10 Rock Solid Website Layout Examples

Keeping It Simple Page layout is equal parts art and science. Creating something that’s visually attractive and unique takes an artist’s eye. However, there are several very easy to follow guidelines that you can use to create solid layouts that work for any number of cases. These principles include choosing and sticking to an alignment, structuring your whitespace properly and highlighting important elements through size, positioning, etc. Designers often stress out far too much about the layout process. In this article we’re going to take a look at ten very common layouts that you can find on countless sites across the web. If you’re a web designer, bookmark this page and come back the next time you get stuck laying out a page. Three Boxes This is probably the most simple layout on the list. The three boxes layout features one main graphic area followed by two smaller boxes underneath. This design is ideal for a portfolio page or anything that needs to show off a few sample graphics.
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10 Stereoscopic 3D websites
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