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Beaux courts métrages. Dictées préparées. Ayez je me lance!
Je viens de recevoir ma commande de livres et mon dernier achat "450 dictées, CLR" m'enchante! Bon, c'est peut-être un peu tardif pour mettre ça en place cette année mais ça me laisse le temps de préparer pour l'année prochaine! Fonctionnement Je donne aux élèves uniquement la feuille de préparation avec les exercices. Le jour de la dictée, je donne la feuille du texte à trous pour les enfants en difficulté (une idée de ma collègue de CM1-CM2 que je trouve pas bête alors je pique hihi) et je dicte la dictée pour les autres.
Evaluation Alors après mûre reflexion et plusieurs changements, voici à quoi va ressembler ma grille d'évaluation des dictées préparées. A voir dans la section "évaluations 2011-2012" --> ICI Les documents (Attention ! Matrice en version modifiable Si vous utilisez mes modèles vous devez citer la source sur votre blog en mettant un lien vers chez moi. Delightful Daily 5 Cafe: getting started. The next component I introduce (just like Gail and Joan suggest) is Work on Writing.
Because it is so much like Read to Self, it makes sense to introduce it next. The major difference is that kids are writing instead of reading. :) You'll need to think about what tools you're going to use for writing time. 5 au Quotidien - Idées. Teachers' D5 Share and Swap Stop. ~Zeek's Zoo~ Daily 5 Set Up. I love the Daily 5 and I love CAFE even more.
I have struggled though, to keep the resources organised. When I rearranged my room over the holidays, implementing an organisational system for the D5 was a must. I made these charts earlier in the year as I introduced each Daily. It reminds students what they can do during each. I've since added a pic up the top in the middle - I hated that empty space! I picked up some cute pink, blue and green tubs at a cheapie store, reduced the posters above, and attached them to the side.
I keep these along the top of a bookshelf (not on top of each other. I have also given my listening post area a little make over. The other little table is in our small group teaching area. All of the essentials - pens, stapler, post-its, sticky tape, calculator. I also bought two little bookshelves. DAILY FIVE. Daily Five - Les cinq au quotidien. Daily 5. Workshop daily and co.
What have the Zakar's been up to?..... It has been a busy couple of weeks here at Beal School. I cannot believe that it is already mid October. Let me tell you about a few things we have been up to. Daily 5 is off and running and the kids are really starting to understand how to choose books that are just right for them.
We have learned the IPICK song (ask your child to sing it to you), which helps us remember how to choose a just right book. I- I choose my books? Last week I decided that it was time to revamp my library. All my literacy assessments are done and I am off and running with the Cafe. Here is my new interactive Daily 5 Check in board. Doesn't it look fantastic? For fun Friday last week, Miss Goulet read us the story "Fletcher and the Falling Leaves" We used many strategies during this story. That's all for now.