Helping with Math
The pre-made worksheets above are categorized by both subject and by grade level. Clicking the links will list these worksheets. The worksheets include arithmetic operations, (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) fractions, decimals, percentages, geometry, place value, integers, and more. Practicing math with the help of these worksheets will be a valuable homework activity. As mentioned above, you will also find many free math worksheet generators here and they will provide limitless questions along with answers. How to use the printable worksheets The worksheets are set up for easy printing.
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Copyrights and Copying Wrongs
Education World answers the question "What can my students and I freely use in our lessons, presentations, workshops, newsletters, reports, and Web sites, and what is protected by copyright?" Included: A tour of the public domain! Have you ever ... incorporated an innovative online graph into a math teaching master? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you're probably a terrific teacher! However altruistic your motives, the materials used in the above examples are protected by copyright -- and copyright law states that the owner of any tangible creative work has the sole right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, transmit, or transform that work. "But everybody does it!" "People routinely get away with illegal copying in the classroom for the same reason that people get away with speeding on the interstate," said John Adsit, online education coordinator for Jefferson County Schools in Golden, Colorado. "The ensuing lawsuit was most instructive," Adsit added.
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Math Worksheets Printable from the Math Salamanders
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Free Printable Math Worksheets