Laying Out Your Online Experience What do you think most people want when they turn to these social technologies? If we throw away the terms for a moment, here’s what I think they want: A Sign We need a way for people to find us. Which RSS Aggregator Is Best? Onfolio recently released its Onfolio 2.0 Release Candidate. For new news aggregator users, this is my second recommendation after Bloglines. Bloglines is easier, but Onfolio is much more powerful and, because it stores everything on your hard drive, opens up new scenarios (like you can read and search your feeds even when on a plane unconnected from the Internet). If you are still looking for an RSS News Aggregator, this is certainly one you should try. Real quick refresher course:
Voxalead News newsmap Update: Jan 20, 2012 My appologies for not updating this site lately. Flipboard has been keeping me a little busy. I'll try to work something out here soon, but in the meantime, you might want to say hello on Twitter, browse through a few photos here or peek into what it is like designing Flipboard. the life and work of Marcos Weskamp Marcos Weskamp is a Design Engineer who has a deep interest in playing with and visualizing lots of data. 23 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed We know, it's summer in some parts of the world — you don't want to stay indoors all day everyday. Well don't worry, even if you missed some of Mashable's social media resources while out frolicking we've got another great list of resources from the past week to get you all caught up. Below you'll find our weekly power-guide to the best social media resources this side of the 'Net. This edition includes a ton of business resources for the social-media-savvy entrepreneur and even some quirky facts (LOL used to mean "Little Old Lady"?). Whatever your passion, dig in and enjoy.
The Best Social Aggregators Last Updated October 12th 2011: With tech news recently touting the decline of Social Aggregators, you would think these services are on their way out. Many have in fact failed (Streamy), but there are still quite a few in the race. The reality is, as more and more organizations utilize social networks to promote their goods or services, they are learning how time consuming it can be to manage and update multiple accounts on different networks. These types of tools are still very much in demand, that hasn’t gone away.
Community Weblog 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about There are so many different tools and technologies available on the internet today, and so many associated terms and concepts. As I think about topics to focus on here in the coming months, I want to make sure we’re touching on the most important ones. What are the most important internet technologies for educators to be aware of, and informed about? I’m sure many people would probably come up with a slightly different list, but based on my observations and experiences, and feedback from faculty at my institution, I have selected the following technologies. I do not mean to imply that every educator should be expected to use all of these technologies in the classroom, but rather that every educator should understand what these are, the potential they have in the classroom, and how their students may already be using them. 1.
Agrégateur Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. En informatique, un logiciel d'agrégateur tresse plusieurs fils de syndication en même temps. Il prévient de la mise à jour d'un site web ou des actualités qu'il publie (par notification sonore, visuelle, etc.). Également, il importe le contenu nouveau en question et il le fait pour un ensemble de sites. Le terme est aussi utilisé de manière plus générale pour une activité tendant à regrouper plusieurs grandeurs ou flux en un seul, telle que l'agrégation d'effacement de consommation électrique. Description[modifier | modifier le code]
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