Chakras. Psychic skills. The last why: the prose. INTRODUCTION 1-2Our Nature 3-4Our body 3-4Our mind 3-4 Our spirit 3-4Our reactions to the void 5The ideal 5-9The absolutely restrictive 10-12The absolutely permissive 13Our blended reactions 14The continuum of reactions 15-22Our resultant reaction 23-24Changing our reactions 25-28CONCLUSION 29-31 Introduction While studying to be a teacher I imagined a desperate student asking me some version of, “What’s happening?”
I learned that neither my religious ‘inheritance’ nor any one thing I’d read provided a reasonable answer; and believing I should know it before I was asked, I set out to find the answer. I began, believing there had to be one crystal clear explanation based on biological facts of life rather than on dead theories. I remember thinking as the Apollo astronauts orbited the earth, I should not see ‘borders’ between individuals either.
Neale Donald Walsch: The New Revelations: Talking Points. Neale Donald WalschThe New RevelationsTalking Points © Neale Donald Walsch According to The New Revelations, the following beliefs about God and life are fallacies that create crisis, violence, killing and war: 1) Humans believe that God needs something. 2) Humans believe that God can fail to get what He needs. 3) Humans believe that God has separated them from Him because they have not given Him what He needs.
Uncover Your True Potential. Mind Training in Seven Points. What is Mind Training?
Mind training (In Tibetan: blos.byong, pronounced "lojong") is any method that implants a set of ideas, perspectives, and experiences that work to dismantle habituated patterns of behavior, emotionality, and perception. The mind training presented here plants the seed of compassion and nurtures its growth into the tree of awakening mind (bodhicitta) until it blossoms into presence and the effortless activity that helps others to wake up and be present in their lives, too. How does mind training work? Mind training works like two sticks rubbed together to make fire. One stick consists of the perspectives and discipline of mind training; the other is composed of the projections and dynamics of habituated patterns in you.
Taking and sending Taking and sending (In Tibetan: gtong.len, pronounced "tonglen") is a specific technique used in mind training to undermine the pattern of self-centeredness that characterizes pattern-based experience. Unlock your mind and soulTop 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught in School. By Michelle Walling, CHLC What would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books?
How can we change the system to introduce these topics to our future generations? What will the world be like after successfully recognizing these spiritual truths? 1. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish. WARNING: Powerful Third Eye Awakening Vibration - THOH Chant to Develop Psychic Abilities. Silentmind. My tai chi master used to say that chi is nothing special, it is everywhere.
Chi is an energy found wherever there is life, with practice we can sense chi moving within our bodies and learn to use it to move our bodies in a very effective way. There are rumours of tai chi masters that can influence the chi of others without even touching them. There is no one word in the English language that can convey the meaning of chi? I can be considered as many things including air and energy but that would reflect just single aspects of its meaning. Some have used it to mean breath, some describe it as energy flowing through our meridians. Types of Chi. Occult Lessons. Back To Treatise On OOBE Treatise On OOBE - Part 3 Projection Training To trigger the projection of the Astral body, while fully conscious, there are four major requirements: Relaxing your body 100% while staying awake.
Concentrating 100% on what you are doing. Together, these four things will trigger an OOBE. Below are exercises that will teach how to relax the body, concentrate, clear the mind, raise energy, stimulate the chakras and enter the trance state. Calming The Mind Relaxation You must learn and master, a full body relaxation exercise. Sit, or lie down, and relax. Note: Deep physical relaxation is the key to bringing on the trance state, i.e., deep relaxation CAUSES the trance state. Contemplation When you begin meditation, you will be plagued with thoughts from your surface mind, which acts like a huge Memo pad. Before you attempt to clear your mind, with the breath awareness exercise below, it is wise to deal with these surface thoughts by the act of contemplating them. For example: Free Spiritual Ebooks for Awakening. An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth, by Mohandas K. Gandhi, 1925; ed. by Mahadev Desai, 1940.
Levels of Consciousness. In the book Power vs.
Force by David R. The Path of Energy. Energy Awareness in the Paradigm Shift Author: Synthia Andrews, PhD The world is changing. Old forms are being challenged and new directions are needed across all spectrums of life; economically, socially, politically, ecologically and spiritually.
Bodily Awareness.