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Blog — Swayy is joining SimilarWeb
In late 2012, Oz, Shlomi, Lior and I started drawing a few ideas we had on the walls of our office. We didn’t really know what we were going to built, but we knew we want to focus on content, social media, and analytics. It took several starts until we landed on Swayy in early 2013, but once we finished building it, we felt something we hadn’t felt with any of our other projects: Not just excitement, but a lot of pride. For the two years since we’ve launched Swayy, we have been dedicated to providing the best content curation and social media analysis available. . We’ve faced many challenges along the way, and have had to make a number of big decisions – some easy, some hard. Today, we are excited to announce that we are joining SimilarWeb. We are thrilled by the opportunity to join an exceptional team of talented folks that are building the best competitive intelligence tool a marketer could ask for. Thank you for all your feedback throughout the years. Ohad and Team Swayy
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