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Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets Oscillations and Waves Acoustics Signal Processing Electricity and Magnetism: Statics Electrodynamics Wired 11.04 The Bacteria Whisperer The Bacteria Whisperer Bonnie Bassler discovered a secret about microbes that the science world has missed for centuries. The bugs are talking to each other. Physical Sciences Centre - Publications - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Graduate Skills The HE Academy UK Physical Sciences Centre has been carrying out surveys over the last six months of Chemistry, Physics and Forensic Science graduates from universities in England, Scotland and Wales. The surveys, which were supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Institute of Physics and the Forensic Science Society, were designed to identify which areas of the curriculum and generic skills are of particular value to new graduates and how well they were developed within the degrees. Skills required by new chemistry graduates

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Free Online Physics Courses Get free online Physics courses online from the world's leading universities. You can download these audio & video courses straight to your computer or mp3 player. The collection includes introductory physics courses recorded at top universities (e.g. Column Glassy-eyed Optimists or Material Geniuses - 05-02 KNOWLEDGE CENTER Improving Productivity and Efficiency for Automotive Part Manufacturing According to consulting firm IRN Inc., the automotive industry is expected to launch an average of 120 new vehicles annually through 2020... Engineering The K900: Kia Goes Big & Up Gary S. Vasilash Science Xplained Science Xplained is a collection of video podcasts that tell the stories of the science behind everyday topics. Dr. Ainissa G. Ramirez, self-proclaimed science evangelist and associate professor of mechanical engineering and materials science at Yale University, is the dynamic host of the series. Filter Resources by Grade: Videos

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