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Space and Planet Photoshop Tutorials To Create Amazing Space Scenes There a lot of space tutorials out there some are better than others, I have managed to try and select a few of what I think can allow you to get great effects that look like they belong and don’t look completely Photoshopped. I tried to be as varied as possible so there are tutorials for creating planets, stars, nebulas and atmospheric type gasses. The great thing is that they lay down the building blocks to experiment and create you own stunning universe. Gas bursts and Atmosphere This tutorial shows you how to create some great gas explosions coming from the planets atmosphere with some pretty simple tools, yet looks stunning

Five whys, Part 1: The startup immune system Nivi · November 14th, 2008 “When confronted with a problem, have you ever stopped and asked why five times?” – Taiichi Ohno ▶ How to Become an Ethical Hacker Do viruses, DDoS attacks, or buffer overflows tickle your fancy? If so, you might consider becoming a legal hacker, aka an ethical hacker, "white hat" hacker, or penetration tester. Businesses and government-related organizations that are serious about their network security hire ethical hackers and penetration testers to help probe and improve their networks, applications, and other computer systems with the ultimate goal of preventing data theft and fraud.

30 free programming eBooks - Since this post got quite popular I decided to incorporate some of the excellent suggestions posted in the comments, so this list now has more than 50 books in it. BTW: I’m not very strict on the definition of “ebook”, some of them are really just HTML versions of books. [UPDATED: 2012-01-18] Guide to Ethical Hacking: Tools and Free Tutorial on Ethical Hacking What is Ethical Hacking? Computer hacking is a practice with many nuances. Intent, whether benign or malicious, is often in the eyes of the beholder. When examining the root cause of a website hack or application exploit, it pays to follow the money. A hacker will be motivated by whomever or whatever is sponsoring his or her actions. The computer security industry coined the term “ethical hacking” to describe a hacker who benevolently attacks a network or other security system – whether private or public – on behalf of its owners.

Basic Electronics {*style:<b> Get a quick start by scrolling down to the introduction below this menu table. Basic Electronics - Course Table You are at the best, free online "Basic Electronics Course". Just read the brief blocks of text, view the videos, and check out some of the screened internet links. C++ Programming/Exercises/Iterations Iterations[edit] Solutions requirements Solutions must: Use only standard C++.Be compilable.Be in accordance to general coding practices. (no esoteric demonstrations are required) and should: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist — How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3 Version date: October 2012 by Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers (based on 2nd edition by Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers)

Extreme Programming Rules Planning User stories are written. Release planning creates the release schedule. Photo Manipulation Tutorials: 50+ Wickedly Creative Tips Since our last Photoshop tutorial titled: Adobe Photoshop Tutorials: Collection of Amazing Tips And Tricks , we got so much positive feedback that we decided to put together another collection of tutorials concentrating on photo manipulation. In this post, you’ll find everything from How to Create Cityscape Concept Art to Making a Devastating Tidal Wave in Photoshop. Now the hard part will be deciding which of these amazing tutorials you will use in your next creations. Hope you enjoy!

12 Absolutely and Insanely Essential Utilities For Programmers In every era in recent times there has been one profession that for a short while you could enter without formal training. Autodidacts in the 19th century could read the law without recourse to formal education (see Abe Lincoln). In the early 20th century it was aviation. For a short while in the 1980s and early 1990s, it was computing, thanks to the release of the Apple IIe, the IBM PC and the Mac. Were it not for that Window® of opportunity, I hate to think what would have become of me. (Hey buddy, can you spare a dime?)

A Quick, Painless Tutorial on the Python Language Norman Matloff University of California, Davis June 17, 2008 ©2003-2008, N. 30 game scripts you can write in PHP, Part 1: Creating 10 fundamental scripts Getting started As both a game master/storyteller and a developer, I frequently find myself writing little utilities and scripts to help me when running, planning, and playing games. Sometimes I need a quick idea.
