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, two new seal designs with Celtic flavor: the claddagh ring and the Scottish clan badge. New stuff Posted on February 17, 2009 by Ryland

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A Wonderful Tool for Creating and Printing 3D Models June 9, 2016 Tinkercad is an excellent 3D design tool that allows you to both create and print 3D designs and models. Tinkercad works right in your browser and does not require any software download. Students and kids can use it to unleash their creativity and design beautiful 3D models. Propnomicon: Bound Spirit Skull A spirit binding skull is a magical implement used to capture and hold non-corporeal entities. It's created using a set of obscure rituals performed on the skull of a killer that has taken a human life with his own hand. Once procured it's scoured of all flesh with black sand, sealed along the calvarium and eye sockets with a mixture of clay and bone dust, and empowered during a final casting session that consumes part of the creator's life force. To use it the caster confronts the spirit he desires to trap and begins chanting the ritual of binding. He then exposes the foramen magnum, the hole at the bottom of the skull where the spine connects to the brain, and compels the final binding.

Documentation - Installation Instructions Glossary Directory: Same as a folder. Path: A physical location on a server that describes where files and directories are. On Windows paths begin with the drive letter ( c:/inetpub/wwwroot/ ), on *nix paths start at root ( / ) like ( /var/www/ ) public_html : Common name for the directory on a webserver that contains all files that are accessible via a URL (other common names: htdocs, www) URL: Uniform Resource Locator, the address of a specific piece of information on the web ( ) Installation Requirements Required Software

Free Font Modern Pictograms by John Caserta This license can also be found at this permalink: Copyright (c) 2012, John Caserta (, with Reserved Font Name Modern Pictograms. This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. Biblionihilistica ~ Seekest not .... lest ye find "Record what I taught thee," ran the imperative, "remember mine teachings and methods. Capture, restrain, befriend and put thine trust in the Fish of Sleep, for the ways of the Fennes be manifold and wild". And so, upon my advent back to the fields of Man (and upon much reflection) I would affirm that the erst seen sky-dripping fluids were truly the (un)spoken words of Iiai Potth made visible, and so formed into a written qabbalistic speech, the wot of which then came, fully formed to my mind, and of which I did then needs write down as though by compulsion. With the initial compilation of Potth’s teachings, I did seek to put the impressions down in my own native tongue, but the resultant complexity of the thoughts were to prove contrived and niggardly and could not successfully be expressed.

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Custom Bookmarks Reach you target audience in a new way with UPrinting's bookmark printing services. If you are looking for a customer-friendly way of advertising, then these prints might be the solution. Bookmarks are perfect for establishing brand retention, since these are functional at the same time that these are used in promoting.

Cellsea Image Manipulation Sunday, June 25th, 2006 <>p>Update (June 28, 2006): Beau Hartshorne of Snipshot (formerly Pixoh) says “massive chunks” of Cellsea code are identical to Snipshot. “This is not an accidental inspiration. Check out the cropping code, the resizing code, and so on. Altered Halloween Books Tutorial, new and improved! - Better After My altered Halloween books are one of my most popular projects this time of year, so I’m bringing back a new and improved version of the tutorial. And I’m even remembering to do it BEFORE Halloween for once! *high fives self* by Michael Surtees » Blog Archive » My Link Drop Process A couple people have asked me about how I do my Link Drops —wondering if they’re some how automated. I’m sure there must be a faster way to do it, but everything I do is by hand and hard coded into a post. Even the screengrab are done by hand. There’s about ten things that I have to do to get the post ready to be published on a Friday morning. Up until now I haven’t missed a Friday since I started in last May.
