Quick Introduction to Moqups - Moqups
Basic editing ↑ ↓ ← → Move Ctrl+XCut Ctrl+CCopy Ctrl+VPaste Alt+Drag / Ctrl+DDuplicate
iConvert Icons: The Simplest Way to Create Icons
Macs aren’t known for being easily customizable, but if you put a little work into it and have the right tools, you can make some great changes to really make you Mac your own. This is especially true with your application icons. With the exception of your wallpaper, switching out the icons that represent each of your applications is perhaps the easiest change you can make to your interface. Sometimes, though, the image or icon you want to use isn’t in a format that’s going to work as a Mac application icon.
9 Actresses Who Are Real-Life MILFs
In just a few weeks, the entire gang is returning to East Great Falls, Michigan for American Reunion. That can only mean one thing — Stifler’s mom will be on the hunt. In honor of cinema’s most esteemed MILF, we’ve decided to take a look at some of Hollywood’s real-life MILFs. We would scream at their framed portraits all night long.
Interactive Experiments Focused on HTML5
Device Loop Animation View the device loop A device loop animation that I created for the new slid.es home page. Flexing Pagination View Flexing Pagination
❍ IcoMoon
IcoMoon is striving to build and provide the best iconography and icon management tool for perfectionists. IcoMoon's icon library features only the very best icon sets out there. All of our icons are designed on a precise pixel grid. The IcoMoon app lets you build and use your own icon sets in many different formats including SVG, Polymer, PDF, XAML, CSH, icon font or simple PNG/CSS sprites. IcoMoon was first built and released back in the November of 2011.
Smashing Mag Wireframes Tools
digg As website designer when we work as freelancer, client satisfaction is much important when we got Job Description and start work as professional designer and things on high day by day when client ask about ideas before any implementation with creativity and imagination, statistic that vision creates prospects in the playing field of promotion, wireframing and prototyping remain certainly in the list of useful wireframe tools. Wireframe techniques make easier to connect ideas for reduce time and cost and allow greater straight usability and functionality testing afore implementation. We must download free wireframe tools and present best ideas then put live to get user feedback. Balsamiq Mockups
Icon Slate: Easily Make Great Icons
Making an icon can be a tedious task in itself. Just designing a high-quality icon can be hard enough, but then you’ll still have to export it in all the sizes needed and make sure you don’t miss anything. Icon Slate is an app designed to take the hassle out of a tedious task and makes the task of creating and exporting icons much more easier.
Johnny Chung Lee - Projects - Wii
As of June 2008, Nintendo has sold nearly 30 million Wii game consoles. This significantly exceeds the number of Tablet PCs in use today according to even the most generous estimates of Tablet PC sales. This makes the Wii Remote one of the most common computer input devices in the world. It also happens to be one of the most sophisticated.
25 Useful HTML5 Tools For Designers & Developers
The latest version of HTML – HTML5, adds many cool new elements to the applications that are being developed. These days it has become important for the web developers to learn and use the intricate elements of HTML5 to develop web apps and iOS-friendly sites. Did you know that Google has developed a HTML5 version of YouTube?
WARNING: this article is obsoleted. Please refer to for the latest official documentation. Controls core features of Nginx's HTTP processing. aio
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