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Educational Technology

Educational Technology
TPACK, shown below, is a useful model for educators as they begin to use digital tools and strategies to support teaching and learning. This model, developed by educational researchers Mishra and Kohler (2006), is designed around the idea that content (what you teach) and pedagogy (how you teach) must be the basis for any technology that you plan to use in your classroom to enhance learning. Diagram and explanation ©2012 by Reproduced by permission of the publisher. The circles in the TPACK diagram represent content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technical knowledge. The areas where the circles overlap — where the three kinds of knowledge combine — can be explained as follows: Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is the knowledge that teachers have about their content and the knowledge that they have about how teach that specific content. Learn more To learn more about the TPACK model, follow the links below: References Mishra, P., & Koehler, M.

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The TPACK Framework Explained (With Classroom Examples) TPACK is a technology integration framework that identifies three types of knowledge instructors need to combine for successful edtech integration—technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (a.k.a. TPACK). While TPACK is often compared with the SAMR Model, they are very different in scope. Later, we'll take a look at the differences of these frameworks in more depth.

The 8 Best Free Word Cloud Creation Tools For Teachers Editor's note: We have originally written and published this article in November 2013. Thanks to your useful suggestions and our own following of the latest developments in the fast paced field of technology, we have updated this piece in November 2015 in the hope that you will keep finding it useful. Thank you for sharing! ABCYa! Word CloudsAbout ABCYa!

Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial <hr><p><b>You must have javascript enabled to view this website. Please change your browser preferences to enable javascript, and reload this page.</b></p><hr> The Best Search Engines of 2020 Most people prefer to rely on just one or two search engines that deliver three key features: Relevant results (results you are interested in)Uncluttered, easy-to-read interfaceHelpful options to broaden or tighten a search The possibilities we highlight should help you find the best search engine for your needs. These are mainly web page search engines, but others exist, too, for specific searches. There are search engines just for people, images, and, of course, jobs. What Are Advanced Search Options? Advanced search options are a set of filters offered by most search engines on the web. They narrow the scope of a search query to eliminate irrelevant information to help you find the exact content you're looking for. Advanced search filters aren't limited to web search engines like Google. Any website with a search tool can incorporate advanced search options, including people search engines, music and video streaming sites, social media websites, reference sites, and blogs.

The absurdly simple guide to backing up your PC The first rule of the royal society for keeping-your-hard-work-and-data-safe is: Always, always back up. The second rule is "it's not that hard so get off your duff and do it." It's the latter that most of us have issues with. Including myself. We’ll discuss emotional motivation later. (You’ll laugh!

Why do we need technology integration in education? Technology in education mirrors the fast-paced world we live in. In modern classrooms, it’s rare to find students all working on the same exact activity. Instead, today’s schools are technology-rich learning spaces that promote diverse activity. They’re abuzz with collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication, all thanks to technology. Ask an administrator about using technology in the workplace, and you might hear about edtech as a tool for going about the business of school. 5 Easy Fixes for Most Computer Problems You may have already decided that the computer problem you're dealing with is too hard to fix yourself, or at least not something you're interested spending your time doing. I'd argue that you should almost always try to fix your own computer problem, but I understand if you're just completely against it. No hard feelings. However, before you call tech support, or run off to the computer repair shop, we get one more shot to convince you to at least try something before you pay someone else for help. Having worked in the computer service industry for years, I'm very familiar with the simple things that most people overlook, things that could completely eliminate the need to have a computer worked on at all. You could quite literally save hundreds of dollars, and an equally valuable amount of frustration, by following some of the really easy things below.

Safeguarding Children As parents – or relatives, teachers and other adults responsible to children’s safety – we want our children and those we look after to be healthy and happy … and to develop well both physically and mentally. Above all, it’s also instinctive that we want kids to be safe. Children learn through exploration and natural curiosity, and it is part of our job as parents and carers to encourage that. However, as our children grow up, develop and discover new experiences, we have to take more and different steps to ensure their safety.
