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American Heart Association

American Heart Association

What is a Bleeding Disorder? Bleeding disorders is a general term for a wide range of medical problems that lead to poor blood clotting and continuous bleeding. Doctors also call them terms such as coagulopathy, abnormal bleeding and clotting disorders. When someone has a bleeding disorder they have a tendency to bleed longer. The disorders can result from defects in the blood vessels or from abnormalities in the blood itself. The abnormalities may be in blood clotting factors or in platelets. Blood clotting, or coagulation, is the process that controls bleeding. Within seconds of an injury, tiny cells in the blood, called platelets, bunch together around the wound. In people with bleeding disorders, clotting factors are missing or don't work as they should. Symptoms include: Excessive bleeding Excessive bruising Easy bleeding Nose bleeds Abnormal menstrual bleedingBleeding disorder risks include: Scarring of the joints or joint diseaseVision loss from bleeding into the eye Chronic anemia from blood loss.

GSM World : Home of the GSM Association disorder is not just one disease Zeta-Jones treated for bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder is a complex condition that isn't easy to categorize Left untreated, bipolar disorder tends to worsen over time Men and women are equally likely to have bipolar disorder Catherine Zeta Jones has checked herself into a mental health facility for treatment of bipolar II disorder, her rep confirmed to CNN on Wednesday. ( -- Although the symptoms of bipolar disorder can vary significantly from person to person, mental health professionals have identified four main subtypes of the illness that together are referred to as bipolar spectrum disorders: bipolar I, bipolar II, bipolar not otherwise specified, and cyclothymia. Factors that differentiate the types of bipolar include the duration and intensity of the mood swings. Bipolar I People who have bipolar I -- the "classic" bipolar disorder -- have experienced one or more manic episodes lasting at least a week and almost always one or more major depressive episodes. Bipolar II

How to Identify Cardiac Arrhythmias (With Videos) And Nursing Responsibilities Ever wonder how nurses and doctors be able to read ECG papers at ease? How they differentiate atrial tachycardia from atrial fibrillation or on how to even know what atrial fibrillation or tachycardia is? ECG reading takes some serious skill, a keen eye and a good theoretical foundations on the different dysrhythmias and the concepts around heart’s conduction and about the ECG machine itself. So What’s an ECG? ECG (or sometimes EKG) stands for electrocardiogram which was invented Willem Einthoven wherein during his experimentation, instead of using the usual adhesive leads as we have today, he would immerse each of the patients limb into containers of salt solutions and from there, their ECG was recorded. Sinus Tachycardia Sinus tachycardia is a heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute that originated from the sinus node. Rate: 100 to 180 beats per minuteP Waves precede each QRS complexPR interval is normalQRS complex is normalConduction is normalRhythm is regular Sinus Bradycardia

myCircadianClock | Salk Institute Common Cancer Types This list of common cancer types includes cancers that are diagnosed with the greatest frequency in the United States, excluding nonmelanoma skin cancers: Cancer incidence and mortality statistics reported by the American Cancer Society1 and other resources were used to create the list. To qualify as a common cancer for the list, the estimated annual incidence for 2016 had to be 40,000 cases or more. The most common type of cancer on the list is breast cancer, with more than 249,000 new cases expected in the United States in 2016. The next most common cancers are lung cancer and prostate cancer. Because colon and rectal cancers are often referred to as "colorectal cancers," these two cancer types are combined for the list. The following table gives the estimated numbers of new cases and deaths for each common cancer type: References American Cancer Society: Cancer Facts and Figures 2016.

SPD.ORG Ask Dr. Mao | The Natural Health Search Engine New Technologies in Nursing Education on ADVANCE for Nurses Section Sponsored by: Since the first light bulb flickered on (and well before, if we're honest), technology has both changed and invaded our lives. It has transformed the way we communicate, travel, eat and shop. It affects everything from how we wake to how we work to how we sleep - and how we learn. Over the past several years, there has been a push to include more technology in the classroom, with the belief that technology has become so integral in everyday life that it can only help children and adults as they pursue their educational goals. Thus, it should come as no surprise that technology has worked its way into nursing education. Students today have access to a variety of new and often exciting technologies, including simulations, electronic text books and instant access to medications, diagnoses and more via apps and online guides. Similar Scenarios Perhaps the most visible form of technology in nursing classrooms today is simulation. Kevin V. Upgrading Access Learning Modalities
