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Self-Assessment Inspires Learning Self-reflection is self-assessment, and one of the most significant learning tools we can model for our students. Ultimately, we want our children and adolescents to be the self-assessors of their work, dispositions, and goals. Research repeatedly reports that the difference between good teachers and superior teachers is that superior teachers self-reflect. The brain is wired for this strategy, and it has been a part of our evolution. School and Classroom Themes Students Will Love As an educator, this is one of THE most serious decisions you have to make each year—picking out the perfect classroom theme. You don’t want it to be too trendy because that’ll get old quick. You also can’t have it be too obscure or self-serving because let’s face it—not everyone shares your joy of Star Wars. You want a theme that is fun, recognizable, and one all students can get behind.

ClipArt ETC: Free Educational Illustrations for Classroom Use Alphabets The Alphabets ClipArt collection offers 1,193 illustrations arranged in 43 galleries including decorative letters and numerals, complete alphabet sets, and several sign language systems. If you are looking… American History and Government edutopia I thought I could read my students' body language. I was wrong. As an experiment, I used Socrative when I taught binary numbers. What I learned forever changed my views on being a better teacher. Why Formative Assessment Makes Better Teachers Formative assessment is done as students are learning. Two stars and a bloody wish! A heap of epithets is poor praise: the praise lies in the facts, and in the way of telling them.Jean de La Bruyère We are held hostage by our superstitious belief in the mystical power of marking to cure all educational ills. It won’t.

Teaching & Assessing Soft Skills The career landscape is changing dramatically. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average worker currently holds ten different jobs before the age of forty. This requires a high degree of flexibility and adaptability. Students who leave high school with strong soft skills will work more harmoniously with others and be more successful tackling unfamiliar tasks. However, teachers must explicitly teach these soft skills in school. Consequences of school grading systems on adolescent health: evidence from a Swedish school reform: Journal of Education Policy: Vol 0, No 0 The Swedish school system and grading reform Sweden has undergone a transformation from a centralist and state-led education system to a dispersed and marketized system. Public and independently run schools are fully tax funded, but independent schools are mostly for-profit schools (Rönnberg, Lindgren, and Lundahl 2019 Rönnberg, L., J. Lindgren, and L.

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