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The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Chemtrails and The Secret of Alternative 4

The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Chemtrails and The Secret of Alternative 4

The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla Bob Beck: Bob Beck Protocol, bioelectric protocol, Bob Beck zapper and colloidal silver. Recovered The Ten Inventions of Nikola Tesla Which Changed The W Nikola Tesla-Did You Know? “Tesla was considered an eccentric man who talked of death rays that could destroy 10,000 airplanes at a distance of 250 miles. However, Tesla devised the AC (alternating current) system that we use in our homes today. AC offered great advantages over the rival DC system. By using Tesla’s transformers, AC voltages could be stepped up (or down) and transmitted over long distances through thin wires. At the 1893 World Exposition in Chicago, Tesla demonstrated the safety AC electricity was by passing high frequency AC power through his body to power light bulbs. By 1898, he was demonstrating to the world the first remote controlled model boat at Madison Square Garden. Nikola Tesla was born at midnight on July 9, 1856 in Smiljan, Lika, Croatia. “…the idea occurred to me like a flash of lightning and in a second the truth revealed itself. He was talking about an alternating current (AC) induction motor. “For a long time nothing happened…” he said. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Fantastic DIY 7 Color Laser Tutorial Here’s another fantastic tutorial from Jay, a DIY lasers expert. See all of our DIY Laser Projects. I finally finished my 7 color laser! For the guts of the project, I followed this great Laser tutorial on HacknMod. (by rog8811) For the housing, I decided to go with a clear enclosure using ‘push on / push off’ clicky buttons. Important: This is a class 3B laser and should be used with care. Parts: I just went for the 7 color laser, not the spiro. The Build: I found out that this project is much more difficult than I had anticipated. Power Settings and Diodes: I stayed pretty close to the recommendations by rog8811 from the tutorial linked above. Red – Sony/Senkat – 92mA’s (measured 42mW’s with AixiZ acrylic back opened)Blu-ray – PHR – 118mA’s (measured 110mW’s with AixiZ acrylic back opened)O-like 10mW green – I picked the best one I had, which measured 9mW’s with a CR123.You lose a lot through the optics in the sled. * Turquoise – 24mW’s * Yellow – 30mW’s * Magenta – 46mW’s Notes:

The Secret Life of Nikola Tesla « Revolutionizing Awareness Posted by Admin on June 16, 2010 by Nikola Tesla Suppose some one should discover a new mechanical principle–something as fundamental as James Watt’s discovery of the expansive power of steam—by the use of which it became possible to build a motor that would give ten horse power for every pound of the engine’s weight, a motor so simple that the veriest novice in mechanics could construct it and so elemental that it could not possibly get out of repair. Then suppose that this motor could be run forward or backward at will, that it could be used as either an engine or a pump, that it cost almost nothing to build as compared with any other known form of engine, that it utilized a larger percentage of the available power than any existing machine, and, finally, that it would operate with gas, steam, compressed air or water, any one of them, as its driving power. It does not take a mechanical expert to imagine the limitless possibilities of such an engine. Read the rest of this entry »

Mystical, Magical & Magnificent Monasteries in Meteora (20 Pics) The caves in Meteora, Greece, had inhabitants for fifty millennia, but due to raids, “hermit monks” moved to the safety of sandstone rock pinnacles in the 9th century and began building monasteries. More monks and nuns came, building more monasteries perched high upon the cliffs. Wikipedia reports, “Access to the monasteries was originally (and deliberately) difficult, requiring either long ladders lashed together or large nets used to haul up both goods and people. This required quite a leap of faith — the ropes were replaced, so the story goes, only ‘when the Lord let them break.’” UNESCO World Heritage says, “The net in which intrepid pilgrims were hoisted up vertically alongside the 1,224 ft. cliff where the Varlaam monastery dominates the valley symbolizes the fragility of a traditional way of life that is threatened with extinction.” Photo #1 by Vaggelis Vlahos A view of Meteora monasteries in Greece. Photo #5 by Gabriele Quaglia The Holy Monastery of St.

