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Top 10 Best Android Apps. How To Get Better Battery Life From Your Android Phone. If you have a modern Android phone, you know the pain of turning on your phone at 5pm only to realise it’s deep in a low-battery coma.

How To Get Better Battery Life From Your Android Phone

Here are the simple manual changes, and clever automatic tweaks, that will keep your phone awake and useful for far longer. There are a lot of different things that can kill your phone’s battery, and often they’re things you don’t even need. We’ve mentioned quite a few of these before, but if you’re having serious battery life issues on your phone, make sure you check each of these settings, features, and customisations to make sure you’re getting the best battery life possible out of your phone. The Features That Draw Battery Power There are quite a few settings and features on your phone that will drain battery life, sometimes without your even realising it. Your Screen Your screen, especially if it’s one of the new beautiful Super AMOLED or Super LCD displays, draws by far the most battery from your device. How To Automate These Settings.

Customize your Jade Clone - The Clone Wars (have started). . . iPhoneToday will give your Clone the appearance and feel of an iPhone.

Customize your Jade Clone - The Clone Wars (have started). . .

Install the cab file to your device and you will have two options as how you want to execute the file. The first option is as per the developer: your Today screen must be reset from the Settings menu to have no other items present other than iPhoneToday. In essence your Clone will still look like a Windows smartphone. The second option, which I recommend highly, is to copy iPhoneToday's LNK file from WM Programs to Windows StartUp directory. Reboot your Clone and now iPhoneToday boots at startup with the icons have better spacing. When you see it on your Today screen (please see the attached picture for what my modified home screen looks like), you will need to reset the icons by tapping and holding them.

I recommend you pick the icon you dislike the most to use as the first one you work on. Screen - Screen # is the page or tab you want the icon to be displayed at. Think I have received a clone t3232 =-( - Page 95. Optus. Main Page - XDA-Developers. From XDA-Developers Welcome to the XDA-Developers Wiki To be able to create or edit pages, you need to be registered as a user at

Main Page - XDA-Developers

If you are not registered as a user, go to the XDA Forums and click 'register' in the menu on the top of the page. Once you're logged in to the forum, you will automatically also be logged in here. If you have an xda-developers account but aren't logged in, simply click the 'log in' link on the top of this page. XDA also has an unofficial IRC channel: #xda-devs on freenode Directory Information. Jade / Touch 3G Hard-SPL Unlocker [Archive] - Page 3. Tutorials. [4-22] nueClockControl 1.1 - underclock your touch pro/diamond/titan/etc. Update again: I uploaded the wrong cab, if you download 1.1 and it said 1.0 - you got the wrong version, please download again. thanks!

[4-22] nueClockControl 1.1 - underclock your touch pro/diamond/titan/etc.

GSM now supported! Please let me know how this affects your battery life. Note that Device Information always displays 528.0 MHz/400MHz, so you should use nueClockControl to gauge your current device frequency. I'm also told HomeScreen++ and other apps give improper readings as well. update: now supports msm7500/msm7200 non-A parts: CDMA Touch Pro (Herman) CDMA Diamond (Victor) CDMA Titan (Mogul) CDMA Vogue GSM Touch Pro (Raphael) GSM Diamond (Diamond) GSM Touch HD (Blackstone) GSM Kaiser Probably will work fine with the Touch Pro 2 / Diamond 2 /// i.e. rhodium, but obviously I haven't been able to test that yet =). DealExtreme: $9.72 2200mAh 3.7V Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery with Battery Cover for HTC T3232/Touch 3G. DealExtreme Product Forum: [DX] Windows OS Flash Image Available Now.