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Hacked Gadgets Workbench Contest Winner - Hacked Gadgets - DIY T Workbench: ========= The actual workbench frame is made from an old computer desktop I found in the trash. Just before submitting this entry, I bought some 2nd-hand lab equipment (#’s 01 and 02): - (01) oscilloscope (on a shelf made of an old stand for a tractor feed printer). Great for tracing electronic signals. The tool par excellence for electronics. - (02) Function Generator (good for injecting test signals). - (03) Stereo amp (on shelf up near the ceiling) & headphones (for music while you work) - (04) experimenter’s board - (05) various multimeters. - (06) an old Black & Decker cordless screwdriver with a cord to replace the non-functioning batteries – no batteries to recharge or wear out and lots of torque (powered @ 5v from the PC power supply – see #19, below). - (07) Flood light (I prefer incandescent lighting instead of fluorescent). - (08) Safety Glasses (I tell my students : ‘Just because you have two eyes, it doesn’t mean you have one to spare!’) - (12) – "spare hand"

Create diagrams online Real time collaboration - Tour Draw Blog and Wiki images on Cacoo Diagrams created on Cacoo can be embedded in your Blog or Wiki in PNG format. If you edit the diagram in Cacoo, the embedded image will be replaced automatically. Export as PDF and SVG! Diagrams can be exported in vector formats - PDF, SVG, etc. Share the diagram with anyone You can even share the diagram with someone you don’t know.

Contre les pandémies, l’écologie, par Sonia Shah (Le Monde diplomatique, mars 2020) Serait-ce un pangolin ? Une chauve-souris ? Ou même un serpent, comme on a pu l’entendre un temps avant que cela ne soit démenti ? Depuis 1940, des centaines de microbes pathogènes sont apparus ou réapparus dans des régions où, parfois, ils n’avaient jamais été observés auparavant. Or ces derniers n’y sont pour rien. La destruction des habitats menace d’extinction quantité d’espèces (3), parmi lesquelles des plantes médicinales et des animaux sur lesquels notre pharmacopée a toujours reposé. Ebola l’illustre bien. Il en va de même des maladies transmises par les moustiques, puisque un lien a été établi entre la survenue d’épidémies et la déforestation (4) — à ceci près qu’il s’agit moins ici de la perte des habitats que de leur transformation. Dangers de l’élevage industriel La destruction des habitats agit également en modifiant les effectifs de diverses espèces, ce qui peut accroître le risque de propagation d’un agent pathogène.

Free Brain Games Training Online - Improve Memory, Have Fun! Training your brain with free online brain games is a fun way to keep your mind active and potentially improve your memory, concentration, and other brain skills. There are now over 250 free brain training games on this site. Not sure where to start? Check out the most popular games. Also see the game categories in the sidebar at right and in the menu above. Examples of popular games include Scrabble Sprint, Butterfly Connect, and Basic Solitaire. To play these online games, an up-to-date version of the free Adobe Flash Player browser plug-in must be installed in your browser. If the games won't open for you, there might be an issue with your browser. If you still have problems accessing the games, check out my troubleshooting page or feel free to contact me directly for assistance. You can start your own brain training program right now. To keep your mind in top shape, play brain games often. For a full-brain workout, play a variety of games. Which Brain Skills Can You Improve? Prof.

Open Source Washing Machine Project » About MODS n Hacks Etc.. MIT World | Distributed Intelligence designers dissect old sneakers to create expressive face masks made from old NIKE and adidas sneakers, these expressive face masks have been designed to highlight humanity’s creativity and ability to adapt. while the COVID-19 pandemic is still expanding in some parts of the world, in others a post-corona society is gradually taking shape with societies rethinking everything from working and traveling to socializing and working out. as we enter this uncharted territory, the designers say the masks are a reminder that the design community can help establish a better world for tomorrow. adidas falcon W, NIKE jordan max AUra (GS), NIKE air edge essential designed by belgian studio WeWantMore, the masks are not intended to replace clinical face masks — although they do provide some protection. the designers chose to use sneakers, as they are a very personal form of expression. adidas X 17.3 FG solar yellow, saucony jazz original vintage ‘social distancing, mandatory face masks and contact tracing just to name a few. unknown territory? project info:

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