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What is Crowdsourcing?

What is Crowdsourcing?

Don’t Text and Watch: Texas Theater Broadcasts Movie Texter’s Angry Voicemail Don’t text during a movie, at least in this Texas movie theater. They will kick you out and make your angry voicemail into a PSA for everyone else. Austin’s Alamo Drafthouse gave a moviegoer the boot after she refused to stop texting during a movie. Distraught and dismayed, the texter left without a refund. She also left the theater a “frustrated” voicemail (expletives included), detailing her opinion. The establishment has a strict no-texting policy, an exemplary rule every movie theater should follow if NewsFeed might say so. Facebook Acquires Instagram in $1 Billion Deal Facebook has made its first significant purchase, acquiring the hot mobile photo-sharing app Instagram for $1 billion. Mark Zuckerberg announced the deal Monday on Facebook, calling it an "important milestone" in the company's history. San Francisco-based Instagram has experienced tremendous growth since launching in 2010. The company most recently reported about 30 million users, about double from the beginning of the year. A recent launch onto the Android platform had the potential of doubling the number of users again. Launched in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Instagram instantly became a hit in the social media universe by allowing users a way of more conveniently sharing recently taken photos from their mobile phones.

How To Exploit The Power Of Crowds - Social Business - Marketing - Crowd Factory CEO Sanjay Dholakia explains how to apply and measure social interactions across all marketing channels. Slideshow: 10 Crowdsourcing Success Stories (click image for larger view and for slideshow) Crowd Factory already has marquee customers like HBO, Microsoft, and Sony Music to point to in support of its social marketing platform.

How Social Influence Has Changed the Game of Promotional Giveaways When did subject-line bait like “you may already be a winner” and “you have been chosen” become a real thing? If you’ve been checking your junk email lately, you might have noticed that promotional giveaways have gotten a lot more interesting, in part because brands are now able to measure a person’s influence online through social media tracking sites like Klout. Here are some emerging trends. Plenty of social media users have been willing to give up their contact information and solicit votes from their friends for a shot at a dream wedding from Crate & Barrel or a walk-on role on an episode of “Glee.” But that’s a lot of entries for contest administrators to go through, and not everyone has a big prize to offer. 6 reasons PR is so stressful One of my more colorful bosses was a communications exec with a distinguished military background. His career included not only senior posts at the Pentagon, but also two tours of duty in Vietnam as a paratrooper. When things went wrong and I went crazy, he’d sometimes pat my shoulder, smile indulgently, and say: “It’s OK.

London riots: results of our crowdsourcing experiment On Sunday, we began asking Guardian users what they'd seen in Tottenham on Saturday night, and why they thought the vigil held for Mark Duggan escalated into rioting and looting. This work has been used to complement and feed into work done by our reporters on the ground, but below we've shared a few of the more interesting responses received so far. We have made every effort to include only those responses which are consistent with details gathered from reporting, but it should be noted that due to the nature of our survey these cannot be taken as verified, and should be treated with caution. Names have not been included. A new survey reworked to include the events of last night will be live on the site shortly.

bold. As part of #NewhouseSM4, students worked in teams of four to teach their peers about a different aspect of social media. My team concentrated on the concept of social influence. Within 24 hours our hashtag, #upGRADESU reached nearly 60,000 followers and gained over 165,000 individual impressions. The $1 Billion Instagram Success Story, Instagram Style 191 Flares1131494510--×191 Flares Okay, so by now everyone and their mother has more than likely heard about the sale of photo app Instagram to Facebook for $1 billion in shares and cash. There are already a phalanx (awesome word, if maybe misplaced here) of posts from bloggers and analysts talking about the reasons for the sale, and what it means for Facebook and, more importantly perhaps, Instagram. So, I won’t bore you with more here.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Facebook Crowdsourcing Your brand’s Facebook page can be a great resource to garner ideas, creativity, and feedback from your fans — if it’s done correctly. Crowdsourcing encompasses the idea of outsourcing tasks to the community through an open call — in most cases, it describes a call for creative input to collaboratively reach a goal, and usually this happens via social media. This tactic can cut through the noise and build meaningful connections with your consumers or community. So how do businesses apply crowdsourcing to their Facebook strategy? What are the best practices of creating Facebook contests, polls, and surveys to engage fans?

#NewhouseSM4 Social Media U Need 2 Know #NewhouseSM4 Spring 2012 We conduct an open and transparent course using the Web 2.0 skills, digital tools, and social networking savvy demanded by the Communication, Advertising, Public Relations, Journalism, Television, Radio, and Film professions today and in the future. We use these tools and skills to help us learn course content, create, communicate, collaborate, and network with each other and the marketing communications profession. We also use these skills and tools to write, share, and present our information and ideas. We learn by doing.
