Understanding HBase and BigTable - Jimbojw.com
From Jimbojw.com The hardest part about learning HBase (the open source implementation of Google's BigTable), is just wrapping your mind around the concept of what it actually is. I find it rather unfortunate that these two great systems contain the words table and base in their names, which tend to cause confusion among RDBMS indoctrinated individuals (like myself). This article aims to describe these distributed data storage systems from a conceptual standpoint. After reading it, you should be better able to make an educated decision regarding when you might want to use HBase vs when you'd be better off with a "traditional" database.
JSON, acrónimo de JavaScript Object Notation, es un formato ligero para el intercambio de datos. JSON es un subconjunto de la notación literal de objetos de JavaScript que no requiere el uso de XML. La simplicidad de JSON ha dado lugar a la generalización de su uso, especialmente como alternativa a XML en AJAX. Una de las supuestas ventajas de JSON sobre XML como formato de intercambio de datos en este contexto es que es mucho más sencillo escribir un analizador sintáctico (parser) de JSON.
Apache Pig
Apache Hadoop!
HBase - HBase Home
Cloudera Professional Services
Hadoop for the Enterprise Cloudera Enterprise helps you become information-driven by leveraging the best of the open source community with the enterprise capabilities you need to succeed with Apache Hadoop in your organization. Designed specifically for mission-critical environments, Cloudera Enterprise includes CDH, the world’s most popular open source Hadoop-based platform, as well as advanced system management and data management tools plus dedicated support and community advocacy from our world-class team of Hadoop developers and experts. Cloudera is your partner on the path to big data.
The Apache Cassandra Project
Google's BigTable - Andrew’s Website
Today Jeff Dean gave a talk at the University of Washington about BigTable - their system for storing large amounts of data in a semi-structured manner. I was unable to find much info about BigTable on the internet, so I decided to take notes and write about it myself. First an overview. BigTable has been in development since early 2004 and has been in active use for about eight months (about February 2005). There are currently around 100 cells for services such as Print, Search History, Maps, and Orkut. Following Google's philosophy, BigTable was an in-house development designed to run on commodity hardware.