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'Secret sharing' system keeps your personal data safe. Share this Article You are free to share this article under the Attribution 4.0 International license.
Researchers have created a new method for keeping private the data that our many devices collect about how we use them. The people who design hardware and software for smartphones, internet browsers, high-tech cars, and many other internet-enabled devices need to know how people use their products in order to make them better. But when faced with the request to send information about a computer error back to the developers, many of us are inclined to say “No,” just in case that information is too personal.
Modeling the global economic impact of AI. The role of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and techniques in business and the global economy is a hot topic.
This is not surprising given that AI might usher in radical—arguably unprecedented—changes in the way people live and work. The AI revolution is not in its infancy, but most of its economic impact is yet to come. New research from the McKinsey Global Institute attempts to simulate the impact of AI on the world economy.
Fortune. So, who’s winning?
The disruptors or the incumbents? While incumbents often get a bad rap, the truth is that for every sector where technological change has enabled fleet-footed digital disruptors to innovate business models, there are even more where established players still prevail. (As an example of the latter, try to name your favorite web-based pharma giant.) As the next major technological wave rolls forward—think artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, blockchain—we believe many incumbents stand a good chance of prevailing yet again, provided they move fast and at scale.
Letemps. Everything Alibaba Does Differently — and Better. Alibaba hit the headlines with the world’s biggest IPO in September 2014. Today, the company has a market cap among the global top 10, has surpassed Walmart in global sales, and has expanded into all the major markets in the world.
La blockchain est davantage que seulement le Bitcoin. Digital Is Reshaping Global Trade With New Speed, Insight, Reach. From the Silk Road to the Spice Route, trade routes have linked continents, spanned the oceans and reshaped the world over water and air, rail and highway.
But the newest trade routes travel on a different medium, and involve a fiber that has nothing to do with silk!
Letemps. L’inversion du WEB! C’est quoi encore cette histoire? – Un tsunami numérique révolutionne la santé. Blockchain : la fin du Big data ?
Si la production des données numériques dans le monde a le vent en poupe, 90% de ces données ont été produites dans les deux dernières années, Facebook y est bien pour quelque chose.
Dataminr : cette boîte dont Twitter veut priver les espions américains. Décidément, la Silicon Valley et le renseignement ne se sentent plus.
En tout cas si l’on en croit le dernier épisode rapporté par le Wall Street Journal (payant) : Twitter viendrait d’exiger de Dataminr, une entreprise dont elle détient 5%, de cesser sa coopération avec certaines agences américaines.
Pourquoi les médias sociaux ne changent-ils pas le monde. La prolifération de l'usage des médias sociaux n'a pas abouti à un changement social significatif, estiment les chercheurs Alex Pentland, Manuel Cebrian et Iyad Rahwan dans un article (.pdf) du dernier numéro de la revue Communications of the ACM.
The CIA Is Investing in Firms That Mine Your Tweets and Instagram Photos. SOFT ROBOTS THAT can grasp delicate objects, computer algorithms designed to spot an “insider threat,” and artificial intelligence that will sift through large data sets — these are just a few of the technologies being pursued by companies with investment from In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital firm, according to a document obtained by The Intercept.
Yet among the 38 previously undisclosed companies receiving In-Q-Tel funding, the research focus that stands out is social media mining and surveillance; the portfolio document lists several tech companies pursuing work in this area, including Dataminr, Geofeedia, PATHAR, and TransVoyant.
Dix tendances tech qui vont bouleverser notre société. Par Alexandra Yeh, Direction de la Prospective, France Télévisions Fjord, cellule du département Design & Innovation du cabinet de conseil Accenture vient de publier l'édition 2016 de son rapport d'analyse des tendances, qui en compte dix cette année.
De l'arrivée de l'EX à la prise de décision assistée par algorithmes en passant par la fin du marketing de masse, les avancées technologiques devraient bouleverser notre environnement et entraîner des mutations profondes de nos sociétés, autant dans les sphères publique et professionnelle que privée. 1 L’Internet des objets signe la fin du marketing de masse L’Internet des objets désigne l’ensemble des objets connectés qui nous entourent et nous assistent au quotidien.
About Us. We’re a dedicated group of mapping nerds who want nothing more than to bring you a solid and painless mapping experience.
We started as a custom map shop in the summer of 2010 with our friends at Batchgeo.
A Data-Backed Aproach: The Top 100 Big Data Experts to Follow. We are at the beginning of a revolution that will impact every business and life on this planet. While we live in the information age, it is vital to have a way to process all the information into something tangible and usable.