How To Use Google Drive and Evernote To Create Digital Portfolios
The following post is written by Greg Kulowiec & Beth Holland from EdTechTeacher. You can hear them both present at the April 10-12 EdTechTeacher iPad Summit in Atlanta! As iPads proliferate in schools around the world, and students as well as teachers create more and more content, questions about what to do with all of those learning objects have arisen. In other words, how can we curate this content into portfolios for assessment as well as reflection. Portfolio Curation with Google Drive Source: The Verge With recent upgrades to the Google Drive app on the iPad, it is now a viable solution for student portfolios that can be created in their entirety on iPad. The Google Drive app now allows for the creation of Documents, Spreadsheets, and Folders. The video tutorial below explains the process of creating, uploading and sharing within the Google Drive app on an iPad. Using Portfolios to Make Connections with Evernote Evernote provides one possible solution to the challenge.
Student e-Portfolios | The Big English Blog
Avec certaines classes ou certains groupes, nous allons expérimenter cette année avec la création d’un STUDENT e-PORTFOLIO à l’aide de WIKISPACES. Chaque élève devra gérer son propre espace de travail en ligne, en incluant travaux écrits et oraux. On peut télécharger les travaux sous forme de documents en traitement de texte, des images, des fichiers sons enregistrés et des vidéos filmées. L’élève devra donner un accès à Mme Léger afin de lui permettre de suivre l’évolution du travail personnel de l’élève tout au long de l’année. Le travail en ligne fera partie d’une évaluation particulière. A tout moment, il sera possible à l’élève de demander le regard du professeur à tout moment – il suffit de faire la demande par mail à l’adresse de la classe. Il est tout à fait possible pour l’élève de faire du travail au delà de ce qui est demandé en classe – c’est un peu l’avantage de ce type de travail. Pour les L LVA, le premier travail à mettre dans le portfolio sera la présentation filmée.
Digital Portfolios
Note to all visitors to this page: This wiki is a collaborative learning space. If you want to contribute to this e-portfolio or digital portfolio page, please join the wiki and then add your thoughts, your notes or describe how you created digital portfolios for your students. Please say which programs the students used, or whether they utilized Web2 tools like blogs or Wikis. Thanks! General information about Electronic or Digital Portfolios Check out this great slide presentation about . What is a digital portfolio? Lots of resources to create electronic portfolios Great "How to" tutorial to start blogging with Wordpress Diplomas Don't Prepare Students for the World. ePortfolios Do. 35 Professionally Designed Personal Portfolio Websites The !
Об электронном портфолио ученика
Идея электронного портфолио, как одного из современных методов организации обучения, не нова. Об этом рассказывается в отдельном модуле курса DigiTiiger, об этом пишут наши коллеги в блоге edublogru , публикуя примеры портфолио школьников. Поскольку многие из моих коллег давно организовали свою работу в классах так, чтобы элементы э-обучения естественно дополняли традиционную классно-урочную систему с ее традиционным (балльным) оцениванием , то постепенно стал скапливаться материал и для ученических портфолио. В результате таких инноваций отдельные наши (лучшие) ученики накопили так много разного вида работ, что назрела необходимость оформить их в виде э-портфолио. Так что ничто не пропадает, все находит новые формы... и в этом наша надежда...
Educational Technology Clearinghouse
EPortfolio Rubric (Digital Portfolio Rubric)
University of Wisconsin-Stout — Schedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree Follow us on Facebook. University of Wisconsin - Stout — Schedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree Readings on Authentic Assessment Examples of Other Rubrics
Электронное портфолио школьника – теперь по-русски.
Мы уже писали об электронных сетевых портфолио, которые можно создавать в облаке сетевых сервисов Google. Образец такого портфолио ученицы одиннадцатого класса появился на русском языке. На настоящий момент это портфолио содержит проектные работы по литературе,истории, русскому языку, черчению, математике, астрономии, географии, английскому языку, а также фотографии и туризму. При создании портфолио использовались сервисы Google Earth, Google Custom Search, Документы Google, Карты Google, Picasa, Panoramio, Sketch Up, Blogger, Калькулятор Google, Google Translate. "Точкой сборки" портфолио стал WYSWYG редактор домашних страниц Google Page Creator. MindMap карта портфолио.
CogDogRoo - StoryTools
50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story (return) Note! 50+ Ways is no longer being updated here but over at the new site for 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story-- It has more organizational features and includes ways for you to add content to the site once you join the new wiki. Below you will find 50+ web tools you can use to create your own web-based story. Slideshow Tools Generates content that allows linear playback of a series of images, some with ability to add audio. 2. Upload images from computer or flickr or upload PowerPoint files. 3. "...effortlessly combine photos and video clips with words and music to personalize your story. 4. "RockYou! 5. "Slide lets you use photos and other digital content to publish and discover the people and things that matter to you." 6. 8. Creates horizontal slide shows from flickr sets ) no text or audio.
Great Tips and Tools to Create Digital e-Portfolio
Electronic portfolios are among the most important tools in your digital kit as a teacher . In its basic definition, an educational e-portfolio is a digital collection of student work that evidences mastery of a set of skills, applied knowledge, and attitudes. The notion of portfolios has a long history in education but it is only with the revolution of web 2.0 technologies that digital eportfolios spawned the educational landscape making it way easier to build, maintain, share and archive student learning in digital forms. Portfolio Types According to Teacher vision, portfolios can be divided into two groups : P "Process oriented Process oriented portfolios tell a story about the growth of a learner. 2 Product oriented Product oriented portfolios are collections of work a student considers his or her best. Web Tools to Create e-portfolios Here some of the best web tools to help you create e-portfolios: This is my favourite and I must admit that I consider it the best of them all.