Gardening is fun but space can be an issue when living in the city. Vertical gardening is the perfect solution. Take the idea of skyscrapers being built to utilize more space and apply that same idea to your garden. Growing vertically can be done using hydroponics or with traditional soil.
Open field system
Generic map of a medieval manor, showing strip farming, from William R. Shepherd, Historical Atlas, 1923 The open-field system was the prevalent agricultural system in much of Europe during the Middle Ages and lasted into the 20th century in parts of western Europe, Russia, Iran and Turkey.[1] Under the open-field system, each manor or village had two or three large fields, usually several hundred acres each, which were divided into many narrow strips of land. The strips or selions were cultivated by individuals or peasant families, often called tenants or serfs.
Climate Impacts Group
The Climate Impacts Group (CIG) is an internationally recognized interdisciplinary research group studying the impacts of natural climate variability and global climate change (“global warming”). Research at the CIG considers climate impacts at spatial scales ranging from local communities to the entire western U.S. region, with most work focused on the Pacific Northwest (PNW). Through research and interaction with stakeholders, the CIG works to increase community and ecosystem resilience to fluctuations in climate. The CIG focuses on the intersection of climate science and public policy/resource management.
Egypt's chef leading a 'kitchen uprising'
28 April 2012Last updated at 06:35 ET By Stephen Sackur BBC News, Cairo Ghalia Mahmoud specialises in plain, cheap and traditional dishes When an Egyptian news channel reflecting the aims of the Tahrir Square revolutionaries introduced some light relief to the schedules, it inadvertently created a new star more popular than the news coverage. There are - I hope we can agree - too many cooking shows on the telly.
Britta Riley : un jardin dans mon appartement - Green actor : 100 vidéos durables
TO CHANGE THE LANGUAGE OF THE SUBTITLES : 1-Launch the video 2-The button appears , go on it and select one of the available languages. Video clip origine : License used : Torrent download link :
window farm « Cranberry Compost & Gardening Blog
More Fun Garden Projects June 13, 2011 cranpup Container Garden, Farming, flower, Flowers, Garden Decor, Garden Design, Garden Projects, Garden Tools, Gardening, Hydroponics, landscaping, vegetable gardening, vertical garden, Window Farm cucumber, design, farm, farming, flowers, garden, greenhouse, grow, herbs, hydroponics, irrigation, landscaping, pvc, sprinklers, trellis, vegetables, vertical garden, window farm I found something pretty cool yesterday. It’s a site on the internet that shows you all kinds of different things you can make using PVC.
How to: create a Planting Calendar, Allsun style
I must say that while I’m finding this market garden experiment very exciting, it’s also rather daunting. What are we planting today? What are we planting next week? Where are we going? Who am i and where are my pants?
Puget Sound Partnership - Vital Signs
Puget Sound Partnership Dashboard of Vital Signs: Charting our Course and Measuring Our Progress Puget Sound, while one of the most vibrant and complex regions in the nation, is at the same time one of the most fragile ecosystems in the world. It is a place of beauty and wonder that we want to protect now and for generations to come. The Sound covers some 2,500 square miles, larger than the states of Delaware or Rhode Island, and is the drainage basin for more than 16,000 square miles. The Sound includes thousands of rivers and streams, rich forests, numerous plantlife, and numerous wildlife species including the iconic wild salmon and Orca whale.
Italy & Singapore » Salone 2012 – No Country for Old Men
See you at SaloneSatellite – stand A34. We’ll be there for the period of 17 – 22 April. It’s finally here!
Indoor Gardening
To make all of these Instructables, download this collection of How To’s as an ebook. Download » Indoor Gardening offers 20 projects to satisfy your green thumb all year long. Learn to start seedlings indoors, grown your own herb garden, and even get introduced to hydroponics! All projects come from, are written by indoor gardening experts, and contain pictures for each step so you can get growing today!