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JavaScript web apps considered valuable · molily. Recalling best practices for web applications that make heavy use of client-side JavaScript.

JavaScript web apps considered valuable · molily

It seems to me that the JavaScript community is stuck in a time warp. We’re having the same discussions about JavaScript-driven web applications we already had in 2006, when “Ajax” appeared, and in 2012, when JavaScript “single-page apps” became popular. It’s great to continue discussions as long as we stand on the shoulders of giants and try to improve what is already the best practice. A recent rant by Stefan Tilkov is called “Why I hate your Single Page App”.

It throws the knowledge overboard that we gathered in previous discussions.


Frameworks / libs. Isomorphic JavaScript: The Future of Web Apps. By Spike Brehm This post has been cross-posted on VentureBeat.

Isomorphic JavaScript: The Future of Web Apps

At Airbnb, we’ve learned a lot over the past few years while building rich web experiences. We dove into the single-page app world in 2011 with our mobile web site, and have since launched Wish Lists and our newly-redesigned search page, among others. Deploying JavaScript Applications - Alex Sexton. Preface: Nothing in this post is necessarily new, or even anything I thought of first (save for a name or two).

Deploying JavaScript Applications - Alex Sexton

However, I’m writing it because I’d like to start building some consistency and naming conventions around a few of the techniques that I am using (and are becoming more common), as well as document some processes that I find helpful. Much of this comes from my experience deploying applications at Bazaarvoice as a large third party vendor, and should probably be tailored to your specific environment. I’m sure someone does the opposite of me in each step of this with good results.

Also, I fully understand the irony of loading a few MBs of GIFs in a post largely about performance, but I like them. Any specific tools I mention are because I’m familiar with them, not necessarily because there are no good alternatives. You You work on a large app. Dev with builds in mind Loading what you need is better than byte shaving Don’t penalize modern users One less jpeg Requests matter CSS Files.

Learn JavaScript: — JavaScript Scene. There are so many JavaScript resources available out there, it’s hard to understand how much of it overlaps and how much is redundant.

Learn JavaScript: — JavaScript Scene

Not to mention the process of weeding out bad information. Closure Tools. What is the Closure Compiler?

Closure Tools

The Closure Compiler is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster. Lazy Loading Asyncronous Javascript – Friendly Bit. Like many of you might know, I’m working on a site called Kundo with a couple of friends.

Lazy Loading Asyncronous Javascript – Friendly Bit

It’s kinda like a Swedish version of Getsatisfaction, which means we have a javascript snippet that people add to their site to get feedback functionality. Cut-and-paste instead of writing the code yourself. Simple. JavaScript and the Netflix User Interface. Web Development Alex Liu, Netflix In the two decades since its introduction, JavaScript has become the de facto official language of the Web.

JavaScript and the Netflix User Interface

JavaScript trumps every other language when it comes to the number of runtime environments in the wild. Nearly every consumer hardware device on the market today supports the language in some way. While this is done most commonly through the integration of a Web browser application, many devices now also support Web views natively as part of the operating system UI (user interface). Despite its humble beginnings as a language intended to be Java's "silly little brother,"4 JavaScript eventually became a key component in enabling the Web 2.0 evolution.

With increasingly more application logic being shifted to the browser, developers have begun to push the boundaries of what JavaScript was originally intended for. A/B Testing ECMAScript 5 compatibility table. YouTube Player API Reference for iframe Embeds - YouTube. The IFrame player API lets you embed a YouTube video player on your website and control the player using JavaScript.

YouTube Player API Reference for iframe Embeds - YouTube

Using the API's JavaScript functions, you can queue videos for playback; play, pause, or stop those videos; adjust the player volume; or retrieve information about the video being played. You can also add event listeners that will execute in response to certain player events, such as a player state change. This guide explains how to use the IFrame API. It identifies the different types of events that the API can send and explains how to write event listeners to respond to those events. It also details the different JavaScript functions that you can call to control the video player as well as the player parameters you can use to further customize the player.


Learn. Font. Build. Test. Other libs. OO. Module. Writing Fast JavaScript For Games & Interactive Applications - Game Programming. Recent versions of JavaScript engines are designed to execute large bodies of code very fast but if you don't know how JavaScript engines work internally you could easily degrade your application's performance.

Writing Fast JavaScript For Games & Interactive Applications - Game Programming

It's specially true for games that need every drop of performance they can get. In this article I will try to explain some common optimization methods for JavaScript code that I picked up during development of my projects. One of the biggest problems in having a smooth experience resides in JavaScript garbage collector(GC) pauses. In JavaScript you create objects but you don't release them explicitly. That's job of the garbage collector. The problem arises when GC decides to clean up your objects: execution is paused, GC decides which objects are no longer needed and then releases them. Zig-zag memory usage pattern while playing a JavaScript game. To keep your framerate consistent, you should keep garbage creation as low as possible. R.length = 0; Deleting Object Properties. JavaScript. JavaScript is classified as a prototype-based scripting language with dynamic typing and first-class functions.


This mix of features makes it a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented,[6] imperative, and functional[1][7] programming styles. JavaScript has been standardized in the ECMAScript language specification. History[edit] Beginnings at Netscape[edit] JavaScript was originally developed by Brendan Eich, while working for Netscape Communications Corporation.

Although it was developed under the name Mocha, the language was officially called LiveScript when it first shipped in beta releases of Netscape Navigator 2.0 in September 1995, but it was renamed JavaScript[10] when it was deployed in the Netscape browser version 2.0B3.[11] JavaScript Tutorial. Zeros in JavaScript.


Jquery. Requirejs. Mvc. Nodejs.