Women at Work
> Clarelucy
Nude art and censorship laid bare - CNN Style. Written by Jessica Lack, CNN This year marks the 100th anniversary of an exhibition of paintings by the Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani, at the Berthe Weill gallery in Paris.
The exhibition, displaying a number of nude works, was too much for some and shut down within hours of its opening.
Deaf women fought for the right to vote. If Susan B.
Anthony had a deaf sister, everyone would know that deaf suffragists fought tirelessly for expanding women’s right to vote, right alongside Anthony herself. Everyone would know deaf suffragists contributed to women’s emancipation in the United States and Britain and that they lived bold lives.
Women Dominated Beer Brewing Until They Were Accused of Being Witches click2x. Editor’s note, March 17, 2021: Last week, we ran this story that originally appeared on The Conversation, a nonprofit news outlet that publishes writing by academic experts from around the world.
After publishing, we heard from multiple scholars who disagreed with the framing, analysis and conclusions discussed in the article below. They argue, in fact, that contemporary depictions of witches originated in sources other than women brewers and that the transfer from women to men of the work of brewing, in various geographic and historical settings, came about for economic and labor reasons. We addressed a number of factual errors in our March 10, 2021, editor’s note, found at the bottom of the page, and we have changed the headline from its original version. What do witches have to do with your favorite beer?
How Heather Cox Richardson Became a Breakout Star on Substack. Dr.
Richardson confounds many of the media’s assumptions about this moment. She built a huge and devoted following on Facebook, which is widely and often accurately viewed in media circles as a home of misinformation, and where most journalists don’t see their personal pages as meaningful channels for their work.
Two Scientists Win Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Crispr Gene Editing. “Other technologies sometimes take a couple of decades before they come into regular practice,” Dr.
Collins said. Crispr’s rapid rise to near ubiquity, he added, “is remarkable.” Jinelle Wint, assistant dean for academic affairs at Stowers Institute for Medical Research in Kansas City, Mo., described this year’s prize as a “historic win,” both because of its recognition of a revolutionary advancement in biomedical science, as well as its championing of women scientists. Aspiring female scientists, Dr. Wint said, should be empowered to think “that they, too, can be in the next Nobel Prize winners of the future.”
Facebook. Black Hole Hunter: Andrea Ghez. Meet the woman who gave the world antiviral drugs. This All-Female Unit Of Rangers Protecting Wildlife From Poachers In Zimbabwe Is Epic. Poaching is slowly becoming a thing of the past in parts of Zimbabwe!
A highly-effective all-female anti-poaching ranger unit called the Akashinga is protecting wildlife and revolutionizing the fight against illegal trophy hunting. Since being founded in 2017 as part of the International Anti-Poaching Foundation (IAPF), the Akashinga (meaning The Brave Ones in the Shona language) helped reduce elephant poaching in Zimbabwe’s Lower Zambezi Valley by a whopping 80 percent. To celebrate their achievements, National Geographic recently streamed a short documentary about the Akashinga on World Elephant Day, August 12.
Bored Panda reached out to one of the producers of the documentary, Drew Pulley, who has directed and produced documentary content for Nat Geo in over 30 countries around the world. Scroll down for our full interview with him.
Overlooked No More: Eunice Foote, Climate Scientist Lost to History. Overlooked is a series of obituaries about remarkable people whose deaths, beginning in 1851, went unreported in The Times.
In the 1850s, Eunice Foote, an amateur scientist and activist for women’s rights, made a remarkable discovery about greenhouse gases that could have helped form the foundation of modern climate science. But the scientific paper she published that might have added her name to the pantheon of early climate scientists was quickly forgotten, and she faded into obscurity. There isn’t even a known photograph of her today. The idea that greenhouse gases warm the planet is anything but new, and anything but unsettled.
Foote’s ingenious and elegant experiment involved two glass cylinders filled with various substances, including moist air and carbon dioxide.
Overlooked No More: Kate Worley, a Pioneer Writer of Erotic Comics. Rep. Ilhan Omar. Rep.
Ilhan Omar pushed back Tuesday night on Republican attacks after her remarks calling for the "dismantling" of U.S. systems of racism and oppression were characterized as un-American and dangerous by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and other right-wing extremists. "It is telling that a black woman discussing systematic oppression is so triggering to the right," Omar tweeted as performative conservative outrage over her remarks increased through the evening.
“As long as our economic and political systems prioritize profit, without considering who is profiting and who is being shut out, we will perpetuate inequality.”It is telling that a black woman discussing systematic oppression is so triggering to the right. pic.twitter.com/chJtgp5OzP— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) July 7, 2020. 2nd Grade Students Cover Their Teacher’s Dress In Drawings, And Her Story Takes Over The Internet. Sometimes arming a bunch of 8-year-olds with paint and markers doesn’t have to result in a disaster.
In fact, it can turn into a beautiful work of art!
