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Favicon Generator and Gallery

Favicon Generator and Gallery
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Fusker Fusker is a type of website or utility that extracts images from a web page, typically from free hosted galleries . Fusker software allows users to identify a sequence of images with a single pattern, for example: This would identify images pic1.jpg, pic2.jpg, through pic16.jpg. When this pattern is given to a fusker website, the website would produce a page that displays all sixteen images in that range. Patterns can also contain lists of words, such as , which will produce three urls, each with one word from the bracketed list. Fusker implementations [ edit source | edit beta ] Server-side fusker software extracts content (e.g. image or video) from its original location and displays it in a new page on the client-side (user's web browser). In addition, a fusker can also be implemented as client software that completely bypasses the need for a third-party fusker web site.

Free video soft: video converter, ipod converter, mp4 converter by Dany Super logiciel !! Le meilleur meme avant jen utiliser plusieurs différents mais maintenant j'en ai qu'un seul. by AbdoDodo merçi beaucoup de tout mon coeur/Thinks a lot my friends this softwar is THE BEST EVER ^____^ by Jojo Super et je sais de quoi je parle , je suis électronicien et dépanneur PC , félicitation et continuez dans ce sens. by zeus Depuis Abidjan (Capital Cote d'Ivoire), j'utilise ce bijou avec beaucoup d'admirations pour ses concepteurs! by Marsu Tip-Top.

10 Excellent Open Source and Free Alternatives to Photoshop Adobe Photoshop is a given in any designer’s wish list, and it comes with a host of features that allow for excellent and professional photo editing. The biggest obstacle to any designer who wants Photoshop is the price, which can be prohibitive. Fortunately there are a number of open source (and completely free) programs out there that do much of what Photoshop can, and sometimes more. In this collection, you will find 10 excellent examples of open source and free alternatives to Adobe Photoshop. This guest post for Six Revisions was written by Daniel Shain from GIMP stands for “GNU image manipulation program”, and it is one of the oldest and most well known alternatives to Photoshop in existence. If just having the feature set isn’t enough for you, there is an alternative based on GIMP known as GIMPShop. 2. Krita has been lauded for ease of use and won the Akademy Award for Best Application in 2006. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Your favorite open source/free image editor?

Affiliate Programs Directory - Many Affiliate Marketing Programs Listed 45+ Most Wanted Beautiful Free Hand Drawn Fonts One of the trends in creating site designs are in Hand Drawn Concept. It gives a playful and fresh feeling to the design that appeals to the audience. Talking about Hand Drawn Design, using a Hand Drawn Fonts is mostly a must to match the design. On this matter I have listed down 45+ Most Wanted Beautiful Free Hand Drawn Fonts. These are some of the most popular hand drawn fonts that are used on the web and they are all free to download. If you want more of these, we have collected useful freebies for you to check out and download for free. FFF Tusj Grutch Shadedw Pointy Sketch Rockwell Jamaistevie Childs Play Pee Pants Script Mia’s Scribblings HandVetica Fh Scribble Fh Ink Positiv-A Aguzlo Handwerk HansHand Marker Twins Julies Mellyboo Font Handwriting Toms Handwritten Pen of Truth Sketchy Sketchbook Teenage angst Tire Shop Demo Version Waste Of Time 123 and… Barnes Erc Un-finished Jump Start My Turtle WC RoughTrad Bta Against Myself Peixe Frito Thurston Erc Roughage Gribouille Fail Octember Script Karabine Tiza Oh Ashy

Company About us imense® makes cutting-edge products which revolutionize the analysis, search and annotation of digital images and video. Founded in 2007, the company’s vision was to combine over a decade of research and development in content based image recognition (CBIR) to produce an image search system that didn’t rely on keywords or metadata. In 2008 we launched the World’s first Web 3.0 image search platform, the system revolutionized previous image analysis and search techniques. Subsequently, using our core technology we derived a portfolio of unique and innovative products and services for Photographers; Image Agencies; Search Engines and Digital Asset Management providers. Technology imense® pioneered an ontology based approach to visual information processing. For more information on our products and services please contact us.

CSSRemix 13 Super Useful jQuery Content Slider Scripts and Tutorials | Tutorials 629 shares 8 jQuery Plugins Worth Checking Out jQuery plugins certainly exist to make our life easier, and it’s always great to discover new ones that make it easy to add cool functionality to our projects. So for today, we have some fresh jQuery plugins to share with you. Read More 852 shares 6 jQuery Plugins for Scrolling Effects Last week we showcased a collection of websites that take scrolling to the next level.

Slideshow at Slideroll - Flash Slideshow Creator, Photo Slideshows for Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and Everywhere! Prêt à jeter Mardi 24 janvier 2012 à 20h35 Un produit usé = un produit vendu ! Dans les années 1920, des industriels américains ont trouvé la formule magique pour soutenir la consommation : l’obsolescence programmée. Fini les bas en nylon qui résistent à tout et les ampoules qui durent cent ans, un bon produit est un produit jetable. © Article Z Insolite :Prêt à jeter raconte également l’histoire de la Centennial Light. Dans une société où la croissance est tirée par la consommation, les produits durables sont une catastrophe ! Pour rentabiliser les machines et soutenir la consommation, on a contraint les ingénieurs à réduire la durée de vie des produits. "À l'époque, le développement durable n'était pas au centre des préoccupations", rappelle Warner Philips, arrière-petit-fils des fondateurs de la marque du même nom.

Spectacular image galleries made simple.
