The Art Of Storytelling » Home
Experience a Story: Listen to stories, read and view pictures inspired by our collections created by visitors like you. Tell a Story: Become a storyteller as you write and record a story inspired by works in the museum’s collection. Picture a Story: Create your own work of art using objects and characters found in some of the museum’s most noteworthy paintings. Enjoy, and let your creativity flow through pictures and words! A Fairy Tale Story by Tina Tomczak Once upon a time … A Long time ago was a beautiful maiden. The pirate tried to capture her but the wolf scared the pirate away The handsome man found his violin and serenaded her.
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• Storytelling
The Art Of Storytelling » Tell A Story
Get inspired by featured artwork from the Delaware Art Museum and write a story through the interactive Tell a Story activity. Look through the images below for a brief introduction on how this activity works, or click on the link below to begin telling your story. Launch the Tell a Story Activity 1) Choose an inspirational work of art First, select a work of art as the inspiration for your story.
Voleur de secrets
Okay, this rat is leaving the ship. I’m not going to delete it, but I’m not going to use this blog anymore for a while. Maybe later. But after I made that post considering leaving it another 10 people started following, and I am too anxious as a person to feel comfortable with having a personal blog/scrapbook followed by this large a crowd. I’ll probably follow a bunch of people I follow here now and should be easy enough to recognise (I think) but I might just message you a hello from my new tumblr if I remember to! Hmm.
America: A Narrative History, 8e: W. W. Norton StudySpace
US History Tours powered by Google Earth. This new format traces historical developments across time, touching down on locations vital to our nation's heritage and development. Points of interest in each tour launch primary and multimedia sources. Download Tours: To download: Windows users: right-click, "save link as"; Mac users: ctrl+click, "save as". If you haven’t done it already, download Google Earth™ and install it on your computer.
Storium is a web-based online game that you play with friends. It works by turning writing into a multiplayer game. With just your computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can choose from a library of imaginary worlds to play in, or build your own. You create your story’s characters and decide what happens to them.
Persuasion Map
Grades 9 – 12 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Demonstrating Understanding of Richard Wright's Rite of Passage Students use the elements of persuasion for a specific audience to demonstrate their understanding of Richard Wright's accessible and engaging coming-of-age novel, Rite of Passage. Grades 6 – 12 | Lesson Plan
short stories at east of the web
A game of Scrabble has serious consequences. - Length: 4 pages - Age Rating: PG
Five Ways to Visually Explore Wikipedia
Wikipedia is one of the first places that students often go to get some background information on a topic they're researching. Besides just going to and entering a search, there are some other ways to explore the content of Wikipedia. Here are five ways that students can visually explore Wikipedia's content.
Funny Newspaper Generator with Your Own Picture
Use this free online newspaper generator to create your own spoof newspaper articles. Just upload a photo and add your own text. Here’s an example of what your funny newspaper article will look like: The actual page will be full US letter size, and you can download it as a high quality pdf to print on your home printer. You can upload your own photo to use, and type your article (or copy one of our example funny articles from further down the page).
Digital Poets! Web Tools, Apps, & Lesson Ideas
“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” by Robert Frost April is National Poetry month. I invite you to consider the possibilities of teaching with poetry.
Patrizia Soffiati - Google+ - Cos'è una storia?
+You Search Images Maps Play
Three Ways to Mark-up Webpages and Share Them
There are a lot of excellent tools on the web for clipping, annotating, and sharing bookmarks with your friends and colleagues. For a long time I used Google Bookmarks for that purpose. Recently, I became a converted and dedicated user of Evernote. But sometimes you might want to actually capture and draw on a webpage to point out to others specific elements of that webpage.
Angie's websites