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Apec - Recrutement et offres d
Accéder directement à Apec.fr × Créer un compte S'identifier ou Rechercher parmi 38 173 offres cadres en ligne Plus de critères ex : commercial, ingénieur, consultant...
The Pomodoro Technique®
What is The Pomodoro Technique? EASY for anyone to use! Improves productivity IMMEDIATELY!
Glyn School
Glyn School is a boys' comprehensive secondary school – with a partially co-educational sixth form - in the borough of Epsom and Ewell in the English county of Surrey. The school was rated as an "outstanding" school in January 2009 and at the next, and most recent inspection in May 2012 by Ofsted, the non-ministerial government department of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools in England. History[edit]
Organization, Methods and Management
Organization, Methods and Management Orgameth Go to archive Thursday 28 July 2011 Moving... Je déménage...
Academies maintain parent confidence by offering meal information online - ParentPay
Date: 29/12/2011 An increase in the number of Academies wanting to offer meal information online to parents has followed recent concerns about nutritional standards being maintained. Jamie Oliver and LACA, the school meals association, have joined the recent debate, arguing that Academies should continue to maintain healthy nutritional standards which are statutory in Local Authority controlled schools.
105 Twitter Apps for PR
Twitter is no longer a little known platform for bloggers to communicate on. These days, even large corporations are realizing something many smaller businesses have known for a while . . . Twitter is a powerful PR tool. Making the site even more useful for public relations and networking are the myriad of third party applications that seem to be multiplying at an exponential rate.
Batch Picture Resize
An easy-to-use and free tool for batch resizing of JPG pictures and photos. Configuration The size of output pictures is controlled by the name of the application. To rename it, click on the icon to select it and do one of these things: press F2 key, click in the text under the icon, or right-click the icon and select Rename command in the menu. Depending on your settings, you'll either see ".exe" on the end or not.
UK Education - Curriculum Resources - IT Academy
The Microsoft IT Academy Programme offers educational establishments extensive benefits and the opportunity to deliver Microsoft’s popular I.T. Training and Qualifications to their Students, Staff and wider community. Members benefits include: FREE Microsoft eLearning (over 250 courses) FREE Microsoft Software Licenses Massive discounts on Microsoft Certifications and Courseware FREE MSDNAA & TechNet Plus Subscription FREE Microsoft Certified Trainer Membership And much, much more... To find out how you can access these benefits please contact one of the following Microsoft Academy Service Partners: Prodigy Learning
Expression Community Home
The proliferation of rich interactive web applications across the cloud and mobile devices continues to create new opportunities for creative design and development. As these technologies evolve, Microsoft is committed to providing best-in-class tools for building modern applications. In support of these industry trends Microsoft is consolidating our lead design and development offerings — Expression and Visual Studio — to offer all of our customers a unified solution that brings together the best of Web and modern development patterns. Blend will continue to ship as a standalone tool with Visual Studio 2012, as part of a consolidated designer/developer offering. Blend for Visual Studio 2012 provides a rich design-centric environment for building Windows Store apps and Windows Phone apps. Expression Blend
Autodesk Showcase tutorial - Car Design News
Ambient Shadows Select the entire geometry and go to Scene > Create Ambient Shadows to apply Ambient Occlusion. Once Ambient Occlusion is applied, it is good to check whether the shadows have been applied properly, and check any inconsistencies. Go to Scene > Show Ambient Shadows Only. Show Ambient Shadows will display the entire model in matt white color only, with the soft shadows that have been applied. If there are any problems, you can select individual parts and apply Ambient Occlusion to them again.
Apps: Contacts Management
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Libreta de direcciones virtual. Se sincroniza con la agenda de la mayoría de servicios de correo electrónico. by mikelaliz Feb 16