JDaniel4s Mom: Read.Explore.Learn.-Bugtown Boogie
Welcome to Read.Explore.Learn.! This meme was designed to be a place for you to share the learning opportunities, crafts, field trips, and other activities you have done this week that tie-in to children’s books. I look forward to seeing ways you have learned with and explored books.
Pipe Cleaner Magnetic Water Play - Modern Preschool
Summer leads to lots of water play in our house! The great thing about water play is that it’s easy to set up and clean up, like our star sensory soup. There are just a few simple materials in this pipe cleaner magnetic water sensory bin can lead to lots of play and learning time. Sensory bins are also full of all kinds of science and math concepts that little learners benefit from being exposed to.
Raising Playful Tots
The April edition of the RPTI is out! View it here. What is the Raising Playful Tots Index and how does it benefit me?
64 Positive Things to Say to Kids - Creative With Kids
Download a printable of 64 Positive Things to Say to Kids here! In the years since my grandmother has been gone, I am still inspired to notice the good things in life when I remember the way she would pause at those good moments and say, “This, now this is good.” To this day I can hear my mother encouraging me when I try new things. Her voice of confidence from my childhood continues to give me confidence now. And eighteen years after my dad died, I can still hear him, when I get too serious saying, “Lighten up, Lissy!”
Storytime Plans
Here’s a comprehensive list of my storytime lesson plans (mainly toddler). Each lesson plan has the books, music, fingerplays, flannel boards, and wiggles songs for the theme. I’ve also included my most recent storytime programs that are completely theme-less, but include a lot of great read aloud books for toddlers! I hope you find this list a help in coming up with new ideas for your own storytime or reading to your little one! How I Plan Storytime
Jeannie Partin's post on Parenting
When Spring Break Never Ends, Take Your Kids to a Bad Movie Our Spring Break seems interminable. It is a week and a half. While I should be thankful for the time I'm spending with my kids (and yes, intellectually I am), I do get quite worn down with their bickering. So, yesterday I took them to see Rio 2.
20 fine motor activities for babies and toddlers
Here are 20 fabulous fine motor activities for babies and toddlers – fun ways to develop skills that lead the way to one day holding a pencil and learning how to write. baby-play-tissue-box-play There are lots of lovely invitations to play you can set up for you baby that encourage them to develop their fine motor skills as they play. You could try this tissue box play idea... Photos: Learn with Play at Home, Creative Playhouse, Small and Friendly, The Good Long Road, Sugar Aunts, Carrots are Orange, JDaniels4′s Mom, KZ and Me, Buggy and Buddy, Childhood 101, I Can Teach My Child, Picklebums, House of Burke, Mummy Musings and Mayhem, Fun Toddler Activities, NurtureStore,
How to Do Yoga in your Classroom + free printable
Yoga is a combination of physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation, character education, and healthy living practices. Bring the healthy benefits of yoga to your classroom curriculum with these forty-five classroom yoga ideas. How to do yoga in your classroom Take yoga mini-breaks throughout the dayIntroduce a new topic through kids yoga poses (ex. Rainforest = do monkey, cobra, and jaguar poses).Do a lesson on Kindness and Compassion.
The Violet Hours
One of the best parts about living in New York City during the holiday season are the sidewalk Christmas tree vendors. Every few blocks, you walk through a tunnel of yummy pine air, over a temporary, trampled carpet of green needles. And you see people walking home with a tree slung over their shoulder, just ripe for the decorating.
How to Use Pinterest in Your Homeschool
Hi! I'm Vicki. I'm trying to follow in the footsteps of the Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 women with the heart attitude of Colossians 3:23. I write about homeschooling, homemaking, and any other topic God sends my way.
The Iowa Farmer's Wife: 50 Travel Tips & Activities
Summer is here and with it vacations! And while vacations are AWESOME, they involve a whole buncha planning and that daunting thing that gets you where you're going...TRAVEL. In April I made a 12-hour (each way) road trip alone with both kiddos and survived!
National Gallery of Art NGAkids Art Zone
SEA-SAWS SEA-SAWS is fun for kids of all ages. Select photographs of natural and man-made objects, then arrange the pieces to create a seascape or an abstract composition. The BUILD tool helps you construct animated characters and set them in motion. (Shockwave, 7.5 MB) FACES & PLACES helps children of all ages create portraits and landscape paintings in the style of American naive artists.
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