SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Social Computing - NewsGator
Feed 101 - FeedBurner Help
What are feeds? I see "RSS", "XML", and "Atom" out there, but I don't know how I might use these links when I find them. Feeds are a way for websites large and small to distribute their content well beyond just visitors using browsers.
Notable Tech Event: Feb 25th in San Francisco
Posted by Andrew Sinkov on 11 Feb 2010 Comment February is all about our partners—all those great companies and developers that are building Evernote into a wide array of cool products. We decided to do more than talk about them, we’re going to celebrate their work. And so, we give you the first annual (maybe) Evernote Notable Tech event: a night of tech, talk, and entertainment. Come out and see how you can get even more out of your Evernote experience.Get your FREE tickets now »
AWStats - Free log file analyzer for advanced s...
RSS to PDF Newspaper
Hosted or self-hosted? We want our users to be free to examine and run the code behind however they like. So rather than simply invite you to sign up for API access, we've gone to great effort to make the software easy to use and install on your own hosting account. Using our hosted service (Free, Premium) is the easiest option as we manage everything.
Irrfahrt im Glaubenssystem-Jungle Auf der Suche nach einem für mich stimmigen Glaubenssystem bin ich schnell an meine Grenzen gestoßen. Ich wusste nicht mehr was ich glauben kann und was nicht. Der Dialog mit meiner geistigen Führung hat mich in diesem Chaos wieder zur Ruhe gebracht. Madita: Ich habe Angst.
Free Web Toolbar
Carousel, a new gallery app released today by Dropbox, aims at providing an integrated solution for all photos and videos stored in a Dropbox account, unifying them in a single interface that automatically sorts files by time and location. As someone who relies on Dropbox and a custom workflow for photo backup, management, and viewing, I followed today’s announcements with curiosity and anticipation – the company’s previous photo products weren’t the most advanced or versatile ones on the App Store, but they showed an interest for turning Dropbox into a cloud-based Camera Roll, which is where Apple is struggling with its confusing Photo Stream. I took Carousel for a spin this afternoon, and I collected some first impressions below.
35 Cool Billboard Ads from Around the World
People love to be entertained. That is why laughter has an enormous power when it comes to advertising. The use of humor in advertising campaigns does not only get the attention of consumers, it also make your product or service easier to recall or remember. If there is one advertisement that you seem to remember up to this day, I am sure it is one of those funny ads you saw on a billboard while driving on a highway.
Thief Designs
“Thief is simply about honesty. Taking objects and ideas and reusing them. Retooling them.
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