Treasure Island, Ontario
Treasure Island from the south Treasure Island, also known as Mindemoya,[1] is a large island in Lake Mindemoya, on Manitoulin Island. As Manitoulin's largest island, it is said to be the world's largest island in a lake in an island in a lake. The island has no permanent residents, but there are some cottages. Treasure Island lies at an elevation of 200 metres (660 ft) above sea level, with its highest point being about 225 metres (738 ft) above sea level. In 1883, the island was purchased for $60 by William McPherson, a Toronto deputy chief of police.[2] Forty-five years later, in 1928, the island was sold to Joe and Jean Hodgson.[2] The Hodgsons established a tourist camp on the island.[2]
25 Pictures of The Most Comfortably Uncomfortable First World Problems
In Africa, they don’t have bread to eat. BUT WHY DOES THAT HAVE TO MEAN THAT THE CHEESE IN MY BURGER IS ESCAPING THE BUNS’ OUTLINE? Have something to say about this post? Don't be shy!
The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever
The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever is a logic puzzle invented by American philosopher and logician George Boolos and published in The Harvard Review of Philosophy in 1996. A translation in Italian was published earlier in the newspaper La Repubblica, under the title L'indovinello più difficile del mondo. The puzzle is inspired by Raymond Smullyan. It is stated as follows:
Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style
Modern Web-building technologies allow designers to realize their most daring and creative ideas. Enhanced interactivity and a remarkable visual appearance can be achieved by means of such tools as Flash, JavaScript and Papervision3D, to name just a few. These strengths usually impress and entertain visitors and thus are often used for conceptual artistic presentations and promotional campaigns. In this post, you’ll find a collection of amusing websites that, by combining unconventional (and sometimes bizarre) ideas and clever JavaScript and Flash effects, will entice you to play on them for an embarrassing long time. Bizarre and Beautiful Websites Link
Fashion / 14.2.13
You should follow Designspiration on Twitter and Facebook for site news. — Shelby Designspiration Search Color mediumsmalllarge Discover Ads via The Deck
Lesbian Sex Positions For Dummies
A girl's got to start somewhere hasn't she!? I'm sure we've all been in situations where we're left wondering what exactly the side-show contortionist we've hastily bedded is trying to achieve as she vaults across the room via the chandelier (what can I say, the décor at my house is a little pretentious!). Let's face it; it doesn't always quite go to plan. I for one have ended up in many an unladylike position, some of which have ended painfully; not a heartbroken sobbing wreck, but more like concertinaed into the splits and wedged between a wall and a bed.
EPIC FAIL .COM : #1 Source for Epic Fail and Fail Pictures, Fail Videos, and Fail Stories
Alphabet FAIL3 By jason in People Fail on March 2, 2014 Play
ClippyJS - Add Clippy or his friends to any website for instant nostalgia
Clippy.js is a full Javascript implementation of Microsoft Agent (AKA Clippy and friends), ready to be embedded in any website. Pick an assistant below and mash some animation buttons! Our favorite is Links the cat. During lunch a few weeks ago we thought it would be cool to have a fully functional Clippy that can be embedded in any website. We fiddled around with it and we had an unexpected amount of fun laughing at Clippy and his antics.
No Globes: Miniature power plant spews a cloud of black pollution when shaken
This limited edition snow globe titled “No Globes” was designed by UK-based collective Dorothy to protest the construction of coal-fired power stations back in 2009. Instead of the usual happy snow globe scene with pristine white snow particles, there’s a power plant spewing a cloud of black pollution. Via Who Killed Bambi
BACK TO THE FUTURE : Irina Werning - Photographer
I love old photos. I admit being a nosey photographer. As soon as I step into someone else’s house, I start sniffing for them. Most of us are fascinated by their retro look but to me, it’s imagining how people would feel and look like if they were to reenact them today… Two years ago, I decided to actually do this. So, with my camera, I started inviting people to go back to their future.. Now its time for KOREA, TAIWAN AND TOKYO.
Tanganyika laughter epidemic
The Tanganyika laughter epidemic of 1962 was an outbreak of mass hysteria – or mass psychogenic illness (MPI) – rumored to have occurred in or near the village of Kashasha on the western coast of Lake Victoria in the modern nation of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika) near the border of Kenya.[1] The laughter epidemic began on January 30, 1962, at a mission-run boarding school for girls in Kashasha. The laughter started with three girls and spread haphazardly throughout the school, affecting 95 of the 159 pupils, aged 12–18.[2][3] Symptoms lasted from a few hours to 16 days in those affected.
ATTRITION 1: thomas devaux
An aureole of light, blonde locks, chiselled haloes, robes of feathers...figures that are almost heavenly emerge from these disparate elements - fortuitous images that caught the eye of the photographer during an opening exhibition - and the magic with which they have been assembled: ethereal compositions in a dreamlike world. Delicately arranged, these arms, legs and head, all from different bodies selected by Thomas Devaux in a kind of photographic poaching, give the illusion of autonomous individuals enveloped in a hazy atmosphere. These fictional figures - a woman clasping a gaunt male, or supporting him, aided by a macabre companion crowned with a halo - can evoke grand themes from Christian iconography: the Descent from the Cross, the Entombment, Pietà and so on. Thus, from these few trivial or mundane images, the motif of the mother mourning her son emerges - the archetype of pain in Western painting. Yet these references emerge and meet in an original creation without pastiche.