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A chandelier that turns a room into a forest

A chandelier that turns a room into a forest

Related:  Design with Nature

GeoPathfinder has moved to new addresses! The information on this page is no longer being updated or maintained. It has been divided into new categories, and it is built and edited using new software. Natural Pools or Swimming Ponds Natural Pools or Natural Swimming Ponds (NSPs) Let nature clean the water... Chemical-free water garden and swimming pool. The plant portion, or regeneration zone, is separated from the swimming area by the wall seen a few inches below the water’s surface. The pools have skimmers and pumps that circulate the water through the regeneration zone and back into the swimming area. The aquatic plants filter out contaminants and use nutrients from the water as food which helps prevent algae. Then rocks, such as granite river rock or haydite, to which friendly bacteria attach, act as biological filters.

Terra Preta Toilets Urine diversion terra preta toilets are dry terra preta sanitation (TPS) systems based on urine diversion, lacto-fermentation, the addition of charcoal and vermicomposting to produce lasting and highly fertile soils with properties similar to the terra preta soils (GENSCH 2010 b). Pre-Columbian native populations generated terra preta soils, literally “black earth”, by incorporating large amounts of charred residues (charcoal) either produced intentionally or as a by-product from human activity into the soil together with nutrient-rich material (GLASER 2006). Nutrient-rich material was used to be human and animal manure (rich in P and N), waste including mammal and fish bones (rich in P and Ca), ash residues of incomplete combustions (rich in Ca, Mg, K, P and charcoal) or plant biomass (e.g. kitchen wastes, compost, algae etc.)

Natural pools are beautiful and environmentally friendly A natural swimming pool is a magical addition to a home where you can observe nature throughout the seasons and be closer to the wildlife you share your land with. Some of the creatures you will attract are insects like water beetles and dragonflies; birds will visit the pond to bathe, feed and collect nesting material and amphibians like the frog and newt will take up residence. Your pond will become a stepping stone for the wilderness where local native flora and fauna will find your pool and flourish. A conventional sterile pool will typically cost around £50,000 ($80,000) but a 180 m2 (2,000 ft2) organic pool like the one above only cost David about £6,000 ($10,000) to make. You can find out how he did this in his DIY manual which is free to download from his website here: Organic Pools DIY Manual.

Natural Pools or Swimming Ponds Natural Pools or Natural Swimming Ponds (NSPs) Let nature clean the water... Chemical-free water garden and swimming pool. The plant portion, or regeneration zone, is separated from the swimming area by the wall seen a few inches below the water’s surface. The pools have skimmers and pumps that circulate the water through the regeneration zone and back into the swimming area.

Natural Swimming Ponds Natural swimming ponds, also called natural pools, are a wonderful way to recreate nature in your backyard. They offer a much lower maintenance alternative to conventional pools and allow you to swim in clean, chemical free water. Consider this comment from member, Emma O’Connor (left on our Natural Ponds blog): “I would love one of these. 27 Examples Of Living Willow Fences In Use Living Willow Hedges Or 'fedges' = fence + hedge. Willows, sallows, and osiers form the genus Salix (Latin for willow), which consist of around 400 species of deciduous trees and shrubs. Willow are native to moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Almost all willows take root very readily from cuttings. Young, thin willow cuttings are known as withies, longer willow rods are known as whips.

Could Mushrooms Be The Savior To The World’s Radiation & Petroleum Footprint? Listen To This Remarkable Lecture Here is an eye opening lecture – ‘The Future is Fungi’ from passionate mycologist Paul Stamets who has devoted over 30 years to the study of fungi. His decades of work reveal it to be an incredibly robust and transformational organism. This intelligent, organic technology could be a crucial accomplice in reducing the footprint across our planet. 12 Sustainable Design Ideas from Nature “In this inspiring talk about recent developments in biomimicry, Janine Benyus provides heartening examples of ways in which nature is already influencing the products and systems we build.”-TEDx “Learning about the natural world is one thing, learning from the natural world is another.” - Janine Benyus

Ellen MacArthur Foundation In a circular economy, economic activity builds and rebuilds overall system health. The concept recognises the importance of the economy needing to work effectively at all scales – for large and small businesses, for organisations and individuals, globally and locally. Transitioning to a circular economy does not only amount to adjustments aimed at reducing the negative impacts of the linear economy. Rather, it represents a systemic shift that builds long-term resilience, generates business and economic opportunities, and provides environmental and societal benefits. Technical and biological cycles The model distinguishes between technical and biological cycles.
