Sites internet sur le webdesign
> Clairebelloir
Dossier : comment apprendre le webdesign en ligne ?
Inexistant il y a encore 20 ans, le métier de webdesigner suscite aujourd’hui de nombreuses vocations dans notre monde connecté. Si vous faites vos premiers pas dans le web ou que vous souhaitez vous perfectionner en webdesign grâce à Internet, cet article est fait pour vous. Depuis l’ouverture du blog, vous avez été nombreux à m’écrire pour en savoir plus sur les possibilités d’apprendre le webdesign.
Quelles études suivre ? Quelles sont les meilleures écoles ? Quel est le parcours idéal pour exercer le métier de webdesigner ? Comment apprendre les bases ? Comment se former au webdesign ? Apprendre sur le web En tant que professionnel depuis presque 3 ans maintenant et intervenant en IUT, j’ai pu échanger avec de nombreux webdesigners. La démocratisation du web a fait naître une génération d’autodidactes. Tels 7 commandements, voilà 7 axes à la fois indépendants et complémentaires sur lesquels vous pouvez vous baser. 1.
Les tutoriels se trouvent en général sur des sites spécialisés. Tuto. Web Design Tutorials by Envato Tuts+
Alsacréations : Actualités et tutoriels web, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Formations WebDesign - Formations par des experts certifiés. Formez-vous au Web Design et découvrez le métier de Web Designer avec les formations Elephorm ! Le Web Design désigne au sens large la conception d'une interface web. Le métier de Web Designer regroupe plusieurs compétences : l’architecture interactionnelle, l'UX Design, l'ergonomie Web, l’organisation des pages, l’arborescence et la navigation dans le site web. La fonction de Web Designer est absolument essentielle dans la conception de tout site Web.
C'est une composante déterminante qui conditionne la fonctionnalité et le succès de votre site Internet et donc de sa fréquentation. De plus, la conception d'un design web tient compte des contraintes spécifiques du support Internet, notamment en termes d’ergonomie, d’utilisabilité et d’accessibilité. Le Web Design d'un site se présente en premier temps sous forme de maquette fonctionnelle avec des spécifications techniques : ergonomie, charte graphique, identité visuelle, marketing, interactivité, etc.
Cours de programmation : Apprendre à Programmer en Ligne. Home. Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. Découvrez et téléchargez des images gratuites · Pixabay. Background Image Generator - SiteOrigin. ColoRotate.
The Color Scheme Designer. Roue chromatique | Modèles de couleurs. Free Fonts! Legit Free & Quality. Polices à télécharger. ColorZilla. ColorPicker - Modules pour Firefox. Font Awesome. Carte. OpenStreetMap. Marmoset Toolbag 3 - 3D Rendering, Lookdev, and Production Tools. License Types: Freelance/Academic If you’re not holding a corporate credit card in your hand, this is likely for you. This license is for freelancers, hobbyists, students, and educators.
It is suitable for both non-commercial and commercial use. Studio If you are purchasing on behalf of a business that is producing commercial content, this is the license for you. These license seats are owned by businesses for team use rather than individual users. Upgrade Discounts! As a Toolbag 2 license owner, you qualify for a discount on Toolbag 3. Important: In order for the upgrade discount to be granted, you must enter the same email address/Marmoset ID currently assigned to your Toolbag 2 license. License Activation Standard Installation Once your order is complete and you’ve received your order confirmation email, run Toolbag 3 and log in on the welcome screen using your Marmoset ID.
Installation from Disc Image What is my “Marmoset ID”? Licensing Terms Support Terms Volume Discounts May I gift a license?
Compressez vos GIF et GIF animés en quelques secondes et gratuitement !
Converting your file. Convertir MP4 en WEBM. TinyJPG – Compress JPEG images intelligently. CSS Diner - Where we feast on CSS Selectors!
Grid Garden - Un jeu pour apprendre les grid CSS. Flexbox Froggy - Un jeu pour apprendre les flexbox CSS. Backbone Game Engine. Backbone.World new Backbone.World([attributes], [options]) Backbone.World is model which contains a collection of sprites that interact with each other.
A world is an environment composed of tiles and characters. The world extends beyond the canvas however the viewport, the visible portion, is constrained within its prescribed limits. Backbone.World is similar to a sprite; it implements the update and draw methods required by the Backbone.Engine collection. Attributes x, y: Origin of top-left corner in pixels. width, height: Size of world in tiles. tileWidth, tileHeight: Size of a tile in pixels. viewportLeft, viewportRight, viewportTop, viewportBottom: Defines an area in the canvas the world is constrained to.
Note: Setting a viewport different than the canvas size uses canvas clipping. Options backgroundImage: Optional. Methods A Backbone.World is a model that wraps a collection stored in property sprites. Add(models, [options]): Add one or many models. Events How it works Sprites Persistence. Skippr. A jQuery plugin for creating tasteful slideshows.
The setup. Include jquery.skippr.css inside your head tag and skippr.js just before the closing body tag. Be sure to include jQuery before skippr.js Create a target element with divs inside, one for each slide, and add a background image with css or the style attribute. Skippr targets div tags inside of the selected element with background-images applied to them. **Note: The container element must have a specified width and height, and position other than static to work properly. Initiate. Just select the target element with jQuery and call the skippr method.
$(document).ready(function(){ $("#theTarget").skippr(); }); Options. Pass in an options object as a parameter to the skippr method for customization. transition : specify the type of transition you want your slideshow to perform. Speed : enter length of time in milliseconds you want the transition between slides to take. Easing : enter the camelCase name of the easing property you want to use with slide transitions.
Egjs-visible. Browser support IE 7+, latest of Chrome/FF/Safari, iOS 7+ and Android 2.1+ (except 3.x) Quick steps to use: Set up your HTML <ul id="contents"><li class="check_visible"><div>test1</div></li><li class="check_visible"><div>test2</div></li><li class="check_visible"><div>test3</div></li><li class="check_visible"><div>test4</div></li><li class="check_visible"><div>test5</div></li><li class="check_visible"><div>test6</div></li></ul> Load files or import library import Visible from "@egjs/visible"; Initialize.
Egjs-view360. Installation npm In case using npm, npm install @egjs/view360 --save script tag In case using script tag, Download the latest version of view360.js and include using the script tag Download link Usage 1. Your container element’s dimensions should be defined. 2. // Use global namespacevar PanoViewer = eg.view360.PanoViewer; // Or use es6 importimport {PanoViewer} from "@egjs/view360"; 3. For more information about API, please visit the link.
Egjs-flicking. Choreographer-js.
Particles.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles. FullPage.js | One Page Scroll sections Site Plugin. Les 10 plugins et ressources Javascript à connaître !
Sticker.js. TAO TAJIMA | Filmmaker. Three.js - Javascript 3D library. ScrollReveal. Progressively - Load Images progressively. .init() (options) The init() API takes a few options throttle Type: Number, Default: 300 The throttle is managed by an internal function that prevents performance issues from continuous firing of window.onscroll events. Using a throttle will set a small timeout when the user scrolls and will keep throttling until the user stops.
The default is 300 milliseconds. delay Type: Number, Default: 100 The delay function sets the timout value for images to start load asynchronously. Ideally it's value should be low. onLoad Type: Function, Arguments: HTMLElement The imgload function is invoked whenever an image elements finishes loading. It accepts HTMLElement as an argument which is the current element that is loaded. onLoadComplete Type: Function, Arguments: None The afterload function is callback function which executes when all images have loaded. It is fired when all the image elements have the *--is-loaded class.
Examples | Granim.js.
Basic gradient animation Basic gradients animation with 3 gradients in queue composed of 2 colors. Complex gradient animation Complex gradient animation with 2 gradients in queue with different positions composed of 3 colors. Gradient animation with an image and blending mode Gradient animation with 2 colors, a background image and a blending mode set. More parameters for options.image are available in the API page. Gradients with an image mask Gradient animation with an image mask to create a gradient animation under a shape. <div class="bloc-logo"><canvas id="logo-canvas"></canvas><a href="index.html" class="logo-mask">Granim.js</a></div> Interactive Gradients Create a gradient animation that responds to events.
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