Fitness and Connections Game - Google Slides. Black Panther Tough - The Phys. Ed. Depot. EL ENTRENAMIENTO ABDOMINAL MÁS COMPLETO: LOS 3 TIPOS DE EJERCICIOS DE CORE (VÍDEO)
Josemi ENTRENADOR PERSONAL MADRID | Entrenamiento Personal y Nutrición En este artículo comparto la visión sobre el Entrenamiento del CORE de un gran Entrenador de Fuerza, Michael Boyle.
Es tan sumamente lógica, que aunque esta parcela del entrenamiento genere mucha controversia y corrientes diferentes, posiblemente pueda ser un punto de unión para muchos profesionales. Además su manera de abordar los temas comulga bastante con mi filosofía, tanto en el entrenamiento, como en la vida: analizar los diferentes puntos de vista, y quedarse con lo mejor de cada uno, generando una postura personal propia que aprende de todos los enfoques. Caer en extremismos arrogantes de forma repetida denota una carga excesiva de protagonismo profesional carente de humildad, olvidando que el verdadero protagonista no somos los entrenadores, sino los deportistas, y la búsqueda de lo mejor para ellos.
WODS ZAPEMOCHE todos juntos.
Phys.Ed.Review (The Dice Will Decide)
“No puedes poner límite a nada. Cuanto más sueñas, más lejos llegas” M. Phelps Trabajo de CORE unilateral □Obj: desplazar todos los conos ida y vuelta □ Quién antes lo consiga #PFLúdica…
High Plank 4 Square! Another idea from the world of #twitterphysed #instantactivity #SecPhysEd #PhysEd #WeaverAcademy…
Cardio Corners (Competition Entry – Finisher)
This workout is an entry to this year’s Bootcamp Ideas Competition.
It has been submitted by Johannes Chun from Jakarta, Indonesia. Drill Length: 5 minutes and up, depending on the number of “corners” Drill Category: Finisher (but could also be used for warm up, with different exercises) Equipment needed: Cones, Paper, Pens How it works: Set up a large square (at least 5m x 5m – depending on number of campers) with a cone to mark each corner. Each corner stands for an exercise, e.g Jumping JacksBurpeesSquat JumpsMountain Climbers Put a sheet of paper and a pen at each cone.
Split your campers into teams of 4-5 people, and send each team to a corner. Each team must do as many reps as possible in 60 seconds of the given exercise where they are, and then add up the team total and write it on the paper. Rest 30 seconds and move on to the next corner. About Johannes: I’m Johannes, founder and coach of Kinsei-Do Fitness, which I started in 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Fast & Furious Fighting Finisher (Competition Entry – Finisher)
This workout is an entry to this year’s Bootcamp Ideas Competition.
It has been submitted by Dorene Campo from the, USA.
Snakes and Ladders (Competition Entry – Finisher)
This workout is an entry to this year’s Bootcamp Ideas Competition.
It has been submitted by Daniel Smith from Melbourne, Australia. Drill Length: 10 mins Drill Category: Finisher. Earn the Equipment (Competition Entry – Warm Up)
This workout is an entry to this year’s Bootcamp Ideas Competition.
It has been submitted by Kelly Isakiewicz from Sydney, Australia. Drill Length: 5-10mins depending on number of pieces of equipment Drill Category: Warm Ups How it works: Even teams, have all of the equipment at one end and have the teams relay to get it, but those not running are doing Sally Song with squats or push ups.
Bring Sally Up - Push Up Challenge. 15 Day Fitness Challenge 2. Fitness Dice. Fitness and Connections Game - Google Slides. Killer Plank Finisher (Competition Entry – Finisher)
This workout is an entry to this year’s Bootcamp Ideas Competition.
It has been submitted by Anne Schmidt from Ontario, Canada. Drill Length: Approximately 10 Minutes Drill Category: Finisher Equipment needed: Gymboss timer How it works: Get your members to get into the plank position. Step 1: Perform a Dolphin Plank (get into an elbow plank position and using your abs to lift your butt to the ceiling and back down to starting position) for 30 seconds. Step 2: Perform a Side Plank on the left side for 30 seconds. Step 3: Perform Plank Jacks for 30 seconds. Step 4: Perform a Side Plank on the right side for 30 seconds. Step 5: Perform a Rocking or Bodysaw Plank (get into an elbow plank position and rocking your body forward past your hands and then back to the starting position) for 30 seconds and then take a 30 second rest.
