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Public Domain Pictures.net created by Bobek Ltd. Copyright 2007 - 2015 by Bobek Ltd. Registered in England and Wales No. 5951382 Public Domain Pictures.net created by Bobek Ltd.
All printables are provided free of charge, but please read the terms of use! Terms of Use These printables are provided free of charge and are for personal use only.
Pipe Cleaner Magnetic Water Play - Modern Preschool
Summer leads to lots of water play in our house! The great thing about water play is that it’s easy to set up and clean up, like our star sensory soup. There are just a few simple materials in this pipe cleaner magnetic water sensory bin can lead to lots of play and learning time. Sensory bins are also full of all kinds of science and math concepts that little learners benefit from being exposed to. Water and magnets are 2 of our favorite areas to play with in my classroom.
Technology Instructional Strategies for Pre-K and Kindergarten
Adding technology to a preschool or kindergarten classroom is always a little bit tricky. You have to walk a fine line. On one hand, we know that when delivered in the right fashion, technology instruction can be beneficial for young children. On the other hand, we want to be certain that we aren’t just adding unnecessary screen time to the lives of kids who may already be spending far too much time on devices and watching TV.
Naturvetenskap och teknik tips
Nu var det dags att prova 3% mjölk och 40% grädde. Vad händer i de båda tallrikarna? Blir det samma resultat? Varför?
64 Positive Things to Say to Kids - Creative With Kids
Download a printable of 64 Positive Things to Say to Kids here! In the years since my grandmother has been gone, I am still inspired to notice the good things in life when I remember the way she would pause at those good moments and say, “This, now this is good.” To this day I can hear my mother encouraging me when I try new things. Her voice of confidence from my childhood continues to give me confidence now. And eighteen years after my dad died, I can still hear him, when I get too serious saying, “Lighten up, Lissy!” In moments of complete self doubt and embarrassment, I still bolster myself by thinking of him singing, “Oops, you made a mistake, and you’re beautiful to me.”
Dinosaur Coloring Pages
Raawr! Dinosaur coloring pages are here! T-rex, Triceratops, STEGOSAURUS (...) coloring pages PDF One of the more fun things with dinosaurs is we don't and can't know what color they were (I would like mine pink thank you) so there is no going wrong when coloring these.These are just some of the kids favourite dinosaurs - tyrannosaurus, triceratops, brontosaurs and stegosaurus. Those were also my favourite ones when I was growing up and I wanted to have all dinosaur coloring books out there. I loved to color Tyrannosaurus ones the most and would welcome an occasional triceratops whereas the little boy these were made for likes brontosaurs and stegosaurus the most (go figure).
How to Do Yoga in your Classroom + free printable
Yoga is a combination of physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation, character education, and healthy living practices. Bring the healthy benefits of yoga to your classroom curriculum with these forty-five classroom yoga ideas. How to do yoga in your classroom Take yoga mini-breaks throughout the dayIntroduce a new topic through kids yoga poses (ex. Rainforest = do monkey, cobra, and jaguar poses).Do a lesson on Kindness and Compassion. Download your free “40 CLASSROOM YOGA IDEAS” poster
It may be a little bit late to post these autumn leaves, but they are worth it. I saw the initial idea in my child’s creche. It took me some time to perfect the pattern and the instructions. You will need: colored printer sheets, a pair of scissors, a pencil and some glue. These are the two basic leaf shapes.
FREE Printable Art Collages
4 Free Art Collages for your child to practice their art skills! Includes Build a City, Build a Farm, Create an Ocean, and Create a Face. Includes both color and black and white cut-outs. There are 3 levels of difficulty depending on your child's age and skill level:
Just Color! ~ Free Coloring Printables
<font face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" style="" class="size12 Tahoma12"><a target="_blank" href=" | <a target="_self" href="/ForTots.html">For Tots</a> | <a target="_self" href="/index.html">Home</a> | <a target="_self" href="/ForBigKids.html">For Big Kids</a> | <a target="_self" href="/Store.html">Store</a> | <a target="_self" href="/RaisingRockStars.html">Raising Rock Stars</a></font> All material provided on this website, 1plus1plus1equals1.com is copyright protected @import url( Custom Search I have kids who love to color, so I began making free coloring printables in theme packs for them, and for you!
Apple Number Puzzles
1-2-3 Come Make An Apple Puzzle With Me! A quick, easy and fun way to get your kiddo’s sequencing numbers is via a number puzzle, which is also great for fine motor and higher level-thinking practice. One of my Y5 report card standards was to be able to put a puzzle together, so this was especially beneficial. Here's How You Make A Puzzle: Choose either apple puzzles with number strips from 1-10, for younger students, or skip counting apple puzzles, with number strips that count by 10's to 100. Print off the apple puzzles on white construction paper or card stock, laminate and cut out the individual numbered strips. Keep each puzzle in its own Ziplock Baggie.
Free Math Coloring Pages - Pixel Art and Math
Go to: Math Facts Advanced Math Place Value Holiday Coloring Squared would like for you to enjoy these free math coloring pages for you to download. There are two different difficulty levels for each function. Hover over an image to see what the PDF looks like.