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10 Universities Offering Free Writing Courses Online

10 Universities Offering Free Writing Courses Online
See our list of universities that offer free online writing courses. Learn about what courses are available and what topics they cover to find the course that's right for you. Online Writing Courses for Credit Many schools offer free online courses and materials through OpenCourseWare (OCW) projects. While formal admission isn't necessary to access lectures and other materials, these courses don't usually award college credit. Students looking for the same ease of access and the opportunity to apply their study time towards a degree or certificate program might want to consider courses that can lead to an alternative form of credit. For far less than the cost of enrolling in a traditional class, Education Portal offers hundreds of online courses that allow students to start working their way towards real college credit. Free Online Non-Credited Writing Courses Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Writing and Reading the Essay focuses on the essay as a popular literary genre.

Learning Materials Learn your learning style, find materials in the language you choose to learn and even find a language partner.To view a... see more Learn your learning style, find materials in the language you choose to learn and even find a language partner.To view a video of the award winning author, go to View Lingu@net Europa - World Languages Award Winner 2007 video Lingu@net World Wide is based on the idea that if you are learning or teaching a language you could be interested in relevant resources in any language you understand - not only the resources you can find by searching in your mother tongue.Lingu@net World Wide gives multilingual access to over 3,500catalogued online resources, many of them specifically for learners. It also offers support for adult learners on how to learn a language, how to assess your level and how to communicate with other learners online.

Writer’s Digest - Writing Prompts Write a scene that includes a character speaking a different language, speaking in a thick accent, or otherwise speaking in a way that is unintelligibe to the other characters. (Note: You don't necessarily need to know the language the character is speaking—be creative with it!) Describe a character's reaction to something without explaining what it is. See if your fellow prompt responders can guess what it is.

Home Overview Management Learning & Teaching Technical Free Online Writing Courses Let’s face it writing a book is tough! Having a good idea is one thing but wrestling that idea into a readable novel is another story. Writing courses are increasingly becoming part of many writer’s route to publication. 16 Prestigious Schools that Offer Free Online Classes posted by admin on November 5th, 2008 The world of education is changing, big time. Information technology has revolutionized how we find and share information. Only 10 years ago we had to consult libraries and academics for answers to questions that are now directed to Google. While the business world is forced to change, education is lagging behind.

Text Content Analyser Generate text statistics and analyse the content of a text. Use our free text analysis tool to generate a range of statistics about a text and calculate its readability scores. Adam List of OER (Open Educational Resources) Websites Open educational resources (OER) are digitized materials that are available for use and re-use in teaching, learning, and research, very often under a Creative Commons license. In this page you can find out more about the many benefits - and some challenges - in using these valuable resources ... As part of the general and rapidly spreading open access movement, open educational resources have become extremely important for online and distance learning - both from the point of view of the teacher and the student. In addition to this page, check out the linked pages, e.g., Open Educational Resource Challenges, List of Open Eductional Resources, and Selected Open Education Resources. The benefits of open educational resources (OER) courseware Open educational resources are extremely important for teachers looking for lesson plans resources or for assisting institutions to get online programs up and running easily and quickly - and within the small budget that they are often working with.

yWriter5 - Free novel writing software to help you write a book yWriter is a powerful writing program which is free to download and use. yWriter is a word processor which breaks your novel into chapters and scenes, helping you keep track of your work while leaving your mind free to create. It will not write your novel for you, suggest plot ideas or perform creative tasks of any kind. yWriter was designed by an author, not a salesman! yWriter5 is free to download and use, but you're encouraged to register your copy if you find it useful. If you're just embarking on your first novel a program like yWriter may seem like overkill. I mean, all you have to do is type everything into a word processor!

The OpenCourseWare Consortium - Members The OCW Consortium serves both the individuals who use OER & OCW and the institutions that make OER & OCW possible. The Consortium provides a gateway to Open Education projects for the entire Open Education Community, fostering the success of the Open Education movement and articulating its benefits. The Consortium educates general audiences about the Movement, directing potential users to resources that best suit their needs.

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