Repeat steps 1-5 for 2 more rounds making a total of 3 rounds. About Anne: I have been a personal trainer and do both one on one and bootcamp since 2012.
Partner & Group Stunts - Google Slides. Pop-Top Relay. Working on balance and upper body strength □□□ @RohwerE #Proud2bMPS…
Star Wars SITH Dark Side Hiit Workout (The Last Jedi)
¿Te mueves bien? Descubre cómo evaluar tu movimiento ⋆ Fitness Revolucionario. “El cambio sólo es posible a través del movimiento” .- Aldous Huxley La primera parte (Movilízate: recupera tu derecho al movimiento) era un llamado a las armas.
Una breve introducción a la importancia de recuperar nuestras capacidades básicas de movimiento, muy limitadas por nuestro estilo de vida moderno. Mejorar tu movimiento debe ser tu prioridad. Y cuando quieres mejorar algo, necesitas saber de dónde partes, cuál es tu situación actual y tus debilidades principales. Existen muchas formas de medir la fuerza, la potencia, la flexibilidad, la velocidad y otros atributos de lo que significa estar FIT.
La 1ª PARTE de este Artículo en la PRIMERA SEMANA se ha compartido en FACEBOOK 1500 veces, y ha sido LEÍDA por 24000 personas en la primera semana. ¡¡ Gracias a todos!!.
RÚBRICA #MYPT PPMCFYS. PPMCFYS completo. 3 More Holiday-Themed Workout Ideas. Looking for more Christmas/Holiday themed ideas this December?
Here are some the community shared over the past week. First up, a warm up: Christmas ‘Who Am I?’ Thanks Christine Cook for sharing this and Janice Ainsworth for re-sharing. Another Christmas workout idea. Everyone gets a holiday name/noun taped to their backs (ex: Santa, Rudolph, Christmas tree, wrapping paper, Frosty the Snowman, mistletoe, etc).
How to Teach Jump Rope in PE Class. What’s Up PhysEd Friends!
If you’re anything like me before you started teaching you didn’t really know much about jumping rope. To be honest, I didn’t know a single jump rope trick before I became a teacher. I would have never thought that I could spend 3-4 weeks teaching jump rope to students. Now that I’ve been teaching a while, I always have way more activities and things that I wish I could teach my students than I have time for – and jump rope is no different.
I’ve learned that there are tons of different things you can with a jump rope.
The 5s and 50s Bootcamp Workout. This week’s workout is made up of a couple of drills sent in by Kjell Stoddard Crowe. Kjell was our Featured Designer on BootCraft last month and shared with us 12 drills. If you’re not familiar with our workout design tool called BootCraft, check it out. 5s and 50s. Escalera de agilidad – cómo entrenar y 31 ejercicios (vídeos)
EL RETO DE LAS FLEXIONES - Bring Sally Up Challenge □
Bodyweight Partner Workout. This workout was originally sent in as part of our annual Bootcamp Ideas competition. Thanks to Nancy Krueger for sending this in.
Reto Core: ¡a por unos abdominales en forma!
Test de Core - Evaluación de la fuerza estabilizadora abdominal. DOMINA LA PLANCHA FRONTAL ABDOMINAL. Múltiples ejercicios para elegir.
3 HIIT para adelgazar, perder peso y quemar grasa. Josemi ENTRENADOR PERSONAL MADRID | Entrenamiento Personal y Nutrición “El HIIT es un Entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad que alterna intervalos duros con otras más suaves”.
SENTADILLA – GUÍA COMPLETA: Profundidad, Errores, Técnica y Recomendaciones.
Circuito de fuerza con gomas elásticas en casa + Juego TRIVIAL-FITNESS.
Survivor Bootcamp Challenge Workout. This month on The Trainers Tribe podcast we’ve been sharing the best ways we believe in for trainers to find and keep clients. As we are wrapping up the season we put it out to the listeners, what are some things that have helped them find and/or keep clients? We’ll be sharing their responses in Monday’s episode but for now I wanted to share what one trainer said.
Patti Wilkins from Body Rite PT told me about a Sunday Family Bootcamp session she runs where kids and partners are invited too. She runs special workouts for these that all levels and ages can participate in.
Less Reps Brings More Steps in this Upper Body Workout. In case you missed it, this month on BootCraft we’re celebrating it’s second birthday by having a festival! As BootCraft is a tool to help trainers plan their sessions faster and better, the theme of the festival is all around planning awesome workouts.
This week’s workout on Bootcamp Ideas is one I planned on BootCraft in less than 6 minutes. Here it is: