DDNS – Free Dynamic DNS Providers
We maintain the #1 list of Dynamic DNS (DDNS) providers online. Dynamic DNS is a method that allows you to notify a Domain Name Server (DNS) to change in your active DNS configuration on a device such as a router or computer of its configured hostname and address. It is most useful when your computer or network obtains a new IP address lease and you would like to dynamically associate a hostname with that address, without having to manually enter the change every time.
Distance Estimated 3D Fractals (Part I)
During the last two years, the 3D fractal field has undergone a small revolution: the Mandelbulb (2009), the Mandelbox (2010), The Kaleidoscopic IFS’s (2010), and a myriad of equally or even more interesting hybrid systems, such as Spudsville (2010) or the Kleinian systems (2011). All of these systems were made possible using a technique known as Distance Estimation and they all originate from the Fractal Forums community. Part I briefly introduces the history of distance estimated fractals, and discuss how a distance estimator can be used for ray marching.
Guide to Camera Types for Interactive Installations / Guest post by Blair Neal (@laserpilot)
(image source) Choosing the right type of camera for your interactive installation is one of the most important technical choices you can make in your initial planning phases. Making the incorrect choice can really impact how well your installation reacts to its victims and it can also impact its ability to perform robustly in a large amount of environments.
How To Use And Embed An Icon Font On Your Website
Last week we released a pack of 100 line-style icons. Today we are releasing those exact icons in the form of a 100 piece icon font along with an extensive tutorial about how to use them. Icon fonts are great for their scalability on high-resolution displays and they can be treated and styled exactly like text. Below are steps to embed and use icon fonts on your very own website.
BlackSquare Enigma - Patented USB Encryption Device
BlackSquare Enigma is a patented, USB hardware data encryption device. If you have data you need to protect, you should own an Enigma! Using BlackSquare Enigma, no one can decrypt your confidential data - EVER! Every so often, a truly compelling and innovative product comes along that disrupts traditional technology in a positive way. BlackSquare Technologies Enigma is one of these products.
Beautiful Motion Graphics Created With Programming: Showcase, Tools and Tutorials
Advertisement When you hear the word “creative”, what type of profession comes to mind? Maybe a graphic designer, painter, sculptor, illustrator, or writer? It’s unlikely that you would consider a “programmer” when thinking of creative fields of work. But programmers have the potential to be creative and come up with ideas or concepts that will impact others in positive ways.
Design activities Co-designing Envisioning
7 Practical Tips for Cheating at Design - Refactoring UI - Medium
When there are multiple actions a user can take on a page, it’s easy to fall into the trap of designing those actions based purely on semantics. Frameworks like Bootstrap sort of encourage this by giving you a menu of semantic styles to choose from whenever you’re adding a new button: “Is this a positive action?
LibraryBox 2.0 by Jason Griffey
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What is Arduino? Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world than your desktop computer. It's an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing software for the board. Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other physical outputs.
» Mapping
Conceptboard Browser-based visual collaboration. GroupMap Browser-based ideas/mapping. Process On Web-based diagram tool.
Tor (anonymity network)
Tor (previously an acronym for The Onion Router)[4] is free software for enabling online anonymity and censorship resistance. Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer network consisting of more than five thousand relays[5] to conceal a user's location or usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis. Using Tor makes it more difficult to trace Internet activity, including "visits to Web sites, online posts, instant messages, and other communication forms", back to the user[6] and is intended to protect the personal privacy of users, as well as their freedom and ability to conduct confidential business by keeping their internet activities from being monitored. An extract of a Top Secret appraisal by the NSA characterized Tor as "the King of high secure, low latency Internet anonymity" with "no contenders for the throne in waiting".[7] Alice's Tor client picks a random path to destination server Steven J.
Diablo Soundtrack Collection
December 20, 2009 by Dominus Finally, the time of the year when I listen a lot to the whole Diablo series soundtracks has come, I find winter the best for this kind of music, maybe it reminds me of the days I lay my hands first time on this game, it was one of my first games on PC so Diablo will always have a special place in my heart. The music is fantastic and disturbing in the same time but in a good way. Matt Uelmen created hauntingly dark and at times claustrophobic soundtracks, that are perfectly matched to the on-screen action.
Best & Latest iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C Mockup Templates
Noticing that there’re a large number of iPhone 5s/5C mockup templates out there due to the iPhone 5S /iPhone 5C are getting more and more popular in the global market. So I decide to separate the iPhone 5S/5C mockup template collection from the 38+ iPhone Mockup Templates For App & Web Designer. Here’s a frequently updated list of fresh new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C mockup templates for web & mobile designers. Free free to download and use them to showcase your App or web projects. 26/08/2014 Update: