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The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test Stuck with a case of massive writer's block? Has your muse gone on indefinite hiatus? Or are you just bored? Check out the random generators - with a click of a button, you can create characters, names, settings, items, and more for your creative works! The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test How to use this test: First, if you're unsure of what a Mary Sue is, please read this page. Answer all questions for which the answer is 'yes' or 'technically yes' unless the item mentioned is so commonplace in the universe you are writing for that it doesn't really make your character remarkable or unusual. If your character is a role-playing character and the only reason you can answer 'yes' is because of other players acting of their own free wills (IE, everyone has their characters throwing themselves at your character's feet and you've done nothing to force this) do not answer yes to the corresponding question. Part 1 - All Characters Questions that pertain to all characters everywhere.

WriteWorld Unique Plots The Writers Helpers Writing is Rewriting Roleplaying Tips for game masters for all role-playing systems The Mother Of All Character Questionnaires Use this list of questions to construct or add to your own characrer questionnaire. The questions cover different genres and types of details, so feel free to exclude or modify to suit your group. Questions are divided into broad categories. And similar questions and bunched into groups within their category. For brevity, I cut out most follow-up explanation type questions, such as "Why", "how come", and so on. Introduction Questions Give a two or three word description of yourself. Physical Traits How old are you? History Where is your homeland? Family Who were your parents? Relationships Do you have any close friends? Personality/Beliefs

Medieval Names - List of Medieval Names Turtle Power! My Past Does Not Define Me Character Survey Since it's inception, the character survey has served over one hundred thousand visitors in developing fictional characters for novels, screenplays, role-playing games, revolutionary war reenactments, medieval reenactments, and more. Like you, dear reader, these visitors were looking for a jumping-off point to develop a unique and memorable persona. To move the survey forward, to deepen it, to make it stronger, I'm working on a new and enhanced version of the survey. The best thing about the character survey is that it is a very simple, yet profound, tool for really getting inside the essence of a person. If you'd like a FREE copy of the enhanced character survey, answer the ONE question on this survey (here's the link), and I'll send it to you electronically when it's ready! No other obligations. Either way, thanks for stopping by!
