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Earthships - Passive Solar Houses

Strawbale Builing. Building Materials. Passive solar houses. Water, Water Supply, Water Conservation, Austin-Round Rock, TX, Solar Decathlon, Texas. Although the Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon competition is focused on renewable energy, one of the teams chosen to build a house for this fall's event will take resource conservation a step further.

Water, Water Supply, Water Conservation, Austin-Round Rock, TX, Solar Decathlon, Texas

The University of Texas at Austin, partnering with Germany's Technische Universitat Munchen, will construct a home that is net zero usage for energy as well as water. The team's NexusHaus, which will be on display during the competition held Oct. 8 to 18 in Irvine, Calif., will be one of the country's first water-independent dwellings, and its design could have major ramifications for home builders in drought-prone areas and beyond. Japanese students design home heated and cooled by fermenting straw. We know that composting is good for our gardens, but what about heating our homes?

Japanese students design home heated and cooled by fermenting straw

Harnessing the heat generated by the composting process to heat our homes sounds like a far-fetched idea, but it's been proposed before and experimented with quite successfully decades ago. Students at Japan's Waseda University built this intriguing prototype that is heated by composting straw encased within acrylic boxes that make up the house's perimeter walls. © Waseda University Seen over at Inhabitat, this simple home uses a simple, low-odor composting technique called "bokashi" (meaning "fermented organic matter"), the fermenting straw releases a lot of heat -- 30 degree celsius (86 degree Fahrenheit) heat, in fact -- for up to an impressive four weeks. Living Future.

5 Gründe für die Enttechnisierung des Hauses - Neubauten sind heute regelrechte Technikzentren, die für Klimaschutz und Komfort gleichermaßen sorgen sollen.

5 Gründe für die Enttechnisierung des Hauses -

Ob smartes Wohnen mit komplexer Gebäudeautomatisation oder aufwändige Heizverfahren fürs effiziente Raumklima ‒ vom Keller bis zum Dachboden ist Technik der Taktgeber unseres modernen Wohnalltags geworden. Dabei verliert das Heizen zunehmend an Bedeutung, weil die Winter immer milder werden. Das Kühlen hingegen, das angesichts vermehrter extremer Hitzeperioden von Jahr zu Jahr wichtiger wird, verursacht drei Mal so viel Kosten pro Kilowattstunde wie die Wärmeerzeugung.

Das Null Energiehaus mit Langzeit-Warmwasserspeicher. Bio-Solar-Haus. Zu Gast bei Bio-Solar-Haus. Pop-Up House: the affordable passive house. Making passive construction easy. Facit Homes. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Architects 4 Future. Es braucht die nachhaltige Bauwende! Düsseldorf macht sich auf den Weg. Yvonne Traxel: Ihre Organisation setzt sich für einen nachhaltigen Wandel in der Baubranche ein.

Es braucht die nachhaltige Bauwende! Düsseldorf macht sich auf den Weg.

Wie gehen Sie vor, um die Branche zum Umdenken zu bewegen? Elisabeth Broermann: In den ca. 35 Orts- und zahlreichen Themengruppen von Architects for Future sind inzwischen mehr als 900 Architekt:innen, Ingenieure:innen, Handwerker:innen und andere Interessierte vernetzt. Wir setzen dabei auf den Wissenstransfer durch den Austausch untereinander und mit den Menschen vor Ort, in unserer täglichen Arbeit, bei Vorträgen, auf Demonstrationen oder an den Hoch- und Berufsschulen. Wir wollen die Ideen und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten des nachhaltigen Bauens raus aus der Öko-Nische holen und zum neuen Normal machen. Yvonne Traxel: Wer gilt aus Ihrer Sicht als Vorreiter:in in der Bau- /Immobilienbranche, der:die mit positivem Beispiel voran geht?

Elisabeth Broermann: Es ist mehr ein Puzzle aus einzelnen Aspekten, als der oder die eine Vorreiter:in. Yvonne Traxel: Wie können Städte bzw. Low Tech - Interreg Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein. Konzepte für energieeffiziente, klimaverträgliche “Low-Tech” Gebäude im Bodenseeraum.

Low Tech - Interreg Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein

Warum Beton klimaschädlich ist. Für den Klimaschutz erweist er sich deswegen als eine schwer zu knackende Nuss: Funktioniert das Ganze in den eineinhalb Jahrhunderten seit der Erfindung des Stahlbetons doch nur, wenn vorher das Kohlendioxid aus dem Kalk entweicht und sich aus dem entstandenen Kalziumoxid dann die Kalziumsilikathydrat-Nadeln bilden können.

Warum Beton klimaschädlich ist

Die klimaschädliche Gier nach Zement: Klimakiller Beton. Home - Spinnanker. WOLF Spinnanker - Das betonlose Fundament.

Tiny Houses

Examples. Small house designs with big impact. Small House Swoon. MINNESOTA Magazine Video Extra: The Essential House. SquareOne Villages. How Much Does it Cost to Build a Tiny House? One House, One Family, One Day. Willkommen in der 100-Euro-Wohnung. Horrende Mieten in Großstädten waren vor ein paar Jahren noch ein Problem, das man vor allem aus dem Ausland kannte: aus London, Paris oder New York.

Willkommen in der 100-Euro-Wohnung

Mittlerweile treiben steigende Wohnungspreise aber auch viele Deutsche in die Verzweiflung. "Wer jetzt kein Haus hat, baut sich keines mehr", heißt es in Rilkes Gedicht Herbsttag. Und auch wenn es darin eigentlich nur um das Ende des Sommers geht, haben viele dieses Gefühl ganz allgemein: dass es für sie langsam unmöglich wird, noch eine bezahlbare Wohnung zu finden. 100 Euro Miete im Monat Der Architekt und Social Entrepreneur Van Bo Le-Mentzel hat schon öfter mit originelle Ideen gezeigt, wie viel man aus Geld machen kann: zum Beispiel mit den Hartz-IV-Möbeln.

Wer darin wohnen will, muss im Monat nur 100 Euro Miete zahlen. Wem eine Wohnung nicht reicht, der mietet sich halt gleich mehrere Einer der Tricks dabei ist die Deckenhöhe von 3,60 Metern, die es erlaubt, Platz auf zwei Stockwerken zu schaffen. Urban Biofilter. Urban Biofilter designs, implements, and advocates for the integration of biological systems into our existing urban infrastructure.

Urban Biofilter

Urban Biofilter is a research and design organization based in Oakland, CA and is a project of Earth Island Institute, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. As a collaborative team of ecological engineers, designers and community organizers, Urban Biofilter creates environmental systems appropriate to each site and community.

30 - 100m²

Big but beautiful. Ownworld. Bausatz für das autarke Heim. Energy and water systems. U-Build by Studio Bark is a revolutionary self-build flat pack system. Made in Italy. A-frame homes. Sustainable Communities. Masdar City. Low-impact development (UK) Low impact development (LID) has been defined as "development which through its low negative environmental impact either enhances or does not significantly diminish environmental quality".[1][2][3] The interplay between would-be developers and the UK planning authorities since the 1980s has led to a diversity of unique, locally adapted developments, often making use of natural, local and reclaimed materials in delivering highly affordable, low or zero carbon housing.

Low-impact development (UK)

These LIDs often strive to be self-sufficient in terms of waste management, energy, water and other needs.[4] Homepage - Hockerton Housing ProjectHockerton Housing Project. EcoHouse: Moving From London To Luxury Environmentally Friendly Houses.


YouTube. 2000-Watt-Gesellschaft Wie wir leben werden. Welcome - Rural Studio. Sozial - ökologisch - bezahlbar. Alejandro Aravena, Winner of This Year’s Pritzker Prize, Is Giving Away His Designs. This January, Alejandro Aravena received architecture’s highest honor.

Alejandro Aravena, Winner of This Year’s Pritzker Prize, Is Giving Away His Designs

This week, the Chilean architect announced that his studio, Elemental, will open-source four of its affordable housing designs. The projects can be downloaded, for free, from Elemental’s website (here). Aravena delivered the news at a press conference held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. That a Pritzker Prize winner would give away his ideas for free is unusual; typically, the title of Pritzker Laureate enables architects to seek out bigger, grander commissions. Our Permaculture Life: Our affordable debt-free eco-house. We designed and built our house and have no mortgage. I just realised it's been 10 years since we built the main part. I so love living here and raising our family in this environment. I love the connection I have with this place and how it has evolved to respond to the land and meet the needs of our family. I feel the love and care that has gone into creating our home - our own energy, but also the extraordinary help from my family and some help from friends too.

Every piece of timber, roofing, flooring, cladding, glass has been carried carefully down our path by one of us. ABC OF INCREMENTAL HOUSING « Elemental. Out of the 3 billion people living in cities today, 1 billion is under the line of poverty. By 2030 out of the 5 billion people that will be living in cities, 2 billion are going to be under the line of poverty. That means that we will have to build a 1 million people city per week with 10,000 dollars per family.

