Kahoot - Create Quizzes and Surveys Your Students Can Answer on Any Device
Kahoot is a new service for delivering online quizzes and surveys to your students. The premise of Kahoot is similar to that of Socrative and Infuse Learning. On Kahoot you create a quiz or survey that your students respond to through any device that has a web browser (iPad, Android device, Chromebook).
Photo Collages as Writing Prompts
In a post on Android for Schools I wrote about using Pic Collage on my Android phone to create a collage to summarize my day. Pic Collage is a free app available for Android and iOS devices. The app allows you to quickly arrange pictures on a wide variety of canvas designs, add text to your images, and add stickers to your collages. From the app you can share your collage to Google Drive, Instagram, Facebook, Dropbox, and many other file sharing services. Applications for Education Students who struggle to get started on a descriptive writing assignment could benefit from first creating a photo collage about the event or concept that they need to write about. In thinking about the images that they select, they're also thinking about what they will say about each image.
How to Attach Audio to a QR Code
I actually do not have experience with this yet, but it is definitely on my to-do list this year. Here seems to be a pretty simple tutorial on the process at Education QR Codes. You can also use the app Audioboo to assist in QR code creation.
Creating digital stories with Google Apps
Today my good friend and fellow AIM teacher Richard Smith, asked me how I would create a digital story with text, voice and music. Since I am a Googlaholic, I put my thinking hat on to find a way to create one using only Google apps.Here are the steps. Click here to read this post in a Google Doc.1. Create a story in Google presentations.
7 Ways to Create and Deliver Online Quizzes
Creating and delivering quizzes and tests online offers a number of advantages over paper-based quizzes and tests. Many online quiz services allow you to create quizzes that give your students instant feedback. Some of the services provide the option to include picture and video prompts in your quizzes. And all of these services save you the hassle of printing your quizzes.
The Best Infographics About Teaching & Learning English As A Second (or Third!) Language
I thought readers might appreciate this collection: Learn English with Kaplan How to learn English via Kaplan Blog Love learning English with Kaplan
Watch this: Google Docs can automatically generate QR Codes
Did you know that Google Docs has support for QR codes built-in? That’s right, if you know the right function, the Spreadsheets app can generate QR codes with whatever inputs you like. Don’t believe us? Watch this video for the feature in action:
free online dice maker, dice generator, worksheets and dice to print
from Tools for Educators: Create your own custom dice with pictures, text or both images and text. You can make dice with just your text or choose an image category below to make dice with those images. (See below for some ideas on how to use the dice.) Make dice with text only make one die per page make two dice per page Make dice with images:
Keep Calm And Carry On Red Meme Generator - Imgflip
The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. Easily add text to images or memes. erase Draw Add Image Add Scumbag Hat
Euro Blog Léonard de Vinci
Et voici les chindogus et leurs inventeurs!! Les images sont cliquables, pour être affichées en taille réelle. Amale : the toothpaste squeezer Théo : the bright glove
Teachers Guide on The Use of QR Codes in The Classroom
What are QR codes ? According to Wikipedia, a QR code is " a specific matrix bar code ( or two-dimensional code ), readable by dedicated QR bar code readers and camera phones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be text, URL, or other data." Here are some video tutorials to help you understand it all : Video tutorial : Introduction to QR Codes Video Tutorial 2 : Why Use QR Codes Video Tutorial 3 : How to Use QR Codes
Keep Calm and Carry On
About Keep Calm and Carry On is a catchphrase that originally appeared on a World War II-era British public safety poster. After one of the original posters was recovered and placed in a British bookshop in 2000, the inspirational message was shared online, sparking a series of image macros centered around the phrasal template “Keep Calm and X.” Origin The Keep Calm and Carry On poster was commissioned in 1939 by the temporary Ministry of Information in England, following the printing of two other inspirational posters stating “Freedom Is In Peril.
The Best Tools For Creating Fake “Stuff” For Learning
The fake “stuff” I’m referring to in the headline includes newspaper articles, sports “trading cards,” iPhone conversations, Facebook pages etc. These can be used for conversation practice, to create reports on historical figures (or on natural disasters or on just about anything) and for numerous other learning activities. Here are my choices for The Best Tools For Creating Fake “Stuff” For Learning: Boy, this could be a great tool to help English Language Learner students practice writing and reading dialogue — FakeiPhoneText lets you create a text conversation that looks like the real thing and give you a unique url address of your creation.
5 tips for creating activity instructions in PowerPoint
I started doing this because although I try and do my best to be clear, I will occasionally see a few confused looks with certain activities. Especially in the beginning when students are still getting used to my accent and my way of teaching. I decided that I would try and use diagrams more when I model an activity. You often see diagrams as a teacher. You see them in activity books, the teacher’s book and occasionally in the students’ course books. The downside is that they can take time to draw and label in the classroom and you can usually explain the activity verbally within that time.