Why Don't You Try This?: The 10 Inventions of Nikola Tesla That Changed The World Note: This article was first posted some time ago, but in honor of Nikola Tesla's birthday, we thought it would be valuable to repost for new readers. Please feel free to add your own information, article links, or video links about Tesla and his work in the comment section below. I would also point you to Rand Clifford's 3-part series: Nikola Tesla: Calling All Freethinkers! which has a wealth of different information than what you will read below. Also, Dave Hodges' new article: Harnessing Quantum Entanglement Is Humanity’s Secret Weapon highlights the importance of the cover-up that has kept Tesla's true genius from the world for far too long. Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. Nikola Tesla is finally beginning to attract real attention and encourage serious debate nearly 70 years after his death. But, let's take a look at what Nikola Tesla -- a man who died broke and alone -- has actually given to the world. 1.

Cautand Atlantida [ Video Documentar ] | 2008-2012 Magazin Cultural Stiintific - Lor li se adaugă nenumăratele legende şi tradiţii care descriu aceste evenimente şi care provin din Europa, Scandinavia, Rusia, Africa, continentul american, Australia, Noua Zeelandă, Asia, China, Japonia şi Orientul Mijlociu. Practic, de pretutindeni. Unele din aceste relatări descriu o căldură foarte mare, care a adus apa mării în stadiu de fierbere, în timp ce altele vorbesc despre munţi în flăcări, dispariţia soarelui şi a lunii şi întunericul care a urmat, despre ploi de sânge, gheaţă şi pietre, despre alunecări de teren, prăbuşirea cerului, înălţarea şi scufundarea pământului, dispariţia unui continent uriaş şi o glaciaţiune. Ceva adevăr Profesorul de arheologie Ken Feder sublinia în cartea “Frauds, Myths and Mysteries”, faptul că “un imperiu tehnologic sofisticat, Atlantida, a încercat să domine lumea prin forţă. Dacă Atlantida a existat cu adevărat şi ar fi găsită, locuitorii ei ar încerca să îi omoare şi să îi înrobească pe toţi ceilalţi”. Acoperit de noroi

Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian-American[3][4] inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.[5] Born and raised in the Austrian Empire, Tesla received an advanced education in engineering and physics in the 1870s and gained practical experience in the early 1880s working in telephony and at Continental Edison in the new electric power industry. He emigrated to the United States in 1884, where he would become a naturalized citizen. Attempting to develop inventions he could patent and market, Tesla conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. Early years Rebuilt, Tesla's house (parish hall) in Smiljan, now in Croatia, where he was born, and the rebuilt church, where his father served. Working at Edison

Animale ciudate descoperite in 2010. | 2008-2012 Magazin Cultural Stiintific - Rating: 8.0/10 (1 vote cast) Lipitoarea T. Rex O nouă specie de lipitoare, Tyrannobdella rex, sau lipitoarea-rege tirană, a fost descoperită în Amazonul peruvian, anunţa National Geographic în aprilie. Lipitoarea are circa 7cm lungime şi dinţi imenşi, precum tizul său dinozaur Tyrannosaurus rex. Caracatiţa mov Această caracatiţă neidentificată mov este una din cele 11 potenţiale noi specii descoperite în timpul unei expediţii marine pe coasta atlantică a Canadei, din iulie. Liliacul Yoda Liliacul care mănâncă fructe, poreclit Yoda, este una din cele 200 de specii întâlnite în timpul a două expediţii ştiinţifice din Papua Noua Guinee în 2009, au anunţat oamenii de ştiinţă în octombrie. Melcul ninja Coada lui este de trei ori mai mare decât capul şi se găseşte doar la altitudini mari în munţii din Borneo, Malaezia, au spus oamenii de ştiinţă în aprilie. Noua specie îşi “împuşcă” partenerul cu “săgeţi ale iubirii”, realizate din carbonat de calciu şi pline de hormoni. Maimuţa cu nas cârn

N. Tesla: The Day Science beginngs to study...
