4 Free Web Tools to Boost Student Engagement
When students use tool technologies to create content, their engagement is largely based on how successfully teachers craft the learning assignments, rather than on the technology itself. This is different from what happens with other types of technologies, such as tutor technologies (e.g. software for learning). Here, student engagement depends principally on technology, taking teachers almost completely out of the equation. Having said that, there is ample evidence that when meaningful instruction designed by the teacher is combined with motivational tool technologies, students' cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement can be significantly increased -- more than technology could ever achieve alone. Below, I introduce what I consider some great examples of (free) motivational tool technologies that meet the above criteria, which you can use (along with thorough instruction) to help boost student engagement. myBrainshark PosterMyWall Screencast-o-matic Padlet
Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles
Presentazioni o mappe? | Proviamo
Nel mio vagabondare nella rete mi sono imbattuto in un articolo di Caterina Policaro che parla di VUE come alternativa alle presentazioni. Nel post Caterina fà riferimento all’intervento di Davide Mana, che nel suo articolo dice: Il problema, come ha fatto notare Edward Tufte nel suo fondamentale The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint, PowerPoint non è fatto per insegnare.È fatto per convincere.PowerPoint è costruito per legare il pubblico ad un binario che va da A a Z passando per B e C e D, ma magari omettendo K e H perché sono imbarazzanti, o difficili da spiegare, o comunque potrebbero danneggiare la vendita. PowrPoint è uno strumento fatto per vendere le idee – ed in questo senso funziona benissimo per presentare una tesi di laurea (dobbiamo convincere la commissione che abbiamo fatto un buon lavoro) o il riassunto di un lavoro di ricerca ad un congresso (dobbiamo generare consensi e magari scucirci una pubblicazione). Naturalmente ho acquistato il libretto e mi appresterò a leggerlo.
Software zur Textanalyse, Lektorat, Suchmaschinenmarketing und zur Messung von Textqualität - Herzlich willkommen bei LinguLab!
Visible Thinking
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage? This routine encourages students to make careful observations and thoughtful interpretations. It helps stimulate curiosity and sets the stage for inquiry. Application: When and Where can it be used? Launch: What are some tips for starting and using this routine? The routine works best when a student responds by using the three stems together at the same time, i.e., "I see..., I think..., I wonder...." The routine works well in a group discussion but in some cases you may want to ask students to try the routine individually on paper or in their heads before sharing out as a class.
29 sites peu connus dont vous ne pourrez plus vous passer
Parmi les centaines de millions de sites totalement inutiles sur le web, il existe quelques perles qui méritent d’être connues. Découvrez ces 29 sites qui pourront vous sauver la vie (au moins). 1. Comme son nom l’indique, ce site simplissime vous offre en un seul clic une adresse mail fonctionnelle pendant 10 minutes. 2. Vous permet de tricher résoudre n’importe quel problème mathématique, qu’il s’agisse d’algèbre, de géométrie, de trigonométrie ou d’autres trucs relous. 3. Cet outil est capable de créer une fausse identité basée sur des critères géographiques prédéfinis. 4. Très utile pour les graphistes et autres créatifs, il vous permet de retrouver la police utilisée sur n’importe quel support. 5. Pour ceux qui cherchent toujours à acheter au meilleur prix, ce site vous montre l’historique du prix de vente d’une référence Amazon depuis sa mise en vente sur le site. 6. Propose aléatoirement une idée de plat à réaliser, de manière disons … assez spéciale. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
7 Fun, Free Tag Cloud Software Programs to Create Word Art
Tag clouds are those boxes of words that you sometimes see on blogs and social networking websites. The words are a collection of the words most commonly used in whatever parameters set forth by the tag cloud. For example, you might make a tag cloud of all of the most popular words used in your blog posts in the past month. Tag clouds are a terrific way to get information about a site. There are many different programs that you can use to create word tag clouds. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. You can use these seven programs for a variety of different purposes.
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