Free Printable Math Worksheets
Welcome to the website! has thousands of Free Math Worksheets for teachers and parents on a variety of math topics. Our worksheets are downloaded millions of times per month and are used in a broad range of schools, homes, and learning centers. If you want high-quality printable math worksheets, you have come to the right place! Read more ... Ready to download and print some math worksheets?
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• Maths
Assessment tasks
Pupils use mathematical reasoning to estimate the number of descendants a girl who lived 110 years ago might have today. Suitability National Curriculum levels 5 to 8 Time About 45 minutes Resources
GridOmatic, print your own graph paper
return to Bad pictures ? Click here GridOmatic, print your own graph paper, imperial or metric at any scale The only purpose of this little tool is to print graph paper, either as millimetric (with 10th divisions) or imperial (with 8th divisions). A laser or inkjet printer is capable of printing paper of a very high quality, and as a bonus you can adjust the scale, to enlarge/reduce the grid and suit your needs of any scale drawing.
New Zealand maths curriculum
IXL's maths skills are aligned to the New Zealand National Standards and the New Zealand Curriculum, providing comprehensive coverage of maths concepts and applications. With IXL's national curriculum alignments, you can easily find unlimited practice problems specifically tailored to each learning objective. IXL members receive exclusive access to IXL's national curriculum reports. These comprehensive reports cover everything you need to know about your students' progress, including:
Literacy and Numeracy A4 page borders
Literacy and Maths Editable Page Borders Our collection of themed printable A4 page borders in landscape and portrait. Add your own title or text to suit your needs. Click the thumbnails below to preview the resources and download. All these resources are editable
I ♥ mathematics {platonic solids garland}
Oooh….it’s been I while since I last posted. We had a smashing Christmas and new year. Hope you all did too! My computer died just before Christmas and it’s taken my hubby and I a while to bring it back to life…which is why it’s been a bit quiet.
Lego e Aria
This lesson is appropriate for children ages 11 and up. Understanding Air emphasizes the molecular composition of air. Using LEGO® bricks as atoms, the students build a model of air and then combust fuel models to produce additional carbon dioxide and air pollutants. Watch the Partners in Public Health webinar presentation by Kathleen Vandiver on the Atoms and Molecules set, with a focus on the Understanding Air lesson. Beginning time: 4:24; end time: 24:05. Lesson Plan
Web 2.0 Tools for Math Educators
By Laura Turner This is a continuing series on Web2.0 and other web-based tools for educators. This information is specific to math educators, but there is some crossover into science. Math educators will find a large number of useable interactive companion web sites for the teaching of math concepts and skills. 3Dvinci 3D design is a great motivational and instructional tool.
A School Built Entirely Around the Love of Math
Getty Prodigies in piano or dance can study at schools like Juilliard to develop their musical or performing arts talent. By contrast, nothing like Juilliard exists for children who show great promise at math. But an ambitious experiment will soon change that: In fall 2015, a small, independent school that’s exclusively tailored for math whizzes will open in downtown San Francisco. Designers of the new, non-profit Proof School intend to provide mathematically gifted youth an intensive and complete education in grades 6-12 that typical schools can’t muster. The pupils will learn advanced areas of math, such as number theory topics that a university math major or graduate student might tackle.
Geometry Page
Notes to users: Pages with a name space at the top are worksheets, those without are transparencies. Some transparencies will not make much sense without instruction. Chapters are loosely based on those used in "Discovering Geometry" by Michael Serra. The textbook has available online resources here. Some pages do not make the transition to PDF form as well as others. If you come across a page that is illegible, please report it on the Guestbook page.
Basic Fraction Worksheets & Manipulatives
STW Filing Cabinet Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets. Quickly access your most commonly used files AND your custom generated worksheets! Please login to your account or become a member today to utilize this helpful new feature. :) [x] close
Personalizing Learning Infographic
Other Infographics Personalizing Learning Infographic Personalizing Learning Infographic
Description KBruch is a small program to practice calculating with fractions. Therefore 4 different exercises are offered. Exercise Fraction Task - in this exercise you have to solve a given fraction task. You have to enter numerator and denominator.
In Teaching Algebra, the Not-So-Secret Way to Students’ Hearts
Teaching Strategies Ed Yourdon/Flickr Education researchers are beginning to validate what many teachers have long known — connecting learning to student interests helps the information stick.
Math 2
Fiches et matériel (à créer, à acheter et à imprimer)
Middle School