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gotoAndLearn() - Free video tutorials from Lee Brimelow on Adobe Flash Apprendre la guitare, cours débutants morceaux acoustiques sans solfège - - Manomaya Low Level Bit Hacks You Absolutely Must Know I decided to write an article about a thing that is second nature to embedded systems programmers - low level bit hacks. Bit hacks are ingenious little programming tricks that manipulate integers in a smart and efficient manner. Instead of performing some operation (such as counting the 1 bits in an integer) by looping over individual bits, these programming nuggets do the same with one or two carefully chosen bitwise operations. To get things going I'll assume that you know what the two's complement binary representation of an integer is and also that you know all the the bitwise operations. I'll use the following notation for bitwise operations in the article: & - bitwise and | - bitwise or ^ - bitwise xor ~ - bitwise not << - bitwise shift left >> - bitwise shift right The numbers in the article are 8 bit signed integers (though the operations work on arbitrary length signed integers) that are represented as two's complement and they are usually named 'x'. Here we go. Bit Hack #1. 1. 2.

Good PHP Tutorials - Beginner To Advanced PHP Programming Tutorials Programming Methodology - Download free content from Stanford quot;SOA&quot; PetShop 3.0 Le PetShopDNG 3.0, l'Architecture Orientée Services en action par Julien BRUNET ( Weblog ) Épisode 1 Impression papier : environ 22 pages Version 1.0 Toute ressemblance et détournement d'un PetShop existant est ... volontaire ! Cet article tente de mettre en application la théorie SOA sur l'exemple académique que constitue le site Web d'e-commerce "PetShopDNG". La démarche employée est volontairement "naïve" pour susciter débats et questionnements. "[...] C'est ainsi que Thomas Gil concluait l'excellent PetShopDNG 2.0 . Pour les personnes qui n'ont jamais entendu parler ni de PetShopDNG 1.0 ni de 2.0 "le retour", quelques rappels historiques s'imposent... A l'origine, Sun a présenté à la communauté J2EE l'application Java PetStore , laquelle avait pour objectif d'illustrer les "best practice" d'un développement J2EE dans le domaine de l'e-commerce. PetShop .NET fut la réponse de Microsoft, avec les mêmes objectifs (plus un: démontrer que .NET, "c'est mieux"... :-) " [...] En effet ! " [...]

Optimizing C and C++ Code Embedded software often runs on processors with limited computation power, thus optimizing the code becomes a necessity. In this article we will explore the following optimization techniques for C and C++ code developed for Real-time and Embedded Systems. Many techniques discussed here have roots in the material we covered in the articles dealing with C to Assembly translation. A good understanding of the following articles will help: Premature optimization is the root of all evil Donald Knuth wrote, "Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. In general, correctness and readability considerations trump code performance issues for most of your code. Adjust structure sizes to power of two Place case labels in narrow range Place frequent case labels first Splitting a switch statement

On-Demand Javascript From Ajax Patterns Evidence: 2/3 Tags: Behaviour Bootstrap Dynamic Javascript LazyLoading OnDemand ScriptTag JavaScript being pulled from the server after the page has loaded Devi's concerned about initial user experience, because her new website requires lots of Javascript. How can you deploy lots of Javascript code? Ajax applications make heavy use of Javascript. Download Javascript as and when required, instead of downloading it all on page load. Initial page load is faster. Conventionally, best practice has been to include Javascript unobtrusively - by including it in one or more script tags. <html><head><script type="text/javascript" src="search.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="validation.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="visuals.js"></script></head> ... On-Demand Javascript builds on this approach to suggest just a minimal initialisation module in the initial HTML: <html><head><script type="text/javascript" src="init.js"></script></head> ... if (! Ensure

Pointer Basics This document introduces the basics of pointers as they work in several computer languages -- C, C++, Java, and Pascal. This document is the companion document for the Pointer Fun with Binky digital video, or it may be used by itself. This is document 106 in the Stanford CS Education Library. This and other free materials are available at Some documents that are related to this one include... Section 1 -- Pointer Rules One of the nice things about pointers is that the rules which govern how they work are pretty simple. 1) Pointers and Pointees A pointer stores a reference to something. The above drawing shows a pointer named x pointing to a pointee which is storing the value 42. Allocating a pointer and allocating a pointee for it to point to are two separate steps. 2) Dereferencing The dereference operation starts at the pointer and follows its arrow over to access its pointee. 3) Pointer Assignment Below are versions of this example in C, Java, C++, and Pascal., portail du guitariste: cours, achat vente, forum, partitions... Free Books A lot of people keep asking about a good list of programming books. Hence, we are building this list to save your time and to spread the knowledge. Some of these books will definitely help us to evolve our coding skills and thought processes for developing better solutions. We will do our best to keep updating this list, hope you find this list useful, here we go. Meta-List Graphics Programming Language Agnostic: NerdDinner Walkthrough Assembly Language: Bash Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide See .NET below Django Emacs The Emacs manual Thanks Emacser (October 17, 2010) Forth Git Haskell Dive Into HTML5 Java JavaScript Linux Advanced Linux Programming Lisp Lua Programming In Lua (for v5 but still largely relevant) Maven Mercurial NoSQL CouchDB: The Definitive Guide Objective-C The Objective-C Programming Language Parrot / Perl 6 Perl 6 (Work in progress) Perl PowerShell Mastering PowerShell Prolog PostgreSQL Practical PostgreSQL Python Learn REBOL Thanks Nick (October 19, 2010) Ruby Scala Scheme Smalltalk Subversion Vim
