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Musique, développement et neurosciences

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Gurus in Interactive Technology, Sensory Room Concept Design and Development, Eye Control & Innovative Software. Nutritional Sounds DataBase by Carl A. "BIOSONICsystem" Welcome to theWorld of Nutrition The NSDataBase is a data system of nutritional cross-referencing.

Nutritional Sounds DataBase by Carl A

It was created to assist people in their search for good health. This data system is not intended for treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. It is a review of scientific evidence presented for information purposes. The data collection comes from hundreds of sources, with most identified by source title and author.

Let’s get started - The NSDataBase opening page: Example below uses ‘Calcium’ as our substance of research. This is an example of the substance list that appears when you type in calcium as your ‘substance’ of research. This shows the enlarged view of the calcium information box. To view the information on Blackstrap Molasses, use the mouse button and "right-click" on it. Example below uses the ‘mass-to-frequency’ formula as found in the "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.

" Et si le Cerveau Humain devenait la prochaine manette de Jeu Vidéo ? Le jeu vidéo, longtemps méprisé par une certaine élite artistique, a totalement renversé la situation en l’espace de quelques années.

Et si le Cerveau Humain devenait la prochaine manette de Jeu Vidéo ?

Mais quid de la manière de jouer ? Scénarios d’évolution possible. Le jeu vidéo, longtemps méprisé par une certaine élite artistique, a totalement renversé la situation en l’espace de quelques années. Il est passé du statut de distraction plus ou moins avouable, à celui de divertissement populaire reconnu pour son sens de l’art et du storytelling.

De la borne d’arcade à la Xbox 720, du gameplay de Space War (MIT) au chef-d’œuvre Journey, tout ou presque a évolué pour s’adapter aux usagers du 21ème siècle. Toutefois, une composante est restée identique depuis 1962, il s’agit de notre manière de jouer. Ces objets intelligents permettent désormais de contrôler nos jeux vidéo sans utiliser de manette. Le bouleversement de l’éco-système vidéoludique. From Star to Cell - A Sound Structure for the Twenty-First Century. By Fabien Maman. From Star to Cell - A Sound Structure for the Twenty-First Century A series of 4 books By Fabien Maman published by: The Academy of Sound, Color and Movement.

From Star to Cell - A Sound Structure for the Twenty-First Century. By Fabien Maman

Format: 6x9, paperback (pages listed below) The books are short in length, but packed with new and unique information. Full color illustrations in every book. Book 1 : The Role of Music in the Twenty-First Century: "For the first time, a fundamental research has shown under microscope that acoustic sounds can destroy cancer cells and revitalize healthy cells. Fabien Maman goes even farther, establishing a link between acupuncture points and musical notes, between seasons and musical modes... Music is a vector which puts the human being in communion with the universe, source of energy, of light, of life and as such (music) is a source of health. " - Stephane Ottin Pecchio, MD, Music Therapist. Included in this book are 123 color photos which shoe the influence of sound through the physical structure and the aura of cells. Custom Designed Music Programs for Healthcare Institutions. Binaural audio and brainwave entrainment for the psychedelic mind.

Advanced Brain Technologies - Transforming lives through sound brain fitness. Culture Vaults : Resonant Frequencies and the Human Brain. One of the great revelations of 20th century science is that all existence can be broken down into simple wave functions.

Culture Vaults : Resonant Frequencies and the Human Brain

Every photon, energy emission, and elementary particle rings with its own unique wave signature. When we see a color, we are actually seeing a distinct frequency of visible light. When we hear a sound, our eardrums are actually being vibrated by subtle waves in the air molecules around us. Even the neurochemical processes of human consciousness ­ our very thoughts ­ ring with their own distinct wave patterns. By studying the way that waves interact with other waves, researchers have found that even low-powered oscillations can have enormous effects on standing waves, physical structures, and even the human brain.


The Tree of Sound Enhancement Therapy® - The Davis Center. Dorinne Davis       The World's Foremost Sound-Based Therapist - Home. Résonance. Sonologie Infini et Harmonie des Vibrations. L'infiniment petit qui nous compose, comme l'infiniment grand que nous composons s'exprime selon une trame vibratoire basée sur l'harmonie.

Sonologie Infini et Harmonie des Vibrations

Cette énergie harmonique infinie vibre en nous et autour de nous. Depuis plusieurs millénaires l'être humain a entrepris de nombreuses démarches spirituelles consistant à s'harmoniser avec elle. L'infini a pu être nommé différemment selon les cultures et les époques. Il a été exprimé du temps des Grecs par Démocrite (philosophe "atomiste" qui vécut à la même époque que Socrate, vers 460 - 370 avant JC), avant que la vision réductionniste d'Aristote fût imposée au monde occidental. Le concept de l'infini a été repris un peu plus tard par Giordano Bruno qui parlait au 16ème siècle de "pluralité des mondes" (L'infini, l'univers et les mondes - 1584), ce qui lui a valu d'être brûlé vif par l'Inquisition. Et en 2004, il a réussi à détecter et amplifier le son de cellules vivantes qui ont des fréquences de 933 Hz et 1773 Hz !

Contact : Davis Addendum ℠ - The Davis Center. Listening Fitness. Olav Skille Vibroacoustic Therapy Solutions. Acutonics® Sound Healing Education, Sound Therapy with Tuning Forks, Harmonic Attunement® Vibroacoustics (deeper detail) Based on resonance, soundwork creates change through vibration.

Vibroacoustics (deeper detail)

As a neurologically based approach, applying music or sound can take many forms, from simple tuning forks to sound structures complete with computerized output of highly specific frequencies. The goal of the first tools I will discuss, vibroacoustic tools, is to vibrate the body. Body Applications with Sound Tables and Sound Chairs Vibroacoustics may be defined as “the process of hearing sound vibrations through the body.”

This is accomplished through specially constructed chairs, treatment tables, or beds (some with water) that are equipped with powerful speakers designed to vibrate the body with optimal psychological and physical impact. Vibroacoustic music (VAM) resonates the body directly through nerves, skin, and bones. A history of Sound and Light - Electronic Healing. Welcome to the Center for Neuroacoustic Research! Scientific Sound Healing, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson. Sound Healing Classes - Globe Institute Cymatics. CYMATICS Sound in Form Light shining through water vibrated by sound The truth is that sound creates a dynamic mandela-like pattern in every water molecule of your entire body.

Sound Healing Classes - Globe Institute Cymatics

And, since your body is 90% water, the effect on your whole system is dramatic. In fact, your entire body (especially your skin) is actually an ear. When you consider the findings of Dr. Sound Healing and Sound Therapy - Tuning Fork Therapy from Biosonics Inc. Computer Music Research. The publications are grouped into six themes, roughly indicating ICCMR’s areas of interest and expertise within the research teams.

Computer Music Research

The boundaries between these themes are not absolute. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of ICCMR’s work, most publications can fit more than one theme, but they appear just once in the list below. Papers published before the respective author(s) joined the centre are not listed. And so are papers submitted for publication by former members after they have left the centre. All journal and conference papers were peer reviewed and/or refereed accordingly, unless otherwise stated.

Quick links: Biosignal Interfacing Journal Papers Miranda, E. Conference Papers Eaton, J. and Miranda, E.