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MAKE: Blog: BUGbase / BUGmodules - pricing and shipping BUGlabs announced their pricing and shipping schedule today - AVAILABILITY / PRE-ORDERS The BUGbase and BUGmodules will ship by Monday, March 17, 2008. We’ll begin taking pre-orders through our online store on Monday, January 21, 2008.PRICING / EARLY-ADOPTER DISCOUNT The BUGbase will retail for $349, and the BUGmodules will vary from $59 to $119. Phillip Torrone Editor at large – Make magazine. Related Mecatrónica | Oferta académica | ITESCAM Perfil del Egresado Es el Profesional especializado que aplica metodología científica y mediante el empleo de tecnología de punta, diseña soluciones a problemas complejos, en ámbitos relacionados con la mecánica de precisión, los sistemas electrónicos y las computadoras. Además, es capaz de diseñar y operar procesos de automatización en diversos tipos de empresas e industrias. Campo de Trabajo Es muy vasto ya que abarca desde la solución de problemas e implementación de mejoras en un sencillo proceso productivo hasta la total automatización y control de grandes líneas de producción. La Ingeniería en Mecatrónica es una base muy sólida sobre la cual pueden construirse especializaciones y postgrados que capaciten al Ingeniero para desenvolverse exitosamente en el campo de la investigación, desarrollando tecnología y generando conocimiento prácticamente en cualquier área.

Tutorial: Programación de PICs en Ensamblador - Asociación de Robotica y Domótica de España (A.R.D.E.) Introducción al PIC Introducción Bienvenidos al inicio del Tutorial sobre PICs. Estas páginas te llevaran desde la estructura básica del dispositivo, hasta los métodos y técnicas de programación. También habrá sugerencias de como modificar el código para que lo puedas adaptar el PIC a tus propias aplicaciones. Para empezar, echemos un vistazo al PIC. Microcontrolador Microchip PIC 16F84 Microchip fabrica una serie de microcontroladores llamados PIC. Hay diversas formas de programar el PIC, - usando BASIC, C, o Lenguaje Ensamblador. Los pines del 16F84 Mas abajo verás el diagrama de patillas(pines en adelante) del PIC 16F84. Error al crear miniatura: No se ha podido guardar la miniatura RA0 a RA4 RA es un puerto bidireccional. RB0 a RB7 RB es un segundo puerto bidireccional. VSS y VDD Estos son los pins de alimentación. OSC1/CLK IN y OSC2/CLKOUT Estos pines son donde conectaremos el reloj externo, para que el microcontrolador disponga de algún tipo de temporización. Como Programar el PIC BSF 03h,5

MAKE: Blog: Parallax sensors @ Radio Shack Oh Nooo! A 404 Page! Looks like we can't find the page that you are looking for. Sorry about that. Let's see if we can make it up to you. First off, let's try searching for the content. If that doesn't work, why not try browsing from popular categories? Read Digital Edition Shop Maker Shed Trending Topics Get our Newsletters About Maker Media

Getting Started with LabVIEW Interface for Arduino [LabVIEW Hacker] LIFA has been replaced with LINX. All new users should start with LINX and all current LIFA users should migrate to LINX. The LabVIEW Interface for Arduino (LIFA) allows users to control sensors and acquire data through an Arduino microcontroller using the graphical programming environment LabVIEW. This page describes the process of installing LIFA and its dependencies as well as running a basic LIFA example. Prerequisites Hardware Software Procedure Summary This getting started guide described the process of setting up the hardware and software to use the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino. Suggested Reading

PC Sound-Card Signal-Generator-Interface PC sound cards form a readily available Signal Generator for testing electronic circuits. The utility of these signal generators is limited because the outputs are AC coupled and limited to ±2V. Taking advantage of the two channels provided by the sound card this Instructable shows a scheme which uses one channel to output the Sin/Square/Triangle waveform with a fixed gain, while setting up a 441 Hz PWM square wave on the second channel. This PC sound-card interface implements a Signal-Generator with Sin/Square/Triangle output frequency variable from 50Hz to 10kHz, an amplitude variable from 0 to 5V and a variable DC offset of +/- 4V. As a bonus the MAX232 , SMD/DIP, provides a 40kHz / 100kHz signal which can be used for step-response testing of analog circuits. How I went about it: 1.

Don't pay for eBay selling tools! (Free eBay Seller Softwar Powerful research, fee calculation, and listing services are available for free - Sam Carson reviews the best. So, you're selling a few things on eBay? Want to optimize your listing for the most traffic and highest impact? There are several tools available to help with research and listing. Here's the best part: powerful research, fee calculation, and listing management services are available for free. Last week I had seven awful looking Gnomes sitting in my garden, but with the free tools I was able to: Target my eBay listing to the most effective category, at the best time of day, with the keywords buyers are most likely to be searching for. Understand Your Market So goes the selling mantra. eBay have their own free research tool. Terapeak provides an online suite of research tools, and the basic tools for are free ("International" sites come at a cost). Now I've done my research, and I list all my Gnomes on eBay following the free advice from Mpire and Terapeak. Goodbye Gnomes

Quantum mechanics 101: Demystifying tough physics in 4 easy lessons Ready to level up your working knowledge of quantum mechanics? Check out these four TED-Ed Lessons written by Chad Orzel, Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Union College and author of How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog. 1. Particles and waves: The central mystery of quantum mechanics One of the most amazing facts in physics is that everything in the universe, from light to electrons to atoms, behaves like both a particle and a wave at the same time. 2. Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, posed this famous question: If you put a cat in a sealed box with a device that has a 50% chance of killing the cat in the next hour, what will be the state of the cat when that time is up? 3. When you think about Einstein and physics, E=mc^2 is probably the first thing that comes to mind. 4.

Online : Toolbox: Ten tools you won't want to live wi In the Make: Online Toolbox, we try to focus on tools that fly under the radar of more conventional tool coverage: in-depth tool-making projects, strange or specialty tools unique to a trade or craft that can be useful elsewhere, tools and techniques you may not know about, but once you do, and incorporate them into your workflow, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them. And, in the spirit of the times, we pay close attention to tools that you can get on the cheap, make yourself, refurbish, etc. For this week’s column, I put the call out to the Maker Media staff, maker friends, and my cohort at Dorkbot DC and HacDC. I wanted to know what tools makers couldn’t live without, tools they might have gone years before discovering, but once the tool was in the box, they couldn’t bear the thought of not having it around. Leatherman Tool Hands-down, the most passionately celebrated tool in the bunch was the Leatherman multi-tool. Hemostats Panavise, Jr. Spudgers Ever heard of a spudger? R.