Where women rule: the last matriarchy in Europe – in pictures. This Ad Was Rejected By The Oscars For Being “Too Graphic”, But It Shows The Reality Of A New Mom. As Hollywood’s A-list celebrities were walking down the red carpet at this year’s Academy Awards, a new Frida Mom postpartum ad was causing controversy for not being accepted to the party.
ABC refused to show the commercial during their three-hour broadcast of the Oscars, saying it was “too graphic”. The clip shows a new mom during the first days after giving birth, facing the effects it has had on her body. There’s the postpartum belly, the mesh underwear she received at the hospital, her problematic journey to the bathroom, and the pad she must wear as her body continues to bleed. ABC explained their reasoning by citing the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences guidelines: “Advertisement of the following is not permitted: Political candidates/positions, religious or faith-based message/position, guns, gun shows, ammunition, feminine hygiene products, adult diapers, condoms or hemorrhoid remedies.”
Parents, however, didn’t buy it.
Shakira & J. Lo's FULL Pepsi Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show. Lorenza Mazzetti obituary. The Italian film-maker and author Lorenza Mazzetti, who has died aged 91, declared herself to be a genius on her first day at the Slade School of Fine Art in London, and she made good on her promise. She unleashed a capacity to tell stories in film and literature that evoked a childhood trauma in Italy that she found too painful to discuss in person. Living in Britain after the second world war, she became a founding member of the British Free Cinema movement alongside Lindsay Anderson, Karel Reisz and Tony Richardson. Her most acclaimed movie, made in 1956 with the support of the BFI’s Experimental Film Fund, was Together, a heartbreaking depiction of urban isolation. In this largely dialogue-free film, the painter Michael Andrews and the sculptor Eduardo Paolozzi appear as two brothers, both deaf and without speech, working as dockers in the blitz-struck East End of London, who are snubbed and taunted by locals, with terrible consequences.
Mazzetti is survived by Paola.
Why was pioneering director Alice Guy-Blaché erased from history?
Call yourself a cinephile and you’ve never heard of Alice Guy-Blaché? Don’t worry, most film-makers haven’t heard of her either. But we all should have done. In fact, there should be statues of her and cinemas named after her.
When 72-Year-Old Sherry Lansing is on a Magazine Cover: Photo Freakouts and a Hollywood Ageism Epiphany. I've lived for exactly seven years now in Los Angeles, a town whose many well-heeled denizens consistently, comically panic over two things: aging and rainy days. The latter we can't stop. But the former?
Finland anoints Sanna Marin, 34, as world's youngest-serving prime minister. Finland’s transport minister, Sanna Marin, has been selected to lead the Social Democratic party, making her the country’s youngest prime minister ever. The 34-year-old Marin, whose party is the largest in a five-member governing coalition, will be the world’s youngest serving prime minister when she takes office in the coming days.
She is also Finland’s third female government leader. Having emerged as Finland’s largest party in the April election, the Social Democrats can appoint one of their own to the post of prime minister in the Nordic nation of 5.5m people.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton house. Microchimerism: how pregnancy changes the mother’s very DNA. Women & the World. Talented Mom Crochets Amazing Full Body Halloween Costumes For Her Kids. The Office: An In-Depth Analysis of Workplace User Behavior. Women Poop. Sometimes At Work. Get Over It.
Which is not to say that anxious poopers or audible flatulators of all genders don’t exist: Indeed, a male friend of ours, a U.S.
Marine, recently explained that he often changes out of his military uniform and into another while on base in order to enter an entirely different facility to use the restroom. (He was one of three individuals who responded to a survey we sent out to 100 people, mostly women, about fecal habits at work. Even with the cloak of anonymity, apparently nobody wanted to talk about it.) But while boys and men are more likely to develop “paruresis,” the D.S.M.
The Third Self: Mary Oliver on Time, Concentration, the Artist's Task, and the Central Commitment of the Creative Life. This Account Showcases Real Women That Don’t Follow Society’s Expectations (30 Pics)
Pamela Adlon: ‘Better Things is about hope and love amid the darkness’
Disney Heir Abigail Disney Calls For Tax On The Wealthy : NPR. An Excerpt From E. Jean Carroll’s ‘What Do We Need Men For?’
E. Jean Carroll. Photo: Amanda Demme for New York Magazine My first rich boy pulled down my underpants. My last rich boy pulled down my tights. My first rich boy — I had fixed my eyes on his face long enough to know — was beautiful, with dark gray eyes and long golden-brown hair across his forehead.
2019 World Cup: Trump demeans himself by raging at Megan Rapinoe. Gender. Chapter 2. Work. The Female Archaeologists of the Scottish Orkneys Were Hiding in Plain Sight.
Men at Work
What Happens When The Queen Dies. Agnès Varda: The Filmmaker as Rigorous Friend. Jumbo jets graveyard.