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A Depth Of Knowledge Rubric For Reading, Writing, And Math. A Depth Of Knowledge Rubric For Reading, Writing, And Math by Terry Heick This is part 1 in a 3 part “Return To The Classroom” series, so-named because we, somehow, loathe the phrase “Back to School.”

A Depth Of Knowledge Rubric For Reading, Writing, And Math

Today’s post is on assessment, with a look at rubrics for the Depth of Knowledge framework. My first three years as a teacher, my district used Norman Webb’s Depth of Knowledge framework. Bloom’s Taxonomy gets most of the press in education, and UbD 6 Facets of Understanding, and Marzano’s New Taxonomy are also useful frameworks for dispersing “cognitive actions,” but it was the “DOK” model that I used first, and so it has a soft spot in my heart. ?utm_content=bufferf50b3&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter. This article titled “Jobless young people without basic skills told to learn or lose benefits” was written by Rowena Mason and Patrick Wintour, for The Guardian on Thursday 5th December 2013 19.06 UTC Unemployed teenagers who leave school without basic English and maths will be forced to go back to the classroom for 16 hours a week or lose their benefits under new rules announced by George Osborne.


BoomWriter Just Released WordWriter for Teaching Vocabulary. July 24, 2014 BoomWriter announced the launch of its new interactive vocabulary tool called WordWriter yesterday!

BoomWriter Just Released WordWriter for Teaching Vocabulary

WordWriter makes vocabulary fun, easy, and engaging and gives it a 21st century technology-twist! It's sure to be a great tool for teachers and students alike. Utilizing BoomWriter’s interactive and collaborative platform, WordWriter will develop greater interest and engagement levels around vocabulary instruction. WordWriter will increase students’ overall vocabulary comprehension through application of the teacher-selected vocab into their own written work. Teachers will simply add the specific words they wish the students to incorporate, a word limit, and some guidelines—the WordWriter platform is flexible enough that students can write creative stories around the chosen words or just simple sentences to demonstrate their vocabulary knowledge. Magical Maths - A Learning Hub For Teachers and Students.

Maths Trick – Learning your 13, 14, 15, 16,17,18,19,2o times table Are you looking to challenge the most able in your class or want to develop mathematical confidence of your learners?

Magical Maths - A Learning Hub For Teachers and Students

This is a great Maths trick to easily remember your times tables from 13 to 20. You might have come across the hints and tips to remember your standard times tables and found this very effective but I find when I show learners this method to learning your 13 to 20 times tables, it just simply blows them away! It is very important to note that learners should not write anything down when using this method to learn their 13 to 20 times table. Improve your English: the full stop - Botanical Linguist. The spots on this ladybird look like full stops.

Improve your English: the full stop - Botanical Linguist

This post is a short guide to some of the most common uses of the full stop in English. The full stop (.) is also known as the period (American English), and its main function is to mark the end of a sentence. Examples of sentences ending with a full stop I like learning English. Functional Skills Resources. Functional Skills Resources. Pancake Day resources. PicGrid Free - picross puzzle. Find Similar or Opposite words at WordHippo. V2 - "Little Miss" - 2012. Key Skills - Numeracy (6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables) S Functional Skills Finds. Additional_Functional_Skills_Links.

Christmas and other seasonal resources. Spreading the importance of English and maths through QR codes. Technologies. Police Sign - Be Safe! - Shopping Safely. 2013 Wimbledon Championships Website - Official... 10 Dos & Don'ts For Teaching Vocabulary In Any Content Area. 10 Dos & Don’ts For Teaching Vocabulary In Any Content Area With the Common Core adoption in the United States, teaching vocabulary is no longer strictly the domain of the English-Language Arts classroom.

10 Dos & Don'ts For Teaching Vocabulary In Any Content Area

While Robert Marzano has been promoting the instruction of academic vocabulary for years–and many school literacy plans have included reading and writing across the content areas for years–it is now a matter of standard and law. Which makes it kind of a big deal. And while a small portion of non-ELA teachers may wonder (sometimes out loud) why they have to do “ELA teachers’ jobs and their jobs too,” this is a change that’s been a long time in coming. How Much Food Can You Buy For $5 Around The World? Times tables test. Acljohn's Muzy Posts. Acljohn's Muzy Posts. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Join the Company. Technologies. Remembrance Day Functional English resources.

eLearning Tools-Resources-etc. Mathademics! - YouTube. TenMarks - YouTube. Halloween, Bonfire Night and other seasonal resources. eLearning Tools-Resources-etc. eLearning Tools-Resources-etc. JISC RSC > RSC North West regional events. Outlook: Add Grid Lines Between Emails. Math Buddy Online - Sample Activities. Arithmetic Progression on Vimeo. Technologies. Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind - YouTube. Technologies. Technologies. Skills Workshop. Breaking the silence. Functional Skills - blox's posterous. There are three kinds of people in this world....Those who are good at maths and those who are. Cgwnatrm8e. Flickr: The Bad Maths Pool. eLearning Tools-Resources-etc.

Typing Speed Monitor. eLearning Tools-Resources-etc. Juice Labs - Chart Chooser. Maths Lesson Starters. How To Make Numbers Interesting. Sharebar If your content involves numerical facts and data, there are ways to make it more compelling.

How To Make Numbers Interesting

You can design the number display so it has visual impact and you can accentuate the real point of the data so it is intriguing. Create Visual Impact In terms of visual interest, consider these approaches that are illustrated below: emphasize specific numbers, make the numbers concrete, transform numbers into a metaphor, and combine numbers with a conventional symbol. Punktuation. Telescopic Text. Telescopic Text. Tackling literacy is not so simple. At least one-in-five adults need help to develop their confidence in reading, writing and speaking.

Tackling literacy is not so simple

Photograph: PA Literacy among the adult population needs dicussing, and the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) is pleased that The Guardian is highlighting the issue. A recent NIACE inquiry into adult literacy found that those with the poorest literacy skills have been helped least over the past 10 years, and that we need a range of ways to help them improve their skills. But it is important not to reduce a complex issue to a simple problem that can be easily fixed. People with poor literacy need to be taught by qualified and experienced teachers. Spelling help. Skills for Life: Excellence Gateway. Punctuation is Important. Phonetic Alphabet. MouseProgram. Maths - Games - Numbers & Letters. LendMeYourLiteracy. Technologies. How To Write A Query Letter Professionally. Editors are a busy lot, always having to decide what goes into a publication and which does not.

How To Write A Query Letter Professionally

Hence, it’s no surprise that many print magazines do not encourage unsolicited submissions. But if you are an ambitious writer, one who harbours dreams of making it big in the publishing world, you may need to use this path to get yourself noticed. (Image source: Fotolia) The problem is, there is a lot of substandard writing out there, and they are cramming your entrance. Therefore, editors have decided to make the search process a little easier – albeit, for them. What is a query letter? A query letter can help to convince an editor to give your writing a shot.

Editors read query letters to get an idea of whether the writer understands the publication’s needs and style. Writing your query letter Consider the contents of your query letter a sales pitch. Write to Impress Begin the letter by addressing the editor. Pitch ideas Explain the ideas. How To Read An Academic Article. 10 Ways To Become A Better Online Learner 7.75K Views 0 Likes There are some quick and easy ways to become a better online learner.

Great Questions List. E-Readers Help Spread Literacy, No Apps Needed. Digital Tools Worldreader We often talk about the power of the Internet to spread knowledge and information globally, to make digital content accessible and affordable.

E-Readers Help Spread Literacy, No Apps Needed

But as we’re also often caught up in the “latest and greatest” gadgetry, sometimes we overlook that broad promise of global education and accessibility. Such is the case, one might argue, with the news last week from Common Sense Media about the so-called “app gap” — the disparity between children in low-income and higher income families and their access to mobile applications. There’s little denying that the popularity of mobile devices — Androids and iPhones and tablets — has afforded a concurrent explosion in exciting new educational apps. Digital literacy can boost employability and improve student experience. The nature of knowledge is changing and, in this digital age, our definition of basic literacy urgently needs expanding.

With an estimated 90% of UK jobs requiring some level of IT competency, the notion of digital literacy – those capabilities that equip an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society – is one that needs to be taken seriously by colleges and universities. We live in an online world with the digital divide closing up both through government initiatives (Martha Lane Fox, the government's digital champion, recently took up the challenge of getting 10 million people in the UK online, saying that otherwise "they will be even more isolated and disadvantaged as government and industry expand ever faster into digital-only services") and technological advances – more than half the UK population now own a smartphone with internet capability.

But it's not just about employability – increasingly digital literacy is vital for learning itself. Brain Games. BBC - Connect: First Click. AELP's CEO, Graham Hoyle's Functional Skills. Add phonetic transcription to any English text with Phonetizer. 10 Apps for Learners Who Struggle with Reading and/or Writing. Despite the growing use of multimedia in classrooms, schools remain primarily text oriented. This is a major problem for significant numbers of learners who struggle with text. No matter how capable they may be in other respects, these students are not “academically” oriented in the ways that tend to matter most in the classroom. For many, it’s a processing issue. Others have difficulty with the physical mechanics of writing. Wordia. Posted by admin | Posted in Interactive Whiteboard, Knowledge (remember), Language Arts, Primary Elementary, Secondary Elementary, Teacher Resources, video, Websites | Posted on 27-02-2012 Tags: computer, fun, games, glossary, IWB, learning, Spelling, teacher created games, terms, video, vocab, vocabulary, wordia, words.

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