Cheesy Chicken, Bacon and Avocado Quesadillas

What is it about bacon & avocado that I absolutely love?? And these quesadillas… with their buttery, crispy, heavenly tortilla shells… are seriously yum. Don’t let the green scare ya, avocados have a really delicious taste. I promise they’re not just thrown in to “healthify” this recipe! ;) Quesadillas are one of our favorite quick and easy weeknight meals. Come on, let’s make these, you’ll love ‘em! Let’s start with the bacon. Now take about a tbsp of the bacon drippings and add to a skillet over medium heat. Add bite-sized pieces of chicken in a single layer, season with salt & pepper, and cook for about 5 mins or until chicken is golden and cooked through, flipping just once during cooking. Remove the chicken & scallions to a plate and rinse out the skillet. Then add a little butter over medium heat… And when foamy, add a tortilla and swirl it around to get it nice and buttery. Now we can start layering with the good stuff. Bacon. Avocado. Do you know how to pick out a good avocado?
Nunavut Territorial Unit Study - facts and symbols
These Canadian Province/Territory Unit Studies are designed to help children learn the geography of Canada and learn factual information about every province or territory. These studies are great for children in the public and private education system as well as homeschooled children. Print the Map of Canada and color each province or territory as you study it.
Potatoes Romanoff – A Fancy Twice Baked Potato
I’m totally ready for fall. I’m ready for super comforting meals that I get to eat while sitting at home, in my sweat pants, with my slippers on! And I’m ready for Thanksgiving.
Copycat Candy Recipes
To make all of these Instructables, download this collection of How To’s as an ebook. Download » "Copycat Candy Recipes" is your backstage pass to famous brand-name candies!
Nutella Cinnamon Rolls
May 10, 2011 | Print | E-mail | Filed under bread, nutella There are some days that I just lose my appetite. It might be because of my mood, or that nothing sounds good, or that I’m in a food rut again and need to spice things up a bit. When my appetite comes back though, what I’m inevitably craving is some sort of comfort food. Yesterday happened to be one of those days, and by the end of the day all I could think about was a warm cinnamon roll fresh from the oven. Fortunately, over the weekend I whipped up a batch of my go-to recipe…only this time, I halved the recipe so that I’d only get 3 pans of rolls instead of 6.
Chicken Nuggets
This recipe caught my eye because it promised to taste just like Chick-fil-a nuggets. I made them for a family party and they were such a hit that my brother asked me to make them for my niece’s birthday party along with these pretzel bites. I still need a bit more practice with the pretzels, especially now that I’ve been delegated to make them for Oktoberfest. The nuggets are great though, especially with the honey mustard dressing. This recipe makes enough for a small crowd, but if you don’t have a small crowd leftovers can be frozen for up to a month. Chicken Nuggets with Honey Mustard Dressing
Canadian Province Unit Studies by your Homeschooling Guide
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Broccoli and White Cheddar Mac & Cheese « The Craving Chronicles
Mac & cheese. Oh how I love mac & cheese. It’s one of my favorite foods on the planet (besides chocolate). Whenever it’s cold outside or I need some comfort or I’m hungry or it’s a day that ends in ‘y’, I turn to mac & cheese.
Chocolate Cupcakes with Flaming Strawberries
Call me easily amused, but these little torch-topped cupcakes delight me. Besides being a cute novelty item for a party, I think they would add a little drama to the end of a romantic meal. I've been looking for something different to serve for Valentine's dessert, and this is definitely different. The strawberries are hollowed out and filled with a bit of liquor, then ignited with a match.
Cheeseburger Macaroni
This delicious, incredibly cheesy dish is another one of our favorite weeknight dinners. It’s beefy, hearty and whips up in less than 20 minutes. Hope you love this one as much as we do! Start with one pound of lean hamburger meat, browned and drained.
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