Echoes of Selma -
They never linked arms to sing "We Shall Overcome." No one smacked them on the head with a club for trying to vote. They didn't march into a phalanx of armed state troopers who beat them like animals. But the forces that mobilized against demonstrators in Selma, Alabama, 50 years ago launched a movement of their own that relied on an audacious strategy: They blew a hole through the civil rights movement's most revered law by borrowing the same tactics protesters used in Selma. Watch on CNN TV Watch live coverage of ceremonies in Selma commemorating 50 years since "Bloody Sunday" starting at 11 a.m.
Volunteering Work & Gap Years
Placement location: CordobaProject lengths: From two weeksAccommodation: Host families, dorm style rooms at Primate Rehabilitation projectPrices: From £1,295Top places to travel: Iguazú Falls, Buenos Aires, PatagoniaProjects available: Agriculture & Farming | Care: Equine Therapy | Journalism | Law & Human Rights: Human Rights | Medical Electives: Dentistry Electives, Medicine Electives | Medicine & Healthcare: Dentistry, Medicine | Sports: Community Sports | Teaching | Veterinary Medicine & Animal Care: Equine Therapy, Primate Rehabilitation | Language Courses: Spanish | 2 Week Specials: Animal Care, Care & Spanish, Human Rights & Spanish, Medicine & Spanish Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world, the second largest country in South America and a place of extremes. You'll be amazed by the breathtaking scenery and great diversity in its landscapes. Projects Abroad has many opportunities for volunteering abroad in Argentina. Where we are Based in Argentina zoom
John Todd the Illuminati and witchcraft, his talk in text and audio MP3 format
Image created during the Cold War! Copyright 1980 © by Jacob Sailor "We are all ignorant; just about different things." -Mark Twain "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Frances Oldham Kelsey, FDA scientist who kept thalidomide off U.S. market, dies at 101
In the annals of modern medicine, it was a horror story of international scope: thousands of babies dead in the womb and at least 10,000 others in 46 countries born with severe deformities. Some of the children were missing limbs. Others had arms and legs that resembled a seal’s flippers. In many cases, eyes, ears and other organs and tissues failed to develop properly. The cause, scientists discovered by late 1961, was thalidomide, a drug that, during four years of commercial sales in countries from Germany to Australia, was marketed to pregnant women as a miracle cure for morning sickness and insomnia. The tragedy was largely averted in the United States, with much credit due to Frances Oldham Kelsey, a medical officer at the Food and Drug Administration in Washington, who raised concerns about thalidomide before its effects were conclusively known.
Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases - Adherence to an occupational blood borne pathogens exposure management program among healthcare workers and other groups at risk in Argentina
Adherence to an occupational blood borne pathogens exposure management program among healthcare workers and other groups at risk in Argentina Marisa MiceliI; Fabián HerreraI; Elena TemporitiI; Dong LiII; Andrea VilaI; Pablo BonvehíI IDivision of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, CEMIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina IIMyeloma Institute for Research and Therapy, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA Address for correspondence We conducted a retrospective review of 130 occupational blood borne pathogens exposure (BBP-OE) records at Centro de Estudios Médicos e Investigaciones Clínicas, a university hospital with an ongoing educational program and a postexposure management program for healthcare workers (HCWs) since 1995, in order to evaluate adherence to a hospital BBP-OE management program. We compared HCWs from our institution (Group 1) and HCWs from independent institutions that contract our postexposure management program (Group 2).
The AGI Manhattan Project - Part 2: The AGI Panopticon
On the way to school they face being monitored via microphones while riding the bus , iris scanning at the entrance , and then they're under the watchful eye of cameras and on duty police, including cameras in the restrooms and in some cases inside the actual toilets , and at lunch they might have to pay using their thumbprint. Finally, when they go home they have to worry about being recorded by camera and microphone by school issued laptops while being tracked with GPS trackers. Perhaps in a few years the system will start installing full naked body scanners into schools like are going into all of the airports. As adults we're being trained to be subjected to being frisked or filed into a naked body scanner, which are meant to become mandatory. You would never see a government official go through one of these and then post the images online, yet in the UK even children are supposed to go through them even though it violates child pornography laws .
Earth - Your life on earth
Explore BBC Earth's unique interactive, personalised just to you. Find out how, since the date of your birth, your life has progressed; including how many times your heart has beaten, and how far you have travelled through space. Investigate how the world around you has changed since you've been alive; from the amount the sea has risen, and the tectonic plates have moved, to the number of earthquakes and volcanoes that have erupted. Grasp the impact we've had on the planet in your lifetime; from how much fuel and food we've used to the species we've discovered and endangered.
ADVANCE for Occupational Therapy Practitioners
Print OT in Argentina Posted on: August 4, 2010 | By Terry K.
Arizona Drug Tested Welfare Recipients — Here Are the Shocking Results
When Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination on July 13, he peppered his 34-minute speech with a laundry list of deeply conservative policy prescriptions. Among them was a requirement — much like the one in the state budget he signed less than 24 hours before the event — that welfare recipients pass a drug test before collecting public assistance benefits.
Measuring National Progress by Happiness on ADVANCE for Occupational Therapy Practitioners
Vol. 27 • Issue 7 • Page 8 My husband and I recently spent a few weeks exploring Bhutan, a small, landlocked country between China and India. Quickly we were immersed in the strong Buddhist culture, with visits to monasteries, temples and stupas.
True, well I figured I'd dedicate this page to all the search engines that made all this possible, It's a sorta historical archive. I built a Cloud Engine though that, makes a search engine look stupid. LOL, but it's only because today things have advanced super quick, and things are much different, then years past when it all began with web crawler & netscape. by cloudexplorer Sep 5
Nothing really special here! But, BING is a good, clean Search Engine. But, do get sick of Logging in, all the time. by rod_parham Sep 5