Turbine Tesla
> Askellek
> Science
> Energie
> Energie Chercheur - Inventeur
> Nikola TESLA
Vidéo - Turbine Tesla
Turbine de Tesla. Tesla turbine. Tesla turbine The Tesla turbine is a bladeless centripetal flow turbine patented by Nikola Tesla in 1913.
It is referred to as a bladeless turbine because it uses the boundary layer effect and not a fluid impinging upon the blades as in a conventional turbine.
La turbine à vapeur Tesla. Tesla Turbines. From PESWiki Directory of Tesla Turbine technologies.
Rather than using blades and friction, the Tesla Turbine uses parallel, closely spaced disks that tap viscosity. Aerodynamic skin adhesion effect resists fluid or gas flow between plates, resulting in energy transfer to the shaft. The technology has been proven to work but is yet to break into marketplace in a cost-effective version. Overviews. Tesla Turbine. Wanted: these sections used to be from separate pages, i just dumped them here in the meantime. if someone can clean these up before i get back to them, that'd be awesome :) On the Tesla turbine - proceed to the simple steam engine, please.
I know of one commercial tesla pump, and it is very expensive. I know of no commercial Tesla engines. Point is - to do this right - with longevity and proper seals - is advanced technology, and to my knowledge, not yet the realm of 'appropriate technology' engineering. Sure, small toys work as examples, just like the Picoturbine works to power an LED light. We considered the Tesla turbine seriously, I had materials quotes lined up - and then I found out that a typical implementation is 40% efficient, and the best documented one is 60 at Piston steam engines are but 15% efficient, steam turbines can be up to 60% efficient but are very complicated and expensive to make. I can provide a much longer discussion on the above.
La turbine de Tesla - Partage d'idées et de connaissance.
Cette turbine a été conçu puis breveté par Nikola Tesla en 1913.
Sa caractéristique est qu'elle n'utilise aucune pale. Comme exemple : une pale d'hélice d'avion ou d'hélicoptère. Plusieurs pales (le plus souvent au nombre de 2,3 voir 4) qui sont fixé à un moyeu central. Celà forme l'hélice ou rotor.
How the Tesla Turbine Works"
Most people know Nikola Tesla, the eccentric and brilliant man who arrived in New York City in 1884, as the father of alternating current, the form of electricity that supplies power to almost all homes and businesses.
But Tesla was a prodigious inventor who applied his genius to a wide range of practical problems. All told, he held 272 patents in 25 countries, with 112 patents in the United States alone. You might think that, of all this work, Tesla would have held his inventions in electrical engineering -- those that described a complete system of generators, transformers, transmission lines, motor and lighting -- dearest to his heart. But in 1913, Tesla received a patent for what he described as his most important invention.
Une turbine de Tesla pour tailler dangereusement des crayons. Avec un boitier de CD, quelques aimants et un compresseur 12 volts, il est possible de construire un taille crayons à turbine de Tesla pour affûter des crayons que vous n'utilisez probablement jamais de toutes façons.
Sans compter que ce bricolage pourrait vous tuer si vous ne vous entourez pas de précautions: les instructions soulignent en effet qu’une solide cage protectrice est impérative pour éviter que le dispositif ne vous explose en pleine figure. Si vous choisissez de vous lancer en suivant les consignes de prudences, vous pourrez réaliser une machine capable de tailler un crayon à 2200 tours par minute. [Hacked Gadgets] [youtube]
Build a 15,000 rpm Tesla Turbine using hard drive platters. Here's a project that uses some of those dead hard drives you've got lying around.
In the Tesla Turbine, air, steam, oil, or any other fluid is injected at the edge of a series of smooth parallel disks. The fluid spirals inwards and is exhausted through ventilation ports near the center of the disks. A regular blade turbine operates by transferring kinetic energy from the moving fluid to the turbine fan blades. In the Tesla Turbine, the kinetic energy transfer to the edges of the thin platters is very small. Instead, it uses the boundary layer effect, i.e. adhesion between the moving fluid and the rigid disk.
Build an Amazing Tesla CD Turbine. Build a real working turbine from recycled CD's!
This Tesla CD Turbine is based on the Tesla turbine, which was invented by Nikola Tesla in the early 1900's. Tesla's pumps and motors were unique in that they only used discs, and took advantage of the boundary layer effect. His smallest designs were over 100 horsepower.
S'attaquer à la turbine de Tesla! Que faisons-nous? «Puissance de Tesla!
Good morning everyone!
I’ve been spending the last few days doing very in-depth research on the design of an efficient tesla turbine, and I’ve come to share my results thus far! To be honest, I never knew a tesla turbine could be so complicated and advanced even though there are few moving parts and construction seems so simple. However, do not be fooled! For this turbine to have descent torque, high horsepower, and obtain efficiency up to Tesla’s claimed 95%, this turbine requires an engineer’s intellect to be properly calibrated to the most fine detail and precision. Anyway, I hope I don’t blow your mind and I provide enough sources to appease the wiki readers!