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How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood

How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood
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Il y a 10 ans un livre blanc jetait les bases du bitcoin Il y a sept ans, Marshall Hayner, 34 ans, a donné à son grand-père une petite pièce d'une valeur d'environ 30 $. Sur le portefeuille en papier qu'il avait façonné pour commémorer le cadeau, l'entrepreneur et développeur de logiciels américain avait écrit : "N'ouvrez pas avant 100.000 $" mentionne Reuters. Son grand-père n'a jamais ouvert le portefeuille. Ce bitcoin a été forgé il y a 10 ans, et trouve son origine dans les entrailles d'un livre blanc. Certes, le cours des crypto-monnaies a depuis connu des hauts, et même des très hauts, et des bas. Monnaie refuge, mais pas monnaie courante Un bitcoin vaut maintenant environ 6.200 $. Mais les investisseurs précoces dans le bitcoin conservent un gain potentiel non négligeable. Si le bitcoin est utilisé comme monnaie refuge (surtout en Chine), ou encore comme un outil de spéculation, elle reste cependant une liquidité peu efficace pour traiter les paiements. "Le bitcoin est bien trop dur à utiliser"

Competing with Bitcoin Core Abstract: We examine the power and dynamics of the “Bitcoin Core” software project and we draw distinctions between the various different ways one can compete with the project. We address the misconception that the Bitcoin Core software repository has the unique capability to change or prevent changes to Bitcoin’s consensus rules. We also discuss some common misconceptions and explain that if the Bitcoin Core repository becomes hijacked by nefarious actors or deleted, Bitcoin should be largely unaffected. Venn diagram illustrating the various ways to “compete” with Bitcoin Core (Sources: Bitcoin ABC, Bitcoin UASF, BTCGPU, Bitcoin XT, BTC1, Bitcoin Classic, Bitcoin Cash Cobra, Bitcoin SV, Bitcoin Unlimited, BitcoinX, Bitprim, Bcoin, Parity Bitcoin, BTCD, Libbitcoin, Caesure, Bits of Proof, Bitcoinj, Ufasoft Coin, Bitcrust, Picocoin, Bitcoin Addrinex, Bitcoin Knots, Bitcoin-RBF, Bitcoin BitMEX Research) The three kinds of competition The debate over competing consensus rules Conclusion

Fun and Fascinating Bitcoin SEPTEMBER 26, 2013 by JEFFREY A. TUCKER Editor’s Note: FEE is a proud sponsor of the upcoming Crypto-Currency Conference on October 5, 2013. Bitcoin has revealed many astonishing things, but here’s my top pick: It has taught us that money itself—not just payment systems and not monetary policy, but the money itself—can be improved. Maybe that seems obvious now. But how come few people (if anyone) really thought of it before a few years ago? Bitcoin has shown us that money can be improved by the application of the same human energy, creativity, and crowdsourced, real-time information that has made everything else better. This phenomenon cries out for explanation, comprehension, and celebration. And this is the reason for the Crypto-Currency Conference in Atlanta, to be held October 5, 2013, at the post-industrial modernist hotel The Twelve. Plus, its continuing progress will make possible new gains in efficiencies and dramatically extend the reach of global economic integration.

:: THE MONTHLY MENTOR :: INFORMATION EUROPE 1 - Les bureaux de tabac vont vendre des bitcoins à partir du 1er janvier C'est une petite révolution numérique pour les bureaux de tabac. A compter du 1er janvier prochain, ils pourront vendre des bitcoins, la monnaie virtuelle, selon les informations d'Europe 1. Un accord a été signé la semaine dernière entre la Fédération des buralistes et la Banque de France sur ce dossier. Possibilité d'acheter des "coupons" de bitcoin. Au début, entre 3.000 et 4.000 bureaux de tabac seront équipés d'un logiciel permettant d'acheter directement des "coupons" de bitcoins pour des montants de plusieurs valeurs : 50, 100 ou 250 euros. Concrètement, ça ressemble à des placements en Bourse sauf que cela se fait sur le marché de la principale crypto-monnaie, et uniquement celle-ci. Accompagner un mouvement inéluctable. Les politiques face au vrai nouveau monde.

Bitcoin Timestamp Security This final attribute is what enables Bitcoin to have a controlled release of the supply of bitcoins. Otherwise Bitcoin would suffer from rapid inflation whenever the hashrate increased. But it turns out that this attribute assigns quite a bit of utility to the Bitcoin protocol and also makes it possible for folks to use Bitcoin as a data anchor for other services. Because we have reasonably strong assurances that timestamps fall within a given range and we have mathematical assurance of the amount of energy required to rewrite the blockchain history, Bitcoin provides a sound anchor for timestamping of data. But how reliable is it? Bitcoin’s Timestamp Flexibility In order for the time field of a block header to be considered valid by nodes it must meet two criteria: The first rule makes sense — we obviously don’t want anyone claiming to be from the future and it’s very easy for nodes to reject such claims because we’re all in general agreement about what time it currently is. Maximum Drag

Bitcoin, Explained Read on for the rest of our primer, or jump to these recent updates: Winklevoss twins revealed to have millions of dollars in Bitcoins What is a Bitcoin? How did you pay for your coffee this morning, by cash? No, but really. What is a Bitcoin wallet? Why do people use Bitcoin? Bitcoin appeals to people who are suspicious of financial institutions and central banks like the US Federal Reserve. Where do Bitcoins come from? Is Bitcoin legal? How much is a Bitcoin worth? In August 2012, the exchange rate for 1 Bitcoin was about $10. How many Bitcoins are there? What can you buy with them? You can buy anything from any company that accepts Bitcoins as currency. Why do people say Bitcoins are easier for criminals to use? Bitcoins provide a certain amount of anonymity for users, because the accounts are just numbers and not necessarily linked to an individual identity. Can you use Bitcoin to avoid taxes? Can they be hacked? Bitcoin wallets and exchanges can be hacked. Wikimedia Commons

How to Begin Rebuilding Your Life and Make It Ridiculously Amazing “Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.” ~ Joseph Addison What if one day you woke up and decided that you were tired of feeling tired and that you had enough of everything? Enough of stress and anxiety, enough of anger and resentment, enough of struggle, lack, pain and poverty, enough of tears, heartbreaks, self destructive thoughts, behaviors and relationships and enough of all that is negative and toxic? There are many things you can do to begin rebuilding your life and make it ridiculously amazing and today I will share with you 12 things that are meant to help you do just that. 1. I (name), Make a commitment to myself, To spend so much time improving myself and my life that I have no time for worry, judgement, criticism, whining and complaining; Starting now, I make a commitment to let go of what’s behind me and start appreciating what’s in front of me; 2. 3.

Fiscalité du Bitcoin bouleversée : le guide complet pour comprendre son imposition Le Conseil d’Etat a annulé une doctrine fiscale sur les cryptomonnaies. Leur nouveau régime d’imposition est plus favorable et plus simple. Le point sur ce qui change. Big bang pour la fiscalité du bitcoin et des autres cryptomonnaies ! Le Conseil d’Etat a annulé jeudi une doctrine fiscale datant de 2014, détaillant le régime d’imposition de ces devises virtuelles, suite à un recours pour excès de pouvoir engagé par le cabinet d’avocats Bornhauser. 1. En cas d’activité occasionnelle, les plus-values sont désormais soumises au régime des biens meubles et non à celui des Bénéfices non commerciaux (BNC). ⋙ A lire aussi : Fiscalité du bitcoin : attention à bien déclarer vos gains pour ne pas être surimposé Autre avantage du régime des biens meubles : un abattement pour durée de détention s’applique à partir de la 3ème année. 2. Ne rêvez pas ! >> Notre service - Un test pour connaître son profil d’épargnant et bénéficier d’un conseil d’investissement en ligne, gratuit, personnalisé et suivi

Announcing BitMEX Research and Coin Metrics are happy to announce the release of, the successor to, an independent project created by Coin Metrics’ Lead Data Engineer, Antoine Le Calvez. Bitcoin stored by P2SH address type (Screenshot from is a collaboration between BitMEX Research and Coin Metrics with the aim of providing in-depth, high quality and timely information about how the Bitcoin network is used. provides a series of dashboards centered around a specific element of Bitcoin transactions such as: P2SH transaction statistics, Multi-signature usage data,SegWit transaction statistics, Lightning Network channel data,OP_Return statistics, Bech32 adoption,Replace by Fee usage,Data related to the Block Size Debate, Fee Estimation. BitMEX Research and Coin Metrics intend for to be dynamic and will add more statistics to the website based on community feedback.

300 million dollars out of thin air: Bitcoin turns four and approaches $30 value Money is a delusion – but a delusion that works as long as it's shared. The value of a US dollar was once tied to a government guarantee that you could, at any time, exchange it for a quantity of precious metal – but since America officially abandoned the gold standard in 1971, its value is now more or less rooted in its ubiquity. If large swathes of people decided they would no longer accept it, it would suddenly be worth a lot less. Government currencies like the American dollar are also a bit odd, in that a government can decide to print more money at any time to serve its own purposes. It's a problem that will persist with pretty much any currency that's managed by one central organization. So how do you create a new currency? The answer, more or less, seems to be that you simply build it, convince people it's worth something, and give them an incentive to get on board. This gradual restriction of supply is what Bitcoin advocates maintain makes the currency inflation-proof. Pros: Cons:

15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Here is a list of 15 things which, if you give up on them, will make your life a lot easier and much, much happier. We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering – and instead of letting them all go, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy – we cling on to them. Not anymore. Starting today we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and we will embrace change. 1. There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong – wanting to always be right – even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. 2. Be willing to give up your need to always control everything that happens to you and around you – situations, events, people, etc. “By letting it go it all gets done. 3. Give up on your need to blame others for what you have or don’t have, for what you feel or don’t feel. 4. Oh my. “The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Bitcoins en bureaux de tabac : le service suspendu Moins de deux mois après le lancement du dispositif, il n’est plus possible d’acheter des bitcoins dans les bureaux de tabac. La société française KeplerK assure être victime de son succès et préparer son retour. En toute discrétion, la start-up française KeplerK a suspendu les achats de bitcoins dans les bureaux de tabac. Cette interruption été constatée la semaine dernière, soit moins de deux mois après le lancement officiel du dispositif. Ceux qui ont déjà acquis des bitcoins via cet intermédiaire d’un nouveau genre n’ont pas à s’inquiéter : ils conservent l’accès à leurs cryptomonnaies. “Nous avons été victime de notre succès et avons préféré suspendre le service afin de procéder à des ajustements techniques”, déclare Adil Zakhar, le directeur de la stratégie de la petite PME parisienne. “Les utilisateurs constataient des lenteurs importantes pour convertir leurs tickets”, se justifie l’entrepreneur. >> À lire aussi - Binance Coin : faut-il investir dans la crypto qui monte ?