286 Energiewende - das Wasser Autake Haus -die Wasser Abwasser Selbstversorgung. BIOLAN - Front page. Clivus Multrum - Composting Toilets. Composting Toilets By Sun-Mar - The Environmental Solution. Kingspan - Deutschland, Österreich & Schweiz. Natural Pools DVD and DIY Manual pdf. Watch Make a Natural Swimming Pool Online. Award-winning renovation slashes mid-century home’s carbon footprint by 80% Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building. Your future home could make electric bills a thing of the past, and even help you earn money in the process. Plus-energy homes are popping up around the world, generating more energy than they use, and can even be set up to sell excess energy back to the grid. Beautiful, energy efficient, and increasingly affordable, these dwellings are proving the viability of renewable energy over fossil fuel sources. We’ve rounded up eight plus-energy homes that can produce more energy than they need, with some so powerful that they can even light up the house next door.

Dramatically tilted toward the southeast, Snøhetta’s ZEB Pilot House is a plus-energy family house that produces enough surplus energy to power an electric car year-round. Located in Larvik, Norway, the 200-square-meter home serves as a demonstration project to facilitate learning and is powered by rooftop solar energy and geothermal energy. ROXBURY E+ — ISA. Sustainable Homes - Eco Friendly Homes - Healthy Living. Carbon Positive. Ein attraktives nachhaltiges Erdhaus mit zukunftsfähigem Baukonzept. Posted On Tuesday, 05 Mar 2013 By ddobreva+.

Exploring The World Of Green Roofs And Underground Homes. This amazing zero energy Bangladeshi air cooler is made from plastic bottles and uses no electricity. Summer is upon us, and complaints about the heat will soon be common in many places. But few places will reach the scorching temperatures residents of Bangladesh will experience, and air conditioning is simply not an option for most people living in rural areas. Ashis Paul developed a clever DIY cooling system that doesn’t need any electricity and is built from a common waste item: empty plastic soda bottles. In just three months, Paul’s company has helped install its smart powerless air conditioners, called Eco Coolers, in 25,000 households, with many more still ahead. The Eco Cooler is reportedly the world’s first-ever ‘zero electricity’ air conditioner, and its inventor wanted to get the concept out there to help as many people as possible. The Grey Group stepped in to help, using its position as a multinational advertising firm to put the plans online, at no cost, so that anyone can build their own Eco Cooler system.

BeCool HVAC system generates clean energy while keeping your house cool. Most air conditioning units are energy hogs that can send an electric bill sky high, often leading people to limit their use. A new device called BeCool cools (or heats) the air while charging up a fuel cell at the same time, could transform the whole approach to indoor climate control by generating electricity rather than just sucking it up. The invention comes from Be Power Tech, a startup based in Florida, where air conditioning is not just a luxury, but also a lifesaver. How To Build A Window Box Solar Heater That Gives “Free Heat” All Winter & Doubles As A Solar Oven… This family lives in a sustainable and edible green-house home of the future. A professor the University of Rotterdam’s Sustainable Building Technology program recently offered an opportunity to Netherland families to participate in a groundbreaking project that would span three years and completely uproot the participating family by relocating them in an experimental greenhouse dwelling.

Not everyone would jump at the proposal, but for Helly Scholten, a “botanical stylist” and her family, the project was a chance to dip their toes into a lifestyle she had long fantasized about—sustainable, functionally off-grid and far from mundane. Scholten applied right away and secured her family’s new home for the next three years, adorned with walls of glass and a roof layered in flora and growing produce. They officially moved into the greenhouse in June of 2015 and haven’t looked back. The home can also be a massive responsibility in terms of maintenance. See more here: & Leben im Gewächshaus. Ein Zuhause für Aussteiger -

Von Annika Flatley Kategorien: Haushalt & Wohnen Das Haus mit Wänden aus Lehm, Sand und Stroh, viel naturbelassenem Holz und einer Glaskuppel steht auf der kleinen Insel Sandhornøya im nördlichen Norwegen. Es ist das Zuhause einer sechsköpfigen Familie – in zwei Jahren harter Arbeit hat sie das Haus selbst erbaut. Das Haus im Haus. Spiegel TV zu Besuch im Glashaus. Wohnen im Gewächshaus.


One Way Poor People Can Buy Land With No Money. La construction d'une piscine 100% naturelle dans le Finistère. Ce bassin de baignade 100% naturel, inauguré en 2015, a été construit dans une propriété du Finistère. La vidéo retrace toutes les phases de sa réalisation commentées par Camille Boderiou, la paysagiste de Paysages Vivants à l’origine du projet. Obdachlos in der Corona-Pandemie: Der Mann, der Obdachlosigkeit in Finnland abschafft. Tracking: We work with third party providers to improve and finance our web products. Together with these third-party providers, we collect and process personal data on our platforms. Using cookies stored on your device, personal identifiers such as device identifiers or IP addresses, and based on your individual usage patterns, together with these third party providers we can ... ...

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