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Autocad. Texturas. 3D. Guia diseno entornos escolares opt. Universal Design and Accessibility Manuals from Latin America and Spain. 26 Handy Architecture Cheat Sheets. 26 Handy Architecture Cheat Sheets If you find yourself always looking up the same information, or if you're just starting out and you need to have the basics handy, this post is for you.

26 Handy Architecture Cheat Sheets

There are hundreds of these helpful guides floating around on Pinterest—and if you want to venture further into interior design or more towards engineering, you're covered! We selected the best and most useful architecture and interior design infographics so that your next project is on point. Lineweights for Landscape Architecture AutoCAD vs Revit Adobe Illustrator Pathfinder Adobe Suite Guide Illustrator Shortcuts Photoshop Shortcuts Paint Colors for Rooms Stair Formulas Green Materials Tree Forms Types of House Plants.

9 Important Photoshop Tips for Architects. 9 Important Photoshop Tips for Architects This article was originally published by RenderPlan as "9 Powerful Photoshop Tips for an Effective Workflow.

9 Important Photoshop Tips for Architects

" A powerful software like Photoshop can turn an average looking image or drawing into a stellar asset for a project. The trick is to learn to use some of its best features and optimize your workflow for maximum efficiency. Over the years Photoshop has become the go-to tool for architects for any kind of image-based editing. The software has become indispensible thanks to its versatile features. 1. As with any type of software, it is important to maintain control of a project and allow yourself to go back and forth between steps without losing work. 2. Have you ever placed an image on the canvas, scaled it back only to notice a loss in quality? 3. Using hotkeys can significantly speed up your workflow. A Simple Guide to Using the ADA Standards for Accessible Design Guidelines. A Simple Guide to Using the ADA Standards for Accessible Design Guidelines Only a special few architects can truly say they enjoy reading building codes.

A Simple Guide to Using the ADA Standards for Accessible Design Guidelines

There’s no doubt that it’s daunting and it can certainly pose challenges to your design. Over time you’ll likely become familiar with the types of things you need to look out for on a project, but even the most experienced architects may still need to double-check a code question or two during the design process (or have an intern check it for them.) Unfortunately, many code documents are unwieldy to say the least, and there are few cases in which this is more true than the 279-page ADA Standards for Accessible Design.

However, once you understand the layout and how to use a code book or the ADA guidelines, they become more manageable. Buscadores de tesis en universidades de América Latina y España. Learn 3d Arch Viz Using 3dsMax, Vray and Unreal Engine. 20 Creative Animated Gifs that play with Architecture. Florian Schommer If a picture is worth a thousand words, then an animated gif must be priceless!

20 Creative Animated Gifs that play with Architecture

Below you will find a collection of creative and elegant animated Gifs that play with Architecture. From geometry to mechanics and everything in between, these animations help educate and give joy to Architecture. How to Design Theater Seating, Shown Through 21 Detailed Example Layouts. How to Design Theater Seating, Shown Through 21 Detailed Example Layouts Audience sightlines, accessibility and acoustics all make theater seating a hugely precise art.

How to Design Theater Seating, Shown Through 21 Detailed Example Layouts

As part of their set of online resources for architects and designers, the team at Theatre Solutions Inc (TSI) have put together a catalog of 21 examples of theater seating layouts. Each layout is well detailed, with information on the number of seats, the floor seating area and row spacing. These layouts fall under three general forms; to supplement this information, alongside TSI's diagrams we've included the pros and cons of each type, as well as examples of projects which use each format.

Read on for more. 1. In the End Stage form, the entire audience faces the stage in the same direction. However, End Stages are not overly successful at creating a close relationship between performer and spectator. Examples: The Blyth Perfoming Arts Centre / Stevens Lawson Architects Theatre Agora / UNStudio 2. 3. ¾ Arena 4. How to Create Animated GIFs in Revit. How to Create Animated GIFs in Revit This article was originally posted on ArchSmarter.

How to Create Animated GIFs in Revit

ArchDaily recently posted an interesting article on using animated GIFs for architectural drawings. The article had some great examples but was short on details of how to actually create these images. I was curious how to create animated GIFs using Revit so I looked into the process. It turns out it’s pretty easy, provided you’re systematic when creating your views and have access to photo-editing software, like PhotoShop. Step 1 – Create Views in Revit Animated GIFs work best when you use a consistent view point and change something within the view, like the visibility of elements or the cutting plane of a section box.

To start, I create the initial 3D view and turn on the section box. Once that’s done, I duplicate the view, move the section box into the building by about 20 feet and rename the view with an “02” suffix. Try to use at least 8 – 10 images. Step 2 – Export Images. 1000 Skies Full 360 panos all at 14,000 and 7000 wide. Cursos online gratuitos de arquitectura y diseño. Debido a la creciente popularidad de los cursos abiertos online masivos- o MOOCs como son comúnmente conocidos- el aprendizaje nunca ha sido tan fácil (o más conveniente).

Cursos online gratuitos de arquitectura y diseño

Sitios como Coursera y edX ofrecen clases gratuitas online de universidades acreditadas y prestigiosas de todo el mundo: Harvard, MIT y University of Hong Kong entre otras. Mientras que algunos cursos están más estructurados, incluyendo planes de estudio, tareas, exámenes y la opción de recibir un certificado al final; otros pueden ser ajustados a tu propio ritmo- tienen un enfoque más independiente. Volviendo a nuestro popular artículo Cuatro maneras de aprender sobre Arquitectura de forma gratuita, hemos compilado una lista de cursos online relacionados con la arquitectura, la ingeniería, el urbanismo y el diseño. Si estas buscando embarcarte en un nuevo desafío o extenderte en un tema ya conocido, conoce estos cursos online gratuitos, después del salto.
