Helping with Math
The pre-made worksheets above are categorized by both subject and by grade level. Clicking the links will list these worksheets. The worksheets include arithmetic operations, (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) fractions, decimals, percentages, geometry, place value, integers, and more. Practicing math with the help of these worksheets will be a valuable homework activity. As mentioned above, you will also find many free math worksheet generators here and they will provide limitless questions along with answers.
Copyrights and Copying Wrongs
Education World answers the question "What can my students and I freely use in our lessons, presentations, workshops, newsletters, reports, and Web sites, and what is protected by copyright?" Included: A tour of the public domain! Have you ever ... incorporated an innovative online graph into a math teaching master? copied a video documentary to show during a classroom history lesson?
September 2012
This idea is actually a gem that one of my students thought of a few years ago! One of my classes' favorite YouTube videos was this one... "If You're a Boy" from Harry Kindergarten. Well... my kids were chatty one day and I said "If you're a boy zip your lips." One of my girls said "If you're a boy, a boy, if you're a boy zip your lips!" And so a new tradition was born!
What is Jigsaw? Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that enables each student of a “home” group to specialize in one aspect of a learning unit. Students meet with members from other groups who are assigned the same aspect, and after mastering the material, return to the “home” group and teach the material to their group members. Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each piece--each student's part--is essential for the completion and full understanding of the final product.
Setting Expectations for Online Instructor Performance
A Roadmap to Online Teaching Best Practices As more and more educators enter online teaching, they find themselves having to rethink classroom dynamics. Things as basic as accessing students, responding to questions, and determining how much time to spend teaching all have to be re-examined.
Math Worksheets
Come take a peak at tons of FREE printable math games and math worksheets to help you teach Preschool, Kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade student. You will find lots of practice in skip counting, measuring, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, measurement, estimation, and so much more! This ever-growing list of kindergarten math worksheets will help you find just what you are looking for to review, reinforce, and gain fluency in any kindergarten math skill. Plus, you can easily find the math concept or themed math worksheets by scanning through this alphabetized list. If you are visual and prefer to see picture thumbnails of our kindergarten math just pop over to the kindergarten worksheets page.
Lesson plans for teachers
Common Core Implementation Kit enables the creation of a Common Core State Standards aligned lesson plan with a few easy clicks. Common Core operates from within Word 2013 and provides daily learning targets for Common Core State Standards, along with instructional notes, student friendly “I Can” statements, vocabulary lists, differentiation ideas, activity ideas, assessment ideas, common student misconceptions, and links to open educational resources aligned to the standards. Save time planning lessons and locating resources for your students The Common Core Implementation Kit is a free tool that makes it easy for teachers to create Language Arts and Math lesson plans aligned to the Common Core State Standards all from within Microsoft Word 2013. Common Core consists of a series of course-specific Microsoft Word templates that access Common Core information through a Microsoft Office Task Pane that is displayed next to the lesson plan document.
Education App Of The Week Review
October 25 - Apps for News: NPR, BBC, and TED By: Dave Yearwood, PhD in App Of The Week OK, I admit it, I am a news junkie, but I am careful about where I get my fix. For news, I typically turn to National Public Radio (NPR) and